This is disgusting. People are treating hurricanes like a payday, where they get paid a profit for any minor inconvenience.My son lives in Greenville, S.C. and he lost power for about a week and lost all of the food in his refrigerator and freezer. FEMA is supposed to cover 750 dollars of the loss but FEMA has not responded to his loss.
With Sandy, I lost power for a week. Sure the food in my refrigerator went bad, and was thrown out. I paid the $50 lose myself, and did not try to charge the government.
The $750 is for extreme problems. People who lose their homes, and have children that are starving to death. They need $750 just to survive, and there is not enough time to check too much of their information. Later, when more money is paid to them, things will be checked in greater detail.
This has all given an opportunity for dishonest alt right extremists to claim $750 losses due to minor inconveniences, and get paid without it being checked. They are stealing money from America, and those in need. And now they are DEMANDING we give them the stolen money.
They should arrest Earl's son.