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ILA, if it was really a typo, I accept that. After your buds DY and 007 did the "mistyping of a name" thing, I assumed you had done the same thing.

But you had to go ruin it all with comments like "Keep your panties on" - total sexist comment - and saying I was PM'ing the mods. Of course, it's none of your business if I PM the mods or not, but just FYI I have never PM'd the mods asking them to ban you. They read the postings; they know what people are saying; I don't need to PM them.

I have reported one post on this forum; I don't remember who did it; and was told it was within the rules. My other comments to the mods have been public.

If you re-read your post to SP, you can certainly see why it looks like you are giving out personal information; you accuse him of posting while drunk; you use a woman's name; and you pretend to be warning him about personal info which, to me, looks more like a threat. May not seem one to you, did seem one to me, that you were going to release personal info.

I hope you don't play that game. Howey thought you did as well. Maybe you should not write nasty posts and then you aren't likely to have that issue. I have tried on my iPad and "All I know" doesn't turn into what you typed; I have gotten Alliance, but not what you typed. But like I said, if you really insist, I'll accept that. Too bad you got so nasty about it though.

As far as your friend's Tom's comment - I have NEVER posted a real name and pretended it was a typo.

Tom is usually drunk off his ass by Thursday evening and the bender lasts till Monday. I wouldn't worry about anything he types.
Of course you do! btw...I saw that post before you changed it while I was posting the other thread from Sam's Club.

You definitely posted the name of his wife.

You're next buddy.

lol.....Damn Yankee's Twinkie wants you to know that things like that aren't nice.....
ILA, if it was really a typo, I accept that. After your buds DY and 007 did the "mistyping of a name" thing, I assumed you had done the same thing.

But you had to go ruin it all with comments like "Keep your panties on" - total sexist comment - and saying I was PM'ing the mods. Of course, it's none of your business if I PM the mods or not, but just FYI I have never PM'd the mods asking them to ban you. They read the postings; they know what people are saying; I don't need to PM them.

I have reported one post on this forum; I don't remember who did it; and was told it was within the rules. My other comments to the mods have been public.

If you re-read your post to SP, you can certainly see why it looks like you are giving out personal information; you accuse him of posting while drunk; you use a woman's name; and you pretend to be warning him about personal info which, to me, looks more like a threat. May not seem one to you, did seem one to me, that you were going to release personal info.

I hope you don't play that game. Howey thought you did as well. Maybe you should not write nasty posts and then you aren't likely to have that issue. I have tried on my iPad and "All I know" doesn't turn into what you typed; I have gotten Alliance, but not what you typed. But like I said, if you really insist, I'll accept that. Too bad you got so nasty about it though.

As far as your friend's Tom's comment - I have NEVER posted a real name and pretended it was a typo.

I am not ILA's friend but then I am also not so partisan that I will allow Howey to get away with his shit stirring. I notice that you have nothing to say about Howey revealing the contents of a private email albeit he got his facts wrong because he is a twat.
Ah, good point. I should consider the source!

Darla is the original good time had by all, for her to accuse anybody of that is very funny. Frankly I am not convinced that you aren't just a glove puppet conjured up by her. Either that or you are incredibly naive and guileless.
I am not ILA's friend but then I am also not so partisan that I will allow Howey to get away with his shit stirring. I notice that you have nothing to say about Howey revealing the contents of a private email albeit he got his facts wrong because he is a twat.

Wow. You're turning into Yurt With A Strange Accent And Bad Teeth

Darla is the original good time had by all, for her to accuse anybody of that is very funny. Frankly I am not convinced that you aren't just a glove puppet conjured up by her. Either that or you are incredibly naive and guileless.

As you can tell tekky, this guy has a very low regard of women, particularly intelligent ones.
Darla is the original good time had by all, for her to accuse anybody of that is very funny. Frankly I am not convinced that you aren't just a glove puppet conjured up by her. Either that or you are incredibly naive and guileless.

Once again, insulting two women in one post. I'm sure you could get a third one in there if you just tried.

You weren't always this insulting, were you?
Once again, insulting two women in one post. I'm sure you could get a third one in there if you just tried.

You weren't always this insulting, were you?

Oh ok, so when she makes the ludidrous claim that I am permanently pissed, in the British sense, you just lap that up. Darla and I have a lot of bad blood, of which you are totally unaware, yet that doesn't stop you inserting yourself in between like a 'useful idiot' to quote Stalin in a completely different context. This ingenue act of yours is getting a little tedious.
Wow. You're turning into Yurt With A Strange Accent And Bad Teeth

As you can tell tekky, this guy has a very low regard of women, particularly intelligent ones.

I have absolutely no respect for Darla and precious little for you. You are the fucking wanker who revealed the private contents of an email without my permission. So tell me why I should have any respect for a disgusting waste of space like you?
Oh ok, so when she makes the ludidrous claim that I am permanently pissed, in the British sense, you just lap that up. Darla and I have a lot of bad blood, of which you are totally unaware, yet that doesn't stop you inserting yourself in between like a 'useful idiot' to quote Stalin in a completely different context. This ingenue act of yours is getting a little tedious.

I have nothing against being permanently pissed. Just to let you know. But that would explain why you thought I typed something that I never did.

I'm not an "ingenue". But I am polite. I know that's unusual on this board.
I have nothing against being permanently pissed. Just to let you know. But that would explain why you thought I typed something that I never did.

I'm not an "ingenue". But I am polite. I know that's unusual on this board.

In answer to your earlier question, I wasn't always like this but your BFF Darla's point blank refusal to withdraw her allegation that I am a rapist might have something to do with it.
I have nothing against being permanently pissed. Just to let you know. But that would explain why you thought I typed something that I never did.

I'm not an "ingenue". But I am polite. I know that's unusual on this board.

It's a schtick. You may not use the words yourself, but you have no problem "thanking" the caustic posts of your fellow travelers. Spare me.
Gladly. Just put me on ignore and you'll never be bothered by my posts again. See? simple.

I didn't say they bothered me. I only have TWO on ignore on this forum. You haven't reached that level of toxicity. I am merely pointing out your hypocrisy. You are quick to jump on any RIGHTIE who you feel is being "mean" to a girl or uses "inappropriate language". You conveniently look the other way when it is your fellow travelers doing the bashing. When called out on it, you then jump to the 6 year old excuse "well, they started it".

I am on to your game. Sure you don't want to get down in the mud yourself, but you LOVE watching others sling it. You revel in it. You even do your own little passive agressive stunts to keep the shit stirred. THat's OK. At least I now know who you are and deal with you appropriately. I am sure you are a nice person and obviously you see yourself as such, just spare me the "I am an innocent little poster looking for reasoned debate from everyone", because you aren't.

Have a blessed day :)
so what is purpose of this poll? I also wont answer about income... That makes no difference in anything here.

So what are you researching Howey?
Why did you send me an email today?

If you had read the email then it would have been self explanatory. Let me make myself clear, when you first came on here I liked you but I now see you as a two faced duplicitious weasel who lies just to keep in practice.
Welcome to JPP. I'm sure you'll find us far more intelligent and friendlier than your previous forum.

After browsing here for months it's the same as almost every other Forum I belong to.

Seems as always there is precious little actual debate of Ideas and a whole lot of self promotion and Partisan Rhetoric.

Dont hold this place above all others.. It's no better or worse from what I have seen. But maybe there are a few people who have a clue on how to actually debate and argument.

And I saw what you did on the other Forum the other day Howey.. Dont hold yourself above it all and play holier then thou. You certainly play the role of antagonist quite well... I dont suffer trolls lightly be they Liberal or Conservative.
so what is purpose of this poll? I also wont answer about income... That makes no difference in anything here.

So what are you researching Howey?

For information he can use against others later. He is an Internet bully best to keep your distance.

It is mindboggling that someone would have such little self awareness as to ask such a question