Fillthebong and joinalong

It's a requirement. You can't refuse to take the test for pre-employment screening. I had to do it when I was in WA for two of my jobs as well. They make you sign a document authorizing the test during pre-employment. If you don't sign the document, you don't get considered for the position. You also have to authorize, at pre-employment their right to random drug test you whenever they want. Now, that's never happened to me - I think they want the option if an employee starts behaving erratically to find out if the reason is drugs.

Of course one can refuse to sign anything, but then you don't get either the interview or the job if you refuse.

I understand that, but I always put my rights ahead of a Companies fascist hiring policys
Yet, you did not pay attention to the rest of the paragraph which was more important than the first part of the paragraph.

The study in New Zealand says “maybe the cause”…no definitive proof.

Given the Maori don't use tobacco much, if at all, and are some of the world's heaviest pot smokers... The links I posted are hardly some definitive, absolute on the subject, but they show a range of detriments to using marijuana that are equal to or worse than using tobacco or alcohol. Yes, more study of this is needed, and much of what exists was difficult to do due to marijuana being illegal for so long.

I think it would be wise to err on the side of caution rather than dismiss or marginalize these studies. Early on in the 20th century, when studies on the effects of tobacco use were first being done, the same sort of stuff came up where proponents of its use downplayed the effects that were becoming apparent.
I understand that, but I always put my rights ahead of a Companies fascist hiring policys

Translated: I AM unemployed and live in my parent's basement because nobody will hire my lazy, pot addled ass...

As for drug testing... That makes sense for many companies. What trucking company would want to hire a driver who uses illicit drugs or regularly smokes pot? The liability alone for that is enough to make them not want to hire such persons. Would a company engaged in precision work using machinery like machine shops want to hire someone who shows up for work under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
How about airlines? Want your pilot on a plane to be stoned while flying it?

Those aren't "fascist hiring policies," they are common sense ones. Companies don't want the liability on workman's comp., the potential for lawsuits if someone gets injured or killed, and the potential for work to be substandard by an employee who is high or drunk.
Translated: I AM unemployed and live in my parent's basement because nobody will hire my lazy, pot addled ass...

As for drug testing... That makes sense for many companies. What trucking company would want to hire a driver who uses illicit drugs or regularly smokes pot? The liability alone for that is enough to make them not want to hire such persons. Would a company engaged in precision work using machinery like machine shops want to hire someone who shows up for work under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
How about airlines? Want your pilot on a plane to be stoned while flying it?

Those aren't "fascist hiring policies," they are common sense ones. Companies don't want the liability on workman's comp., the potential for lawsuits if someone gets injured or killed, and the potential for work to be substandard by an employee who is high or drunk.

Translation I worked for 45years! And you're assumptions make you a fool!
Translated: I AM unemployed and live in my parent's basement because nobody will hire my lazy, pot addled ass...

As for drug testing... That makes sense for many companies. What trucking company would want to hire a driver who uses illicit drugs or regularly smokes pot? The liability alone for that is enough to make them not want to hire such persons. Would a company engaged in precision work using machinery like machine shops want to hire someone who shows up for work under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
How about airlines? Want your pilot on a plane to be stoned while flying it?

Those aren't "fascist hiring policies," they are common sense ones. Companies don't want the liability on workman's comp., the potential for lawsuits if someone gets injured or killed, and the potential for work to be substandard by an employee who is high or drunk.

Innocent till proven guilty! Not prove you're innocent!
It's a two way street! They don't have to hire me! I don't have to work for them!
You are an idiot. I know about the history of the world from reading about it, not experiencing it personally. Personal experience is often not a very good indicator of knowledge on a subject.

What a fuck joke you are! You're an expert on something you have no personal experience with!
But you read one side of the issue and completely ignore the other side of the issue!
As for drug testing... That makes sense for many companies. What trucking company would want to hire a driver who uses illicit drugs or regularly smokes pot?

Or drinks ALCOHOL! That stuff is REALLY bad and causes COUNTLESS deaths on the road every year. Just awful stuff.

Those aren't "fascist hiring policies," they are common sense ones.

Why don't they make alcohol illegal then?

Companies don't want the liability on workman's comp., the potential for lawsuits if someone gets injured or killed, and the potential for work to be substandard by an employee who is high or drunk.

Agreed! Let's make alcohol illegal!
Or drinks ALCOHOL! That stuff is REALLY bad and causes COUNTLESS deaths on the road every year. Just awful stuff.
Why don't they make alcohol illegal then?
Agreed! Let's make alcohol illegal!

I once heard this from a cop that was doing DUI lectures. If alcohol was invented yesterday, it'd be illegal too. But alcohol wasn't invented yesterday and is so much an ingrained part of society it is a vice that is allowed and accepted even if discouraged.

Having a drink every now and then is no big deal. Smoking a joint every now and then is no big deal. Having a cigar or cigarette every now and then is no big deal. It becomes a big deal when someone abuses these and the degree to which that's true varies some with each.

The other problem with marijuana versus alcohol is that THC stays in your system for up to 30 days versus alcohol that is processed and gone within hours. The issue here is one of liability in society. For example, you have a bus driver who drinks on Saturday and gets drunk. By Monday when he drives he's sober. Another bus driver does a few joints or whatever on Saturday, the THC is still present in his system on Monday and they both have an accident.
You can bet your ass that regardless of the level of THC found, the company and driver will be held libel for the accident regardless of fault (and we can say it wasn't the driver's fault). The company will still get sued left and right for injuries and such. On the other hand, the driver who used alcohol is found sober so he is held blameless. This is a major problem with marijuana v. alcohol. Whether you like it or not, that's how civil law works and companies know it. So, they hold employees to a zero tolerance on drug use for insurance purposes.
Alcohol is too easy to make to make it illegal

It has many uses

MJ can help people get the relief from tensions that they seek with alcohol

Without all the disease it causes

You can wake and bake at 6 am if you choose

Then drive anywhere unaffected a mere couple of hours later completely unimpaired

No so much with alcohol huh

Any citations or references? I'd be interested in seeing it.

Several studies have linked marijuana use to increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including psychosis (schizophrenia), depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, but whether and to what extent it actually causes these conditions is not always easy to determine. conditions is not always easy to determine.

Marijuana use, especially frequently (daily or nearly daily) and in high doses, can cause disorientation and sometimes unpleasant thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

People who use marijuana are more likely to develop temporary psychosis (not knowing what is real, hallucinations, and paranoia) and long-lasting mental disorders, including schizophrenia (a type of mental illness where people might see or hear things that are not really there). The association between marijuana and schizophrenia is stronger in people who start using marijuana at an earlier age and use marijuana more frequently.

Marijuana use has also been linked to depression; social anxiety; and thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts, and suicide.

The Link Between High THC Marijuana and Psychiatric Disorders

Cannabis and psychiatric disorders: it is not only addiction