Fire Mountain

My phone is the only luxury I have out of those. I use it as much more than a communication device.

You could use a cheap phone and get a decent tablet on top of it, accomplish what you need to and still have spent less than 50% of what you spent on your status symbol "look at me" phone.

Most (younger) people nowadays are spoiled and hooked on instant gratification. They can only think in terms of "I want that" while having virtually no ability to tell themselves "no, I don't need that".
You could use a cheap phone and get a decent tablet on top of it, accomplish what you need to and still have spent less than 50% of what you spent on your status symbol "look at me" phone.

Most (younger) people nowadays are spoiled and hooked on instant gratification. They can only think in terms of "I want that" while having virtually no ability to tell themselves "no, I don't need that".

On the other hand I live in the cheapest studio in the area and have saved thousands in my retirement fund already, but let's concentrate on my phone. Which is, btw, my sole mobile device.
On the other hand I live in the cheapest studio in the area and have saved thousands in my retirement fund already, but let's concentrate on my phone. Which is, btw, my sole mobile device.

Certainly none of my business, but have you thought about buying a house?
(The Shareholding Class likes 'Consumers' AND 'Renters')
You could use a cheap phone and get a decent tablet on top of it, accomplish what you need to and still have spent less than 50% of what you spent on your status symbol "look at me" phone.

Most (younger) people nowadays are spoiled and hooked on instant gratification. They can only think in terms of "I want that" while having virtually no ability to tell themselves "no, I don't need that".

Stick to tending lady gardens!
Certainly none of my business, but have you thought about buying a house?
(The Shareholding Class likes 'Consumers' AND 'Renters')

Many people in his position could possibly already own a home outright with no mortgage if they hadn't wasted so much money partying, eating out and buying expensive toys like $1200 phones.
Many people in his position could possibly already own a home outright with no mortgage if they hadn't wasted so much money partying, eating out and buying expensive toys like $1200 phones.

We have no idea what stage of Life he is at. Maybe he is 'young'. He seems to be aware of the Shareholding Class as being 'Parasites' that live off his spending habits.
Watermark is only in his twenties ffs, leave him alone!!

OK. He is vulnerable to the 'Parasites'. He's been indoctrinated by Madison Avenue. He may not be aware that every time he buys something, Cha-Ching, the Shareholding Class gets a cut of the Transaction.
OK. He is vulnerable to the 'Parasites'. He's been indoctrinated by Madison Avenue. He may not be aware that every time he buys something, Cha-Ching, the Shareholding Class gets a cut of the Transaction.

I used to work for T-Mobile and always got the latest phones for free. Sadly I have to pay for them now. I will probably buy a new one in Thailand or Vietnam.
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Certainly none of my business, but have you thought about buying a house?
(The Shareholding Class likes 'Consumers' AND 'Renters')

I'm too tepid. Not sure if I want to be attached to this area right now. You're right that as it is I am throwing money down the drain and not building equity. I try to build equity as much as possible through my retirement fund but it can't match a house at middle income pay levels.
Also just to point out, the 128gb version of the Note 9 is $999. Exactly the same price as the Iphone X. Unfortunately the price of flagships seems to be heading up and $1000 is the new normal. Tbh this is probably the last phone I'm going to get at this price point, I don't really need a feature set greater than this.
I'm too tepid. Not sure if I want to be attached to this area right now. You're right that as it is I am throwing money down the drain and not building equity. I try to build equity as much as possible through my retirement fund but it can't match a house at middle income pay levels.

If you might move, it's better to rent.
If you might move, it's better to rent.

My company is a really nice one and I love my boss and coworkers. But it's also a small company with little room to move up. Tbh I've probably stayed here too long as it is, I just don't like changing things.
What's so "funny" (in an eye-rolling kind of way) is that right-wingers are the ones who bitch and moan about how the reason why they have a hard time making ends meet is because they pay too much in taxes. Then they brag about wasting their money on overpriced crap they can't really afford, like $1200 phones, over-sized gas guzzling pickup trucks, boats, jet skis for their spoiled brat kids, etc, etc, etc.

None of which they even need.

There are plenty of smart phones and even old school flip phones that would more than adequately fulfill all their communication needs, more moderately priced and fuel efficient trucks that would adequately handle all their work and hauling needs and less expensive junk for their spoiled kids.

But right-wingers tend to be the kind of people who (paraphrasing the late, great Jim Croce) " to wear their diamond rings up under everybody's nose"

With so many reasons to not take anything right-wingers say seriously, they keep on adding more.

Go Boomer somewhere else. Preferably a grave..