Forum Alert! ... Forum Alert! ...

Hooray for you! Now get off our socialist roads and go build your own. Don't bother calling 911 for a cop or firefighter. Stay away from all public libraries. Build your own well, dig your own septic, grow/raise your own food -- don't eat any of the stuff WE'VE paid for and had inspected. And while you're at it, get the fuck off our Internet. :laugh:

My taxes pay for roads and cops. Our fire departments are volunteer. Water and sewer rates are monopolized. Us rural folk do grow/raise our own food, do city folk (LOL!)? You mean Algore's internet...
My taxes pay for roads and cops. Our fire departments are volunteer. Water and sewer rates are monopolized. Us rural folk do grow/raise our own food, do city folk (LOL!)? You mean Algore's internet...

Attempting to use logic, with Owl the bitch, is a waste of time; because all she wants to do is get you to reply, post some info, and then use it to denigrate you.

Apparently she did get enough of a thrill doing it to Top and now has decided to start in on you.

Not feeding into her lunacy is the best route, plus it will agitate her. :good4u:
Attempting to use logic, with Owl the bitch, is a waste of time; because all she wants to do is get you to reply, post some info, and then use it to denigrate you.

Apparently she did get enough of a thrill doing it to Top and now has decided to start in on you.

Not feeding into her lunacy is the best route, plus it will agitate her. :good4u:

Yeah. And I know Algore didn't "invent" the internet, he just said “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet." Of course we know private companies couldn't do it without Algore's "initiative."

That said, to imply that we rural folk don't pay our share for the above mentioned things is false.
My taxes pay for roads and cops. Our fire departments are volunteer. Water and sewer rates are monopolized. Us rural folk do grow/raise our own food, do city folk (LOL!)? You mean Algore's internet...

But see -- you DO pay taxes, as do we all. DS is claiming that taxes are theft and that he would pay zero if he could get away with it. Yet he wants to use all of the services that you and I are paying for with our taxes.

BTW our fire dept is also volunteer but we taxpayers still have to furnish them with fire trucks and equipment, and buildings to store that in.
But see -- you DO pay taxes, as do we all. DS is claiming that taxes are theft and that he would pay zero if he could get away with it. Yet he wants to use all of the services that you and I are paying for with our taxes.

BTW our fire dept is also volunteer but we taxpayers still have to furnish them with fire trucks and equipment, and buildings to store that in.

Wouldn't we all choose to pay no taxes if we could?

Driver's license, registration fees and fines pay (at least they're supposed to) for a good bit for our roads.

Our fire department trucks, buildings and equipment are paid for by their own social clubs, raffles and miscellaneous events (car shows, fairs etc.).
Attempting to use logic, with Owl the bitch, is a waste of time; because all she wants to do is get you to reply, post some info, and then use it to denigrate you.

Apparently she did get enough of a thrill doing it to Top and now has decided to start in on you.

Not feeding into her lunacy is the best route, plus it will agitate her. :good4u:

Come on Mason,Top isn't a victim!Quit drinking the Top victim Kool-Aid!
But see -- you DO pay taxes, as do we all. DS is claiming that taxes are theft and that he would pay zero if he could get away with it. Yet he wants to use all of the services that you and I are paying for with our taxes.

BTW our fire dept is also volunteer but we taxpayers still have to furnish them with fire trucks and equipment, and buildings to store that in.

If DS believes that and still pays taxes.That's a cowardly act.Put up or shut up DS.
Wouldn't we all choose to pay no taxes if we could?

Driver's license, registration fees and fines pay (at least they're supposed to) for a good bit for our roads.

Our fire department trucks, buildings and equipment are paid for by their own social clubs, raffles and miscellaneous events (car shows, fairs etc.).

I have never had a problem with paying taxes,it's part of having a civilized society.
Wouldn't we all choose to pay no taxes if we could?

Driver's license, registration fees and fines pay (at least they're supposed to) for a good bit for our roads.

Our fire department trucks, buildings and equipment are paid for by their own social clubs, raffles and miscellaneous events (car shows, fairs etc.).

I would be inclined to continue to pay taxes because the alternative is a chaotic state of anarchy where entropy rules because no one wants to cough up for roads, schools, etc. if no one else is pitching in. Without taxes, would we expect to see people want to serve as mayor, councilman, representative, senator, etc. w/o pay, out of the goodness of their hearts? Or would they get into politics hoping to enrich themselves with graft and corruption? What about the court system -- if we had a case to be heard, would we pay the judge with a chicken or two, or some zucchini? As many as we've got now, we'd win every time. lol

Our volunteer EMS/fire dept. stuff is paid for by a millage (tax) that only our township residents pay. It's possible that some county tax money also helps but I can't vouch for that for certain.
I would be inclined to continue to pay taxes because the alternative is a chaotic state of anarchy where entropy rules because no one wants to cough up for roads, schools, etc. if no one else is pitching in. Without taxes, would we expect to see people want to serve as mayor, councilman, representative, senator, etc. w/o pay, out of the goodness of their hearts? Or would they get into politics hoping to enrich themselves with graft and corruption? What about the court system -- if we had a case to be heard, would we pay the judge with a chicken or two, or some zucchini? As many as we've got now, we'd win every time. lol

Our volunteer EMS/fire dept. stuff is paid for by a millage (tax) that only our township residents pay. It's possible that some county tax money also helps but I can't vouch for that for certain.
This Russian wisdom is as good today as it was in 1890 >>

"In my opinion it is harmful to place important things in the hands of philanthropy, which in Russia is marked by a chance character. Nor should important matters depend on leftovers, which are never there. I would prefer that the government treasury take care of it."

-Anton Chekhov
This Russian wisdom is as good today as it was in 1890 >>

Smart man, that Chekhov. Thousands of years of civilization, and trial and error, have given us the mostly-excellent system that we have today. Nothing wrong with fine-tuning it, but as it stands it's working. Let's not "fix" it.
Hooray for you! Now get off our socialist roads and go build your own. Don't bother calling 911 for a cop or firefighter. Stay away from all public libraries. Build your own well, dig your own septic, grow/raise your own food -- don't eat any of the stuff WE'VE paid for and had inspected. And while you're at it, get the fuck off our Internet. :laugh:

Sorry, it doesn't work that way. I paid for it, and I'm going to use it.
Anton Chekhov ... is that the guy from Star Trek?

Anton Chekhov - noted 19th century author, playwright, and humanitarian.

Pavel Chekhov - 23rd century fake Russian guy with terrible, contrived Russian accent (but next to Spock, actually is my favorite Star Trek character).