Debate re-opened shitstain.
No the GOP has always wanted big gov't OUT of their homes and to allow parents to raise kids.
false. you repeating a lie does not make it true. this is a state issue - and the GOP approves
Debate re-opened shitstain.
No the GOP has always wanted big gov't OUT of their homes and to allow parents to raise kids.
Good will still lie..and parents will still ignore that....
Hopefully they will come up with a way to verify age
.. It might take a village to get this done. But it's gonna be so worth it to keep kids safe...
child abuse laws are not new retardo
the community has always had a say in what is allowed in parenting
so kindly fuck off you gas lighting shit. what this boils down to is you turds like govenrment, but only when it goes your way.
the same way all abuse laws are enforced dipshit. if it can be proven that parents allowed things they should not allow, child services gets involved. things are investigated
the shitstains ~ "we've tried nothing and we are all out of ideas"
child abuse laws are not new retardo
the community has always had a say in what is allowed in parenting
so kindly fuck off you gas lighting shit. what this boils down to is you turds like govenrment, but only when it goes your way.
Descant is signed a new law in Florida making it illegal for children under 14 to have social media accounts, EVEN IF THEY HAVE PARENTAL PERMISSION!
Ratings still allow a kid to go if their parents go with them.
I do not believe in government snatching parental authority.
There is no definition that includes 'Social Media' as child abuse, and never will be.
YOu guys are okay with DeSantis taking away parents rights?
You Republicans pretend to care about parental rights, when it suits your goals, otherwise who gives a shit.
No creditability.
But I expect nothing less from a liar.
Ive been here longer than Death Santis.
Another good question... How nice it would be if parents and kids would just follow the rules... that are put in place for the safety of the children...I'm sure sites have ways to flag accounts that look suspect.... However, it works out it's going to be helpful in the long run... Some parents will be responsible... I'm not sure why any parent would not want to cooperate...How will they verify age?
Are you going to put that on the site providers, having to deal with every little difference of jurisdiction around the world, when they don't even know where the browser calling their site really is?
Can you see why Elon Musk is questioning this now?
And just how would you go about proving that when it comes to social media?
The law clearly states they will need a parent’s consent before they join a platform. WTF is wrong with you? That was rhetorical. Obviously, you watch too much MSNBC and Rachel Madcow.
I think NC-17 is a violation of free speech and wrong.
I don’t care if it’s ineffective, the law on its face takes away parental rights.
You hypocrites screamed when Tipper Gore tried to institute a rating system on music.
No prohibition on kids buying the music, just a rating system that would help parents decide if the music was okay for their child.
You are such Hippocrates.
This has nothing to do with Parental rights. It is about stopping harmful Social Media platforms which are designed to addict young minds. This is no different than banning drugs. ignites when taking an addictive substance.
And just how is this to be enforced? Who will make sure the parent consents, or that a browser accessing a social media website is being run by someone younger than 14? 16? This is, as you acknowledged, a State issue. What of other States, using different ages, or having no law at all? How will a social media website know where the browser is being run from?
I do not believe in government snatching parental authority.