For All You Climate Nutters Out There

To clarify.... people who live in cities that have trash on the street, shouldn't be concerned about concerned/worried about climate change?

Not until they clean up their own shitholes. Yes I believe you got it now.
Blatant lie (denial).

I don't believe you.

Making shit up won't work, Void.
What you believe is irrelevant to what is true. We were in NYC during COVID. We saw Lion King on Broadway and did exactly the walk I described.

Are you just committed to being wrong as often as possible.
You cannot prove fiction that way, Void!

I don't believe you. You are well known for making shit up.

Assumption of victory fallacy. Bulverism fallacy.
"I don't believe you. You are well known for making shit up"

Now that is funny.

What you believe is irrelevant. There isn't 400 years of trash in NYC. You, as usual, are talking out of your ass.

Again.. stop playing stupid.
You should see most of their homes. I'll never forget going to sell a job when I wore a young mans clothes at a couple of granola sandal wearing types and nearly vomited from the sites and smells I saw in their home. It was far worse than I could've imagined without seeing it myself.
Thanks for mentioning this. You are absolutely correct. Thankfully I haven't personally witnessed such sights, but I've seen pictures and the pictures alone are gross enough.
"I don't believe you. You are well known for making shit up"

Now that is funny.

What you believe is irrelevant. There isn't 400 years of trash in NYC. You, as usual, are talking out of your ass.

Again.. stop playing stupid.
I never said there was 400 years of trash in NYC, Void. You are hallucinating again.
But the place looks like shit. Trash and human waste piling up...
@gfm7175 apparently believes that trash and litter magically vanish from the streets
That's a rather odd conclusion to come to, especially since my opening post is about how there's trash and litter all over the streets/sidewalks/yards/etc...
because, clearly, if there was no trash being picked up, every major city would be over their heads in garbage.
Appealing to ridiculous extremes doesn't work. I have eyeballs. I can see all sorts of trash littered around everywhere I walk. I can see people's yards littered with empty beer cans. I can see people's used masks littered in parking lots. Those people, if they truly "cared about the environment", would pick up their own litter, STOP LITTERING in the future, and first focus on the littered state of their own city before worrying about so-called "Earth's climate".

Get your own room in order before worrying about the rooms of others.
Maybe there are some kind of magical garbage elves that come out of hiding at night and pick up all the trash?
There aren't. If there were, then the large filthy disgusting leftist cities would actually be clean instead of having trash littered everywhere.