Fire Mountain

This had a price tag of 500 dollars lol

(sigh) I'm sure you and your Latte swilling chums love sitting around Auction Houses and bidding on 'nouveau' art done by one of your avant-garde friends from the 'trendy' part of town.
The rest of us 'little people' are trying to Change the Course of History. Could you put your stupid phone down for a minute and try to get on board?
I drove into DC around midnight, thinking my wife would love seeing Washington at night ... BIG FUCKING MISTAKE!
I got lost, she couldn't read a map, there's no street signs, WTF.
After about two hours I finally just followed a main road (I think it was Massachusetts Ave.) out of town.
What a fucking nightmare, it's like they STILL are trying to make it as confusing as heck to get around.
Somebody should take these mother fuckers to Las Vegas and show them what a 'tourist city' is suppose to look like. BIG, WELL LIT, STREET SIGNS.

I was watching a programme the other night about these two English TV presenters driving the length of the Ho Chi Minh trail, now that was something to behold. They started in Northern Vietnam, crossed over to Laos and back in Vietnam. They passed through areas that are still littered with unexploded ordnance.

I'm convinced now - I'm never going to stop posting my shitty drawings here out of spite


Well folks, ... if the Democrats lose this time around ... it's because their base is over-fed, distracted by shiny objects, and just has way too much money in their pockets.
$1200 for a discretionary purchase isn't that much chief.

I mean a smartphone is like a mandatory item in the world of today. Most people don't buy ones that have a value of less than $500. I'm upper middle class so, yeah, I buy a flagship phone. A flagship IPhone, which many posters on here have, is like the same price.

I bought my on credit anyway.

What's so "funny" (in an eye-rolling kind of way) is that right-wingers are the ones who bitch and moan about how the reason why they have a hard time making ends meet is because they pay too much in taxes. Then they brag about wasting their money on overpriced crap they can't really afford, like $1200 phones, over-sized gas guzzling pickup trucks, boats, jet skis for their spoiled brat kids, etc, etc, etc.

None of which they even need.

There are plenty of smart phones and even old school flip phones that would more than adequately fulfill all their communication needs, more moderately priced and fuel efficient trucks that would adequately handle all their work and hauling needs and less expensive junk for their spoiled kids.

But right-wingers tend to be the kind of people who (paraphrasing the late, great Jim Croce) " to wear their diamond rings up under everybody's nose"

With so many reasons to not take anything right-wingers say seriously, they keep on adding more.
I was watching a programme the other night about these two English TV presenters driving the length of the Ho Chi Minh trail, now that was something to behold. They started in Northern Vietnam, crossed over to Laos and back in Vietnam. They passed through areas that are still littered with unexploded ordnance.

Two fucking English cunts. Did they do anything useful? Or just report on working conditions for poor people?
(Hey, this could be an 'Adventure Trip' for you and the Family?) Plus 'bragging rights' about traversing the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
What's so "funny" (in an eye-rolling kind of way) is that right-wingers are the ones who bitch and moan about how the reason why they have a hard time making ends meet is because they pay too much in taxes. Then they brag about wasting their money on overpriced crap they can't really afford, like $1200 phones, over-sized gas guzzling pickup trucks, boats, jet skis for their spoiled brat kids, etc, etc, etc.

None of which they even need.

There are plenty of smart phones and even old school flip phones that would more than adequately fulfill all their communication needs, more moderately priced and fuel efficient trucks that would adequately handle all their work and hauling needs and less expensive junk for their spoiled kids.

But right-wingers tend to be the kind of people who (paraphrasing the late, great Jim Croce) " to wear their diamond rings up under everybody's nose"

With so many reasons to not take anything right-wingers say seriously, they keep on adding more.

It's nice to hear the 'Forum Aristocrats' talk about their latest acquisitions. A '$500 chair', that was great. I hope we get a bunch of pictures to go along with all this crap these people buy. Nothing says 'Politics Forum' better than the effects of Madison Avenue on the assorted Rubes here.
Maybe a thread or two with just pictures? Each boasting of the 'latest buying spree'? That would be great.
Two fucking English cunts. Did they do anything useful? Or just report on working conditions for poor people?
(Hey, this could be an 'Adventure Trip' for you and the Family?) Plus 'bragging rights' about traversing the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

I would like to hope that they opened people's eyes to the reality of Laos, hopefully they will donate money to mine clearance charities. There was one fascinating part where two US pilots came back to meet up with the enemy from that time. Their mission was to close the Mu Gia Pass between Vietnam and Laos.
Two fucking English cunts. Did they do anything useful? Or just report on working conditions for poor people?
(Hey, this could be an 'Adventure Trip' for you and the Family?) Plus 'bragging rights' about traversing the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

Why would you call them cunts, you know nothing about them?
No. I don't. You seem fascinated with the word/term 'cunt', so I like using it with you. (is there a problem?)

I never call women cunts, well apart from one who's now left the board. This is generally true of most English men, they reserve the word for other men. I wouldn't go to Australia if I were you, you'd be totally confused.

It's nice to hear the 'Forum Aristocrats' talk about their latest acquisitions. A '$500 chair', that was great. I hope we get a bunch of pictures to go along with all this crap these people buy. Nothing says 'Politics Forum' better than the effects of Madison Avenue on the assorted Rubes here.
Maybe a thread or two with just pictures? Each boasting of the 'latest buying spree'? That would be great.

Yeah, Dark Stool is one of the worst.

Tries so hard to make himself out to be a big time big shot, but just makes himself look pathetic.

"Boo hoo!!!! My taxes are just too high!!!! Oh look at my imaginary and unnecessary extravagance!!!"

Such bullshit.
I never call women cunts, well apart from one who's now left the board. This is generally true of most English men, they reserve the word for other men. I wouldn't go to Australia if I were you, you'd be totally confused.

hahahaha ... you can get 'fined' for using the word 'cunt'? hahahahahahahahahahahaha ... what a bunch of cunts.
Yeah, Dark Stool is one of the worst.

Tries so hard to make himself out to be a big time big shot, but just makes himself look pathetic.

"Boo hoo!!!! My taxes are just too high!!!! Oh look at my imaginary and unnecessary extravagance!!!"

Such bullshit.

Not to be sexist, but it's like watching women crow about buying their hundredth purse or pair of shoes. They really have bit into the 'Consumerism' hawked by Corporate America. Love It!!!
Not to be sexist, but it's like watching women crow about buying their hundredth purse or pair of shoes. They really have bit into the 'Consumerism' hawked by Corporate America. Love It!!!

I always just refer to that kind of right-wing macho bullshit "hey look at what a big shot I am" behavior as a dick wagging contest.

Break out the tape measure.
What's so "funny" (in an eye-rolling kind of way) is that right-wingers are the ones who bitch and moan about how the reason why they have a hard time making ends meet is because they pay too much in taxes. Then they brag about wasting their money on overpriced crap they can't really afford, like $1200 phones, over-sized gas guzzling pickup trucks, boats, jet skis for their spoiled brat kids, etc, etc, etc.

None of which they even need.

There are plenty of smart phones and even old school flip phones that would more than adequately fulfill all their communication needs, more moderately priced and fuel efficient trucks that would adequately handle all their work and hauling needs and less expensive junk for their spoiled kids.

But right-wingers tend to be the kind of people who (paraphrasing the late, great Jim Croce) " to wear their diamond rings up under everybody's nose"

With so many reasons to not take anything right-wingers say seriously, they keep on adding more.

My phone is the only luxury I have out of those. I use it as much more than a communication device.
hahahahahahaha .... 'macho'?

It seems more effeminate and gullible to me. The 'Advertisers' have it down to a Science, telling people what they 'need'. This is how you make money, getting people to buy shit, whether they need it or not.

Loved this Movie:

" "The Joneses", a social commentary on our consumerist society. Perfect couple Steve and Kate Jones, and their gorgeous teen-aged children Jenn and Mick, are the envy of their posh, suburban neighborhood filled with McMansions and all the trappings of the upper middle class. Kate is the ultimate trend setter - beautiful, sexy, dressed head-to-toe in designer labels. Steve is the admired successful businessman who has it all: a gorgeous wife, big house and an endless supply of high-tech toys. Jenn and Mick rule their new school as they embody all that is hip and trendy - cool clothes, fast cars and the latest gadgets. But as the neighbors try to keep up with the Joneses, none are prepared for the truth about this all- too perfect family."