Forum Alert! ... Forum Alert! ...

If you actually know her RL identity and are threatening her, I want you perm banned. And I will reoorr this post. You're sick.

Why do you think he's hunting so badly to find out shit about me? The guy is a total flake and wants to dox everyone who he doesn't agree with politically.
And that is why when I came here, I used an alias rather than real first initial/last name. It took Toxic all of 2-3 days after following me here to post my real last name. The mods removed all instances of that once they were notified. To the best of my recollection, Jack has never used my real name here or on Amazon. He knows what it is though.

He has your FB photos printed up and plastered over his entire bedroom wall.
He has your FB photos printed up and plastered over his entire bedroom wall.

Heheheheh... he would if he could access them! He definitely fantasizes about me, Christiefan, Phantasmal, and other women who disagree with him. Toxic Top shared at least one of my FB pics with her Cabal of Cunts on Amazon; I still have the posts gloating about it. Since then I've made my profile as private as FB allows -- and blocked her years ago as well. Of course, not knowing Jackass's real name, he could easily snoop mine out given that his butt-buddy Toxic shared my profile with him. Don't care. He hates his superiors. Especially those of us who happen to be female. But yeah, be careful about your real ID.
Aw don’t take it personal. You handed me a lob ball and swung for the fences. Just kidding.

I'm not. I got a 30 day ban for a comment that was questionable, at best. I did my time and came back and didn't bitch about it. Water under the bridge.

I now simply question the fact that I got 30 days for the first offense and Jack gets 30 days for his third. That, and I posted that comment in the morning, I
come back in the mid afternoon to find I'm banned. Pretty damn fast to have a "meeting of the minds," don't ya think?
And who squealed on me? I have no clue and don't care, but there sure had to be a hell of a lot of PM's flying to be banned that quickly.
But but but you said it was a liability, inferring that it was a mistake. Clearly it is not.

I designed it that way because I prefer it that way. Keeps short guys from looking in the window.


OK. It was just a suggestion. Just because it is allowed in the Code Book doesn't mean it is the best option.