Fillthebong and joinalong

Several studies have linked marijuana use to increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including psychosis (schizophrenia), depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, but whether and to what extent it actually causes these conditions is not always easy to determine. conditions is not always easy to determine.

Marijuana use, especially frequently (daily or nearly daily) and in high doses, can cause disorientation and sometimes unpleasant thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

People who use marijuana are more likely to develop temporary psychosis (not knowing what is real, hallucinations, and paranoia) and long-lasting mental disorders, including schizophrenia (a type of mental illness where people might see or hear things that are not really there). The association between marijuana and schizophrenia is stronger in people who start using marijuana at an earlier age and use marijuana more frequently.

Marijuana use has also been linked to depression; social anxiety; and thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts, and suicide.

The Link Between High THC Marijuana and Psychiatric Disorders

Cannabis and psychiatric disorders: it is not only addiction


Then there's this article:

"Research using longitudinal data from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions examined associations between marijuana use, mood and anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders. After adjusting for various confounding factors, no association between marijuana use and mood and anxiety disorders was found. The only significant associations were increased risk of alcohol use disorders, nicotine dependence, marijuana use disorder, and other drug use disorders." (SOURCE) (Emphasis added)

Now it may be that there IS a relationship, but it sounds like the studies are still coming in. It's an interesting topic and one that will likely come to the fore over time as more states legalize marijuana.

At the end of the day if we, as a society, want to eliminate any deleterious effects from drugs usage we should definitely START with alcohol which, as we know perfectly well, is the source of so much agony, pain and death.

Here's an interesting study that shows that at least one psychological disorder (OCD) may actually be ameliorated by THC:

"Results: Patients reported a 60% reduction in compulsions, a 49% reduction in intrusions, and a 52% reduction in anxiety from before to after inhaling cannabis. Higher concentrations of CBD and higher doses predicted larger reductions in compulsions."

That's pretty interesting. Might be a BENEFIT.

I'm all for more investigations and, if we choose to allow much more dangerous drugs like alcohol to be consumed by informed adults we can make informed decisions overall.
Several studies have linked marijuana use to increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including psychosis (schizophrenia), depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, but whether and to what extent it actually causes these conditions is not always easy to determine. conditions is not always easy to determine.

Marijuana use, especially frequently (daily or nearly daily) and in high doses, can cause disorientation and sometimes unpleasant thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

People who use marijuana are more likely to develop temporary psychosis (not knowing what is real, hallucinations, and paranoia) and long-lasting mental disorders, including schizophrenia (a type of mental illness where people might see or hear things that are not really there). The association between marijuana and schizophrenia is stronger in people who start using marijuana at an earlier age and use marijuana more frequently.

Marijuana use has also been linked to depression; social anxiety; and thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts, and suicide.

The Link Between High THC Marijuana and Psychiatric Disorders

Cannabis and psychiatric disorders: it is not only addiction

Third hand one sided information, do your own research!

Then there's this article:

"Research using longitudinal data from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions examined associations between marijuana use, mood and anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders. After adjusting for various confounding factors, no association between marijuana use and mood and anxiety disorders was found. The only significant associations were increased risk of alcohol use disorders, nicotine dependence, marijuana use disorder, and other drug use disorders." (SOURCE) (Emphasis added)

Now it may be that there IS a relationship, but it sounds like the studies are still coming in. It's an interesting topic and one that will likely come to the fore over time as more states legalize marijuana.

At the end of the day if we, as a society, want to eliminate any deleterious effects from drugs usage we should definitely START with alcohol which, as we know perfectly well, is the source of so much agony, pain and death.

Here's an interesting study that shows that at least one psychological disorder (OCD) may actually be ameliorated by THC:

"Results: Patients reported a 60% reduction in compulsions, a 49% reduction in intrusions, and a 52% reduction in anxiety from before to after inhaling cannabis. Higher concentrations of CBD and higher doses predicted larger reductions in compulsions."

That's pretty interesting. Might be a BENEFIT.

I'm all for more investigations and, if we choose to allow much more dangerous drugs like alcohol to be consumed by informed adults we can make informed decisions overall.

That's the problem here. For decades it was nearly impossible to do large scale studies on marijuana because it was illegal. Now with widespread legality, those studies are starting to be done. What was previously done were limited studies that were difficult to perform because of the illegality of marijuana. I'd say that the results are going to be much like studies on tobacco and the results won't argue in favor of marijuana being safe in any way.
That's the problem here. For decades it was nearly impossible to do large scale studies on marijuana because it was illegal. Now with widespread legality, those studies are starting to be done. What was previously done were limited studies that were difficult to perform because of the illegality of marijuana. I'd say that the results are going to be much like studies on tobacco and the results won't argue in favor of marijuana being safe in any way.

And if it comes out that Weed is really bad for people I hope they ensure it is eliminated. And, of course, at the same time alcohol will be made illegal. It is a KNOWN killer.

Overall I think what we are seeing is what you indicate: as pot becomes more legal across the US more studies can be run (funny how politics can keep science from happening isn't it?) but I suspect the results will be difficult to interpret overall. I can see a role for pot doing some good as well as some harm. It's hard to think of it as horrifically toxic and dangerous as alcohol, but maybe when it is as commonly abused as alcohol it will show a darker side.
That's the problem here. For decades it was nearly impossible to do large scale studies on marijuana because it was illegal. Now with widespread legality, those studies are starting to be done. What was previously done were limited studies that were difficult to perform because of the illegality of marijuana. I'd say that the results are going to be much like studies on tobacco and the results won't argue in favor of marijuana being safe in any way.

FYI people been using the plant Marijuana for thousands of years before Harry Ansingler pushed Prohibition through a Congress that few knew a thing about Marijuana, but Black and Brown people used it so Whites assumed it had to be bad! Not to mention bullshit like
Reefer Madness scaring the shit out of mainstream White America
Several studies have linked marijuana use to increased risk for psychiatric disorders, including psychosis (schizophrenia), depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders, but whether and to what extent it actually causes these conditions is not always easy to determine. conditions is not always easy to determine.

Marijuana use, especially frequently (daily or nearly daily) and in high doses, can cause disorientation and sometimes unpleasant thoughts or feelings of anxiety and paranoia.

People who use marijuana are more likely to develop temporary psychosis (not knowing what is real, hallucinations, and paranoia) and long-lasting mental disorders, including schizophrenia (a type of mental illness where people might see or hear things that are not really there). The association between marijuana and schizophrenia is stronger in people who start using marijuana at an earlier age and use marijuana more frequently.

Marijuana use has also been linked to depression; social anxiety; and thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts, and suicide.

The Link Between High THC Marijuana and Psychiatric Disorders

Cannabis and psychiatric disorders: it is not only addiction

Links and hints and maybes aren't science. Now that it is legal in more places, I'm hoping that more research can be done into the claims of curing/helping with various ailments, side effects, therapeutic dosages, etc.

But not by pharmaceutical companies! They'll just patent it and then lobby to make it illegal again.
That's the problem here. For decades it was nearly impossible to do large scale studies on marijuana because it was illegal. Now with widespread legality, those studies are starting to be done. What was previously done were limited studies that were difficult to perform because of the illegality of marijuana. I'd say that the results are going to be much like studies on tobacco and the results won't argue in favor of marijuana being safe in any way.

I believe that just the opposite will be true. Some claims that now that MJ helps with some disorders will be discovered to be false. But other positive uses for it will be verified, and new ones found as well. I don't doubt that some side effects will also be identified.

There is nothing wrong with being an informed adult using responsibly.
FYI people been using the plant Marijuana for thousands of years before Harry Ansingler pushed Prohibition through a Congress that few knew a thing about Marijuana, but Black and Brown people used it so Whites assumed it had to be bad! Not to mention bullshit like
Reefer Madness scaring the shit out of mainstream White America

People used alcohol for thousands of years as did native peoples in the Americas use cocoa leaves and tobacco. We know today that these all have bad properties, as well as good. Laws against tobacco are no more (eg., not) racist than laws against tobacco, alcohol, or cocoa leaves. It is you that is full of shit for trying to make this out to be some racist thing, you bigoted idiot.
I believe that just the opposite will be true. Some claims that now that MJ helps with some disorders will be discovered to be false. But other positive uses for it will be verified, and new ones found as well. I don't doubt that some side effects will also be identified.

There is nothing wrong with being an informed adult using responsibly.

As have been found with tobacco and alcohol, but the negatives outweigh the positives. The biggest problem I see with marijuana is that THC stays in your system for up to 30 days. That is a legal issue with immense problems attached to it. I see no way around that issue either.
As have been found with tobacco and alcohol, but the negatives outweigh the positives. The biggest problem I see with marijuana is that THC stays in your system for up to 30 days. That is a legal issue with immense problems attached to it. I see no way around that issue either.

If MJ is legal than drug testing won't be as big of a thing. Eventually employers will treat it like they treat ETOH: If you are impaired while on the job, you face consequences, but it won't be a bar to being hired in the first place. Any citizen who wants a job at a company that drug-tests has a choice to make: Quit using, or look elsewhere.
If MJ is legal than drug testing won't be as big of a thing. Eventually employers will treat it like they treat ETOH: If you are impaired while on the job, you face consequences, but it won't be a bar to being hired in the first place. Any citizen who wants a job at a company that drug-tests has a choice to make: Quit using, or look elsewhere.

The problem is that for many jobs, any use would be unacceptable. That means you couldn't use marijuana at all, EVER, because THC stays in your system up to 30 days. You can have a beer or a drink or three on Saturday and on Monday be totally sober. You can't do that with marijuana.
People used alcohol for thousands of years as did native peoples in the Americas use cocoa leaves and tobacco. We know today that these all have bad properties, as well as good. Laws against tobacco are no more (eg., not) racist than laws against tobacco, alcohol, or cocoa leaves. It is you that is full of shit for trying to make this out to be some racist thing, you bigoted idiot.

Your rant aside, race/poverty *are* one big reason that MJ was made illegal.

The Evolution Of Cannabis: Why Was Hemp Made Illegal?

For the record, hemp has deep historical roots in America long before 1937. American colonies encouraged — and in some cases, even mandated — that farmers grow hemp. President George Washington grew hemp at Mount Vernon. Cannabis, more generally, was widely utilized for medicinal purposes, and listed in the United States Pharmacopeia from 1850 through 1937.

In the early 1900s, social attitudes toward marijuana shifted. Racist ideas spread associating marijuana and its perceived dangers with immigrants. By the 1930s, government drug warriors (most famously, Harry Anslinger) played on this through propaganda and conspiracy to raise public fear. This was a platform to assault the legality of cannabis.
People used alcohol for thousands of years as did native peoples in the Americas use cocoa leaves and tobacco. We know today that these all have bad properties, as well as good. Laws against tobacco are no more (eg., not) racist than laws against tobacco, alcohol, or cocoa leaves. It is you that is full of shit for trying to make this out to be some racist thing, you bigoted idiot.

Smoking anything isn't good for your lungs! Cocoa leaves are fine,it's when you take them and make the drug Cocaine problems start.again with Alcohol,potatoes,corn,Rye are fine,but when you make alcohol the trouble starts!
The problem is that for many jobs, any use would be unacceptable. That means you couldn't use marijuana at all, EVER, because THC stays in your system up to 30 days. You can have a beer or a drink or three on Saturday and on Monday be totally sober. You can't do that with marijuana.

That is true. What does that have to do with legalizing it? Are you afraid people just won't work and will sit around stoned and on welfare?
You're not high 30 days!

Doesn't matter. As an example, you have an airline pilot who smokes some weed on Friday. On Monday he is flying a plane and it crashes. His body gets tested and some amount of THC is found present. Every lawyer in the country is going to sue that airline blind for having a pilot who was "stoned" flying the plane, and saying he wasn't is going to be an incredibly high hurdle to try and overcome for the airline. Thus, ANY amount becomes too much for such businesses. That includes all commercial drivers, all professional pilots, anyone operating machinery that is hazardous, even jobs like roofing. No company wants the liability of having a worker with THC in their system.
Doesn't matter. As an example, you have an airline pilot who smokes some weed on Friday. On Monday he is flying a plane and it crashes. His body gets tested and some amount of THC is found present. Every lawyer in the country is going to sue that airline blind for having a pilot who was "stoned" flying the plane, and saying he wasn't is going to be an incredibly high hurdle to try and overcome for the airline. Thus, ANY amount becomes too much for such businesses. That includes all commercial drivers, all professional pilots, anyone operating machinery that is hazardous, even jobs like roofing. No company wants the liability of having a worker with THC in their system.

Oh I see! Corporate Capitalism can take our rights!
Oh I see! Corporate Capitalism can take our rights!

You have no right to smoke marijuana or use alcohol, or tobacco. Instead, these are products that are regulated. You can no more be drunk than high on a job. The difference between alcohol and marijuana is the time that measurable amounts remain in your body. The time period for marijuana is so long that any use remains detectable for weeks and that presents a serious legal liability problem for employers. Thus, they drug test and prohibit use. They'd fire someone for showing up drunk too, but that means the person imbibed shortly before coming to work.
You have no right to smoke marijuana or use alcohol, or tobacco. Instead, these are products that are regulated. You can no more be drunk than high on a job. The difference between alcohol and marijuana is the time that measurable amounts remain in your body. The time period for marijuana is so long that any use remains detectable for weeks and that presents a serious legal liability problem for employers. Thus, they drug test and prohibit use. They'd fire someone for showing up drunk too, but that means the person imbibed shortly before coming to work.

Wake up to the real world, not everyone is a airplane pilot,or willing to give up there leisure time for a company.
And some companies have found that drug testing is costing them money.
Example my youngest son worked at Fed Ex Warehouse and Shipping. They stopped testing for Marijuana because they couldn't get young men to work!Other companies are doing the same, especially since medical cards are available! Times are changing!
Wake up to the real world, not everyone is a airplane pilot,or willing to give up there leisure time for a company.
And some companies have found that drug testing is costing them money.
Example my youngest son worked at Fed Ex Warehouse and Shipping. They stopped testing for Marijuana because they couldn't get young men to work!Other companies are doing the same, especially since medical cards are available! Times are changing!

Use some real jobs that pay real money versus some day labor job that requires you show up warm and breathing...