I'd like to know how that nonsense will be enforced. All kids have to do is lie about their age when joining a platform. They don't ask for your birth certificate. Is Puss-in-White-Boots going to create a special cyber police force and search kids' cell phones for evidence of a social media presence? Will they confiscate their devices and send the perps to special DeSantis Re-education and Bible Camps, and make their parents pay for it? Or jail the parents, too? Will the makers and vendors of Internet-capable devices be concerned about profits? Won't Musk be mad? Will this affect #TRE45ON's social media platform adversely? Won't this make it hard for the Reichwingers to ̶b̶r̶a̶i̶n̶w̶a̶s̶h̶ educate young people about the glorious Gropingfuehrer and his yuge winningest plans for us all?