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You have only told people where you live, your wife's first name, what you both do and how much you make. I am not thraetening because I could a fiddlers fart ,but I am sure it wouldn't be too hard to find out.

IMHO you have given out WAY too much personal info, but hey, your chpice taking notes or something?

Where did I say I live?
You are a fucking arsehole Howey, you can't even get your gossip straight. I also emphatically did not give you permission to post private emails on here. You are scum.

Howard should be banned for posting PM information; but he won't be, because it would upset
Darla and her Kennel Klub Kabal.
Howard should be banned for posting PM information; but he won't be, because it would upset
Darla and her Kennel Klub Kabal.

It wasn't in a PM, he sent me an email to my private address unsolicited. I now know he only wanted to badmouth Yurt. The trouble is the fucking wanker couldn't even get what I said straight but at least I now see him for the two faced snake he really is. No wonder he arse kisses Darla so much, they are like two peas in a pod.
It wasn't in a PM, he sent me an email to my private address unsolicited. I now know he only wanted to badmouth Yurt. The trouble is the fucking wanker couldn't even get what I said straight but at least I now see him for the two faced snake he really is. No wonder he arse kisses Darla so much, they are like two peas in a pod.

He's still revealing private information that he didn't have permission to do.
So, either way....I live in your head without paying rent....what's the going rate these days?

No. It actually stood out because I remember reading your alcohol fueled post and thinking what idiot would give out their wife's real name on a message board. I don't think it wise but I am sure you don't care. All I am saying is that you have give out enough info that it would not be hard for someone to find your identity. I am not trying to threaten you just saying be careful
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No. It actually stood out because I remember reading your alcohol fueled post and thinking what idiot would give out their wife's real name on a message board. I don't think it wise but I am sure you don't care. <redacted> am saying is that you have give out enough info that it would not be hard for someone to find your identity. I am not trying to threaten you just saying be careful

After the stern warnings from our moderators, after three people being banned at least temporarily from the board, you post something like this?

reminds me of the guys who had illegal shrooms in their house when they said they knew the police would be raiding them...
Actually I wasn't typing anyone's name so relax. I was using iPhone and somehow "Also I" turned into that. Relax.

BTW, according to him that is not his wife's name.

I am sure that the mods inboxes have been filled with PMs trying get me banned. Keep your panties on
And by the way, what weirdo decided that posting a real name and pretending it was a typo was "clever"?

Actually it wasn't a typo. It was the vagaries of using Tapatalk and an iPhone. It maybe you didn't know that the iPhone autocorrect does some crazy stuff. But you are free to believe what you want.

The mods know that I NEVER EVER play the personal info game.
It didn't take you long for you to start that game.

I am sure she went running to the mods along with a few others screaming for a BAN. That I how they roll. I will give the mods credit, they tend to know what is BS and what isn't. They know I don't play the personal info game. It is a dangerous one and I want no part. Steelplate put his wife's name out there (I won't repeat it) and it isn't Allison. I meant to type "All I know" and the crazy iPhone took over from there.
Actually it wasn't a typo. It was the vagaries of using Tapatalk and an iPhone. It maybe you didn't know that the iPhone autocorrect does some crazy stuff. But you are free to believe what you want.

The mods know that I NEVER EVER play the personal info game.

Of course you do! btw...I saw that post before you changed it while I was posting the other thread from Sam's Club.

You definitely posted the name of his wife.

You're next buddy.
I am sure she went running to the mods along with a few others screaming for a BAN. That I how they roll. I will give the mods credit, they tend to know what is BS and what isn't. They know I don't play the personal info game. It is a dangerous one and I want no part. Steelplate put his wife's name out there (I won't repeat it) and it isn't Allison. I meant to type "All I know" and the crazy iPhone took over from there.

I believe you, you may be many things but I've never seen you get into that stuff. I want you here, if for no other reason, as you piss off Howey and Darla and that's all good.
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ILA, if it was really a typo, I accept that. After your buds DY and 007 did the "mistyping of a name" thing, I assumed you had done the same thing.

But you had to go ruin it all with comments like "Keep your panties on" - total sexist comment - and saying I was PM'ing the mods. Of course, it's none of your business if I PM the mods or not, but just FYI I have never PM'd the mods asking them to ban you. They read the postings; they know what people are saying; I don't need to PM them.

I have reported one post on this forum; I don't remember who did it; and was told it was within the rules. My other comments to the mods have been public.

If you re-read your post to SP, you can certainly see why it looks like you are giving out personal information; you accuse him of posting while drunk; you use a woman's name; and you pretend to be warning him about personal info which, to me, looks more like a threat. May not seem one to you, did seem one to me, that you were going to release personal info.

I hope you don't play that game. Howey thought you did as well. Maybe you should not write nasty posts and then you aren't likely to have that issue. I have tried on my iPad and "All I know" doesn't turn into what you typed; I have gotten Alliance, but not what you typed. But like I said, if you really insist, I'll accept that. Too bad you got so nasty about it though.

As far as your friend's Tom's comment - I have NEVER posted a real name and pretended it was a typo.