Forum Makeup

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After browsing here for months it's the same as almost every other Forum I belong to.

Seems as always there is precious little actual debate of Ideas and a whole lot of self promotion and Partisan Rhetoric.

Dont hold this place above all others.. It's no better or worse from what I have seen. But maybe there are a few people who have a clue on how to actually debate and argument.

And I saw what you did on the other Forum the other day Howey.. Dont hold yourself above it all and play holier then thou. You certainly play the role of antagonist quite well... I dont suffer trolls lightly be they Liberal or Conservative.

Well it looks like you have his number. Welcome aboard
Thank you ILA... Appreciated.

People will see that I am not the stereotypical Republican here.. I think for myself.

I like to deal in Facts... not partisan talking points and Rhetoric...

Glad to hear it. Unfortunately that won't matter to the lefties. Most of them here like playing Big Indian Little Indian. You will also be subjected to the "you have to be some other poster" and they will waste endless bandwidth trying to determine who.
what do you fear?

Certainly not you... or any other poster here be they Liberal or Conservative who paints their case with broad sweeping brushstrokes instead of Facts.

What do I actually fear? The continued loss of individual liberty, over taxation and Government intrusion into our lives.

That is what I fear...

Answer your question?
After browsing here for months it's the same as almost every other Forum I belong to.

Seems as always there is precious little actual debate of Ideas and a whole lot of self promotion and Partisan Rhetoric.

Dont hold this place above all others.. It's no better or worse from what I have seen. But maybe there are a few people who have a clue on how to actually debate and argument.

And I saw what you did on the other Forum the other day Howey.. Dont hold yourself above it all and play holier then thou. You certainly play the role of antagonist quite well... I dont suffer trolls lightly be they Liberal or Conservative.

We're trying to improve that. Getting rid of your buddy DY will help.

Certainly not you... or any other poster here be they Liberal or Conservative who paints their case with broad sweeping brushstrokes instead of Facts.

What do I actually fear? The continued loss of individual liberty, over taxation and Government intrusion into our lives.

That is what I fear...

Answer your question?

Oy...but you voted for Reagan? lol...
Certainly not you... or any other poster here be they Liberal or Conservative who paints their case with broad sweeping brushstrokes instead of Facts.

What do I actually fear? The continued loss of individual liberty, over taxation and Government intrusion into our lives.

That is what I fear...

Answer your question?

why would you think I want you to fear me?

kinda hostile aren't you.

Now you just made a claim about how I post.

If you do indeed rely on facts please go get a post of mine that is what you claim it is.

then we can discuss your claim with the facts present.

do you have the swing of the sack?
why would you think I want you to fear me?

kinda hostile aren't you.

Now you just made a claim about how I post.

If you do indeed rely on facts please go get a post of mine that is what you claim it is.

then we can discuss your claim with the facts present.

do you have the swing of the sack?

Like I said...Pmp and DY are getting them to register over here to troll the forum because DY was banned.
We're trying to improve that. Getting rid of your buddy DY will help.

Oy...but you voted for Reagan? lol...

I have NO CLUE who DY is...

and I did vote for Reagan... as did a Majority of Democrats.

Good Candidates have that effect... They appeal to both sides.

the last 4 Presidents....Not so much. All partisan hacks
do you have the swing of the sack?

You know it is funny. Tekkychick runs around here defending you claiming you get picked on and this is why you are so hostile. Here we have a new member of the board and your first into to him is to question his manhood. Now I am sure that if he returns the favor, it will light the collective tampon strings of the board FemiNazis
I have NO CLUE who DY is...

and I did vote for Reagan... as did a Majority of Democrats.

Good Candidates have that effect... They appeal to both sides.

the last 4 Presidents....Not so much. All partisan hacks

Quit trying to be innocent. It's so transparent. DY is Damn Yankee, otherwise known as Glockmail.
Had NO CLUE that was who you referred to. Glock and I have Seldom spoken... he's not on over there as much...

But your disruptive behavior was well established... and your demise documented by your own libelous accusations.

Youre simply a run of the mill Shock Troll... Dime a dozen on the internet and that would be overpaying for your insight.

You thrive on negative attention .... now back under your bridge...
Had NO CLUE that was who you referred to. Glock and I have Seldom spoken... he's not on over there as much...

But your disruptive behavior was well established... and your demise documented by your own libelous accusations.

Youre simply a run of the mill Shock Troll... Dime a dozen on the internet and that would be overpaying for your insight.

You thrive on negative attention .... now back under your bridge...

Can you guys not bring your other forum bullshit over here? Seriously, it's been old from day one.
Had NO CLUE that was who you referred to. Glock and I have Seldom spoken... he's not on over there as much...

But your disruptive behavior was well established... and your demise documented by your own libelous accusations.

Youre simply a run of the mill Shock Troll... Dime a dozen on the internet and that would be overpaying for your insight.

You thrive on negative attention .... now back under your bridge...

Lol. After three posts?
I have NO CLUE who DY is...

and I did vote for Reagan... as did a Majority of Democrats.

Good Candidates have that effect... They appeal to both sides.

the last 4 Presidents....Not so much. All partisan hacks

I don't know how you can say that about Bush Sr. He was probably the most bi-partisan president of the group. It's really only Bush Jr. and Obama that haven't been able to broker deals. Reagan, Bush Sr., and Clinton were all quite diplomatic.