Get ready for the new spin

why she is a liar who has lied about people on this site

she would PM people and be all friendly and then lie about what was said.

That one justs boils my blood
How do you know that? Prove that everyone knew? When did Obama say it? Provide a link.

Provide FACTS Deshy.

We want FACTS. Not your opinion. Verifiable FACTS

the policies the people are being pulled out of are the opnes that DONT meet the perameters of the new law.

those perameters are RIGHT in the bill
NO one EVER said you would be able to keep a policy that was NOW illegal

You are spinning harder than Chris Rock's head when I saw him perform live in Oakland and he was demonstrating someone putting spinners on a toaster. Saying you can keep you current plan if you like it implies exactly that. He didn't state you can keep you current plan only if it meets the new law's requirements. The reason he wouldn't say the latter of course is it would cause more people to want to dig deeper to see what those new requirements are. If Obama is someone you are more likely to trust and he tells you you can keep your current plan if you want you will be more inclined to believe him and support the new program. It's why even many Obama and health care reform supporters are finally speaking out about it now.

Bless your heart Desh you will go to your grave fighting for him but many others are now seeing reality.