Florida snatches parental authority!

It was NEVER a republi'can' position that it 'took a village'.

you are a retard.. the GOP has always agreed with child abuse laws dipshit. the village has always had a say

this debate is easy to resolve - that resolved it. we agree with state power to prevent child neglect. so fuck off shit stain gas lighting liars
you are a retard.. the GOP has always agreed with child abuse laws dipshit. the village has always had a say

this debate is easy to resolve - that resolved it. we agree with state power to prevent child neglect. so fuck off shit stain gas lighting liars

No shitstain, the GOP historically has ALWAYS touted itself as the party of limited government. The one that allowed parents to make the decisions for their families and not politicians and not judges.

Now the Magats have flipped it. They want the gov't dictating every aspect of what a parent and child can do. From what books they can read in a library. What they can hear in a history class. To when they can go on social media.

This is big, intrusive gov't in ways no one imagined prior.

At the same time, they continue to seek to weaken child labor laws, to ensure corporations can get them out of school and working younger, at lower wages.
You Republicans pretend to care about parental rights, when it suits your goals, otherwise who gives a shit.

No creditability.

But I expect nothing less from a liar.

This coming from the twit that supports allowing trans hormone treatment and counseling without parent's permission. :rolleyes:
No shitstain, the GOP historically has ALWAYS touted itself as the party of limited government. The one that allowed parents to make the decisions for their families and not politicians and not judges.

the GOP sides with child abuse laws at the state level idiot. debate over :laugh:
The problem is implementation. How is this going to be enforced?

Good question....kids will still lie..and parents will still ignore that....
Hopefully they will come up with a way to verify age
.. It might take a village to get this done. But it's gonna be so worth it to keep kids safe...
Descant is signed a new law in Florida making it illegal for children under 14 to have social media accounts, EVEN IF THEY HAVE PARENTAL PERMISSION!

I'd like to know how that nonsense will be enforced. All kids have to do is lie about their age when joining a platform. They don't ask for your birth certificate. Is Puss-in-White-Boots going to create a special cyber police force and search kids' cell phones for evidence of a social media presence? Will they confiscate their devices and send the perps to special DeSantis Re-education and Bible Camps, and make their parents pay for it? Or jail the parents, too? Will the makers and vendors of Internet-capable devices be concerned about profits? Won't Musk be mad? Will this affect #TRE45ON's social media platform adversely? Won't this make it hard for the Reichwingers to ̶b̶r̶a̶i̶n̶w̶a̶s̶h̶ educate young people about the glorious Gropingfuehrer and his yuge winningest plans for us all?
I guess you are against ratings for movies, books, and other media too...

What does that have to do with anything? Those ratings are guidance for parents. Reichwing fascists are all about PARENTS making the choices, aren't you? The ratings help them in that. Other than XXX movies, kids can still go to R-rated shows, check out books with sexual content or about Billy and his two daddies, read about real American history including slavery, etc. with parental permission. Looks like you fascists don't even want that now. The state must control our youth or the Fatherland will fall!
I'd like to know how that nonsense will be enforced. All kids have to do is lie about their age when joining a platform. They don't ask for your birth certificate. Is Puss-in-White-Boots going to create a special cyber police force and search kids' cell phones for evidence of a social media presence? Will they confiscate their devices and send the perps to special DeSantis Re-education and Bible Camps, and make their parents pay for it? Or jail the parents, too? Will the makers and vendors of Internet-capable devices be concerned about profits? Won't Musk be mad? Will this affect #TRE45ON's social media platform adversely? Won't this make it hard for the Reichwingers to ̶b̶r̶a̶i̶n̶w̶a̶s̶h̶ educate young people about the glorious Gropingfuehrer and his yuge winningest plans for us all?

the same way all abuse laws are enforced dipshit. if it can be proven that parents allowed things they should not allow, child services gets involved. things are investigated

the shitstains ~ "we've tried nothing and we are all out of ideas"
Absolutely... This is long overdue. If parents aren't going to be responsible for watching their children, someone has to....

Yes, let's get Big Brother to be everyone's mommy and daddy. Great plan there, Toxic. Spoken like the true fascist big-government Nazi that you are! You shall rise high in the hoped-for coming Fourth Reich!
Yes, let's get Big Brother to be everyone's mommy and daddy. Great plan there, Toxic. Spoken like the true fascist big-government Nazi that you are! You shall rise high in the hoped-for coming Fourth Reich!

child abuse laws are not new retardo

the community has always had a say in what is allowed in parenting

so kindly fuck off you gas lighting shit. what this boils down to is you turds like govenrment, but only when it goes your way.