FEMA is doing nothing....

My son lives in Greenville, S.C. and he lost power for about a week and lost all of the food in his refrigerator and freezer. FEMA is supposed to cover 750 dollars of the loss but FEMA has not responded to his loss.
This is disgusting. People are treating hurricanes like a payday, where they get paid a profit for any minor inconvenience.

With Sandy, I lost power for a week. Sure the food in my refrigerator went bad, and was thrown out. I paid the $50 lose myself, and did not try to charge the government.

The $750 is for extreme problems. People who lose their homes, and have children that are starving to death. They need $750 just to survive, and there is not enough time to check too much of their information. Later, when more money is paid to them, things will be checked in greater detail.

This has all given an opportunity for dishonest alt right extremists to claim $750 losses due to minor inconveniences, and get paid without it being checked. They are stealing money from America, and those in need. And now they are DEMANDING we give them the stolen money.

They should arrest Earl's son.
This is disgusting. People are treating hurricanes like a payday, where they get paid a profit for any minor inconvenience.

With Sandy, I lost power for a week. Sure the food in my refrigerator went bad, and was thrown out. I paid the $50 lose myself, and did not try to charge the government.

The $750 is for extreme problems. People who lose their homes, and have children that are starving to death. They need $750 just to survive, and there is not enough time to check too much of their information. Later, when more money is paid to them, things will be checked in greater detail.

This has all given an opportunity for dishonest alt right extremists to claim $750 losses due to minor inconveniences, and get paid without it being checked. They are stealing money from America, and those in need. And now they are DEMANDING we give them the stolen money.

They should arrest Earl's son.
You lost $50 worth of food? You don't keep anything in the refrigerator or freezer?
People are stealing $$ from America and those in need...but it's not the ones who have been through devastating storms...
You lost $50 worth of food? You don't keep anything in the refrigerator or freezer?
People are stealing $$ from America and those in need...but it's not the ones who have been through devastating storms...
Yes, I do not keep millions of dollars in food in my refrigerator.
You said $50, though...break that down, and you'll understand why I had to comment...
It really does not matter if it was $50 or $150, my family was not starving to death. It was an inconvenience.

If my refrigerator breaks, and I lose everything in my refrigerator, should the government immediately rush in with $750? How about if I get a flat tire?

I did not demand $750 for Hurricane Sandy, or even one penny, because it would have been dishonest to do so. Life is fully of minor inconveniences. We should reserve expedited emergency help for the real extreme emergencies.
It really does not matter if it was $50 or $150, my family was not starving to death. It was an inconvenience.

If my refrigerator breaks, and I lose everything in my refrigerator, should the government immediately rush in with $750? How about if I get a flat tire?

I did not demand $750 for Hurricane Sandy, or even one penny, because it would have been dishonest to do so. Life is fully of minor inconveniences. We should reserve expedited emergency help for the real extreme emergencies.
$50 or $150 (just as ridiculous, btw)....you are just making stuff up...
These storms are real emergencies, btw....
But Let's talk about reserving money for "real" emergencies. and real Americans..food, housing, phones, clothing, medical, etc...How about that?
$50 or $150 (just as ridiculous, btw)....you are just making stuff up...
What is the rough value of everything in your refrigerator? Now assume you know it will go bad, and you will prioritize eating as much as possible of it before it goes bad. How much food will you actually lose.

There is something in my refrigerator that has gone bad. I refuse to be the one to figure out what, because I earn the money to put everything in that refrigerator. Anyway, do I deserve a government check when we figure out what it is?

These storms are real emergencies, btw....
Yes, for some people. For others it is just a minor inconvenience. For still more, it is a news item. Does everyone who read a news article about the storms deserve a check for $750?
What is the rough value of everything in your refrigerator? Now assume you know it will go bad, and you will prioritize eating as much as possible of it before it goes bad. How much food will you actually lose.

There is something in my refrigerator that has gone bad. I refuse to be the one to figure out what, because I earn the money to put everything in that refrigerator. Anyway, do I deserve a government check when we figure out what it is?

Yes, for some people. For others it is just a minor inconvenience. For still more, it is a news item. Does everyone who read a news article about the storms deserve a check for $750?
You have a family, don't you? If so, there's more than $50 or $150 of food in your frig and freezer unless you're shopping every other day...
if you don't want the check in an extreme emergency, don't take it...but yes, it is deserved...
Let's cut out the checks for non-Americans non emergencies, though...You must agree with that if you deny Hurricane/tornado victims...
You have a family, don't you? If so, there's more than $50 or $150 of food in your frig and freezer unless you're shopping every other day...
if you don't want the check in an extreme emergency, don't take it...but yes, it is deserved...
Let's cut out the checks for non-Americans non emergencies, though...
Worth remembering that we had several days to eat what we could out of the refrigerator.
Worth remembering that we had several days to eat what we could out of the refrigerator.
Several days? Not with complete safety, particularly if you have children...What's a safe temp for perishable food? Raw? Cooked?
And when it was gone, you would need to replace with non-perishables...because you have no place to safely store things...
Several days? Not with complete safety, particularly if you have children...What's a safe temp for perishable food? Raw? Cooked?
And when it was gone, you would need to replace with non-perishables...because you have no place to safely store things...
You know people did survive before refrigerators?
Yes, I do....Tell me though...How did you handle things, and for how long? With your $50 loss?
You claim I had more losses than $50. Maybe you are right. It might have been $150. I cannot imagine it was $250, but maybe it was. It was certainly not $750.

And even if it were $750, the expedited checks from FEMA are not for any losses, it is for extremely immediate emergencies that cannot be survived without a bit of money to make it through. It is not a payday for having experienced a mild inconvenience.
You claim I had more losses than $50. Maybe you are right. It might have been $150. I cannot imagine it was $250, but maybe it was. It was certainly not $750.

And even if it were $750, the expedited checks from FEMA are not for any losses, it is for extremely immediate emergencies that cannot be survived without a bit of money to make it through. It is not a payday for having experienced a mild inconvenience.
Simply add up what's in the frig and freezer...and remember...
The $750 is just not for food...
But you're missing the point...unless you are going to say that no money is "deserved" unless it is an apocalypse...
And that no money should go to non-Americans at all...
Simply add up what's in the frig and freezer...and remember...
The $750 is just not for food...
But you're missing the point...unless you are going to say that no money is "deserved" unless it is an apocalypse...
And that no money should go to non-Americans at all...
We are talking about people trying to make a profit off being in the general vicinity of a hurricane. It is disgraceful.
This is disgusting. People are treating hurricanes like a payday, where they get paid a profit for any minor inconvenience.

With Sandy, I lost power for a week. Sure the food in my refrigerator went bad, and was thrown out. I paid the $50 lose myself, and did not try to charge the government.

The $750 is for extreme problems. People who lose their homes, and have children that are starving to death. They need $750 just to survive, and there is not enough time to check too much of their information. Later, when more money is paid to them, things will be checked in greater detail.

This has all given an opportunity for dishonest alt right extremists to claim $750 losses due to minor inconveniences, and get paid without it being checked. They are stealing money from America, and those in need. And now they are DEMANDING we give them the stolen money.

They should arrest Earl's son.

Unreal. Someone needs to be told that FEMA SPECIFICALLY does not cover lost food. Buy a fucking generator. His son is supposedly a multi millionaire and he wants welfare to replace the food in his refrigerator. What an entitled asshole.
You have a family, don't you? If so, there's more than $50 or $150 of food in your frig and freezer unless you're shopping every other day...
if you don't want the check in an extreme emergency, don't take it...but yes, it is deserved...
Let's cut out the checks for non-Americans non emergencies, though...You must agree with that if you deny Hurricane/tornado victims...

FEMA DOES NOT COVER LOST FOOD. That is not an emergency that is a lack of preparation. You want FEMA to pay everyone who lost electricity? I don’t. What an entitled attitude. Buy ice. Buy a generator. Don’t look for a handout.
More evidence on why Pmp isn't a Christian like he claims. Sad.
How would that be evidence of this? You don't know much about the religion, but Christians believe that all of them will fall short of the Glory of god, so when one does it isn't evidence of what they believe or don't believe, it is only evidence that everyone fails to meet that measure, just as their religion says.
How would that be evidence of this? You don't know much about the religion, but Christians believe that all of them will fall short of the Glory of god, so when one does it isn't evidence of what they believe or don't believe, it is only evidence that everyone fails to meet that measure, just as their religion says.
Everyone falls short of God. My interest is in those who don't even try to be better. Worse, are those who claim to be Christians and then go out of their way to act against the tenets of Chrisitianity.

don't pretend you aren't voting demmycunt.....
that would be the Demmycunt I am referring to.......
silly demmycunt......I'm showing YOURS.......