Fillthebong and joinalong

The world needs ditch diggers too! All work has honor!
Elitist cocksuckers like you are disgusting

Today, digging a ditch is done with


And the guy doing it can't be stoned or drunk and is making $30 to $50 an hour digging it.

The world no longer needs

If MJ is legal than drug testing won't be as big of a thing. Eventually employers will treat it like they treat ETOH: If you are impaired while on the job, you face consequences, but it won't be a bar to being hired in the first place. Any citizen who wants a job at a company that drug-tests has a choice to make: Quit using, or look elsewhere.

When I was working in WA I was drug tested for 2 jobs and employers didn't give a rip about mj. I'm still wondering how I passed the drug test for my job here in TX. My guess is they overlooked the result - or there's a small chance I came up with a false negative. During the background search inquiry I lied and said I didn't use it. So that's two "party fouls". Two of the guys I work with told me they used fake pee they bought at a smoke shop.

I still have a buttload of weed I purchased in CO a couple of months ago but haven't used it in case I have to switch jobs. I'm not going to do the "fake pee" thing.
When I was working in WA I was drug tested for 2 jobs and employers didn't give a rip about mj. I'm still wondering how I passed the drug test for my job here in TX. My guess is they overlooked the result - or there's a small chance I came up with a false negative. During the background search inquiry I lied and said I didn't use it. So that's two "party fouls". Two of the guys I work with told me they used fake pee they bought at a smoke shop.

I still have a buttload of weed I purchased in CO a couple of months ago but haven't used it in case I have to switch jobs. I'm not going to do the "fake pee" thing.

The drug-addicted (Vicodin) ER doctor who killed my late husband said in his deposition that he used "family members'" urine for drug screens. He got caught writing scripts for ER patients but not giving them to the patients, and writing them for "family members" who then gave him the pills. He lost his license, went to rehab, and got it back -- and was using the night he let him die.
The drug-addicted (Vicodin) ER doctor who killed my late husband said in his deposition that he used "family members'" urine for drug screens. He got caught writing scripts for ER patients but not giving them to the patients, and writing them for "family members" who then gave him the pills. He lost his license, went to rehab, and got it back -- and was using the night he let him die.

OMG! That's horrible! I'm so sorry! I hope the Doc gets what's coming to him! I cannot believe he got back his license!
Smoking anything isn't good for your lungs! Cocoa leaves are fine,it's when you take them and make the drug Cocaine problems start.again with Alcohol,potatoes,corn,Rye are fine,but when you make alcohol the trouble starts!

Most athletes use mj in one form or another. Both my trainers did. If it was that unhealthy, you'd think the trainers would have told me not to use.
Or drinks ALCOHOL! That stuff is REALLY bad and causes COUNTLESS deaths on the road every year. Just awful stuff.

Why don't they make alcohol illegal then?

Agreed! Let's make alcohol illegal!

My former neighbor is a truck driver. He uses fake pee to pass his tests. I doubt he's the the only truck driver who does that.
OMG! That's horrible! I'm so sorry! I hope the Doc gets what's coming to him! I cannot believe he got back his license!

It was 18 years ago. He lost his job at that hospital, got his ass sued, and now works in some scummy little town a couple hours drive from his expensive home in an affluent St. Louis suburb. He was employed by and fired from most of the large hospitals in the St. Louis area. Interestingly, last year I saw in our board of nursing's newsletter disciplinary action section that a female nurse with the same last name had HER license put on probation for failing to appear for a mandatory drug screen due to failing prior screens. The family that dopes together, eh?
Most athletes use mj in one form or another. Both my trainers did. If it was that unhealthy, you'd think the trainers would have told me not to use.

People have been using Marijuana as Medicine for 10'000 years! America's Marijuana laws are because of one man that didn't like Black and Brown people using it
Harry Anslinger!
People have been using Marijuana as Medicine for 10'000 years! America's Marijuana laws are because of one man that didn't like Black and Brown people using it
Harry Anslinger!

I don't miss it for some reason. I used to need it to sleep. I'm not sleeping well lately, but older people seldom do.