Report it then. It's not a false accusation, libs clearly support child abuse. Do you think it's normal to teach kids it's possible to change one's gender through genital mutilation and drug abuse?

Report it then. It's not a false accusation, libs clearly support child abuse. Do you think it's normal to teach kids it's possible to change one's gender through genital mutilation and drug abuse?
Your kids didn't turn out well just because they're climate deniers. I'd say there is absolutely no correlation here.
That's great...We have a new neighborhood food waste composting program...we ride our bikes almost everywhere...unless it's a load that just won't fit...Not every light bulb yet, but.....
The point is...None of you sound as though you are living in don't incite panic in others or skip work or school to do so... You don't chain yourselves to anything until they cut you loose and arrest you? We don't... and we don't certainly encourage anyone to go to those extremes...
(It is fun when everyone works together...until it's taken to a level of insanity...and I believe she even mentioned that in one of her sad rants....)
She should be in school...(she even said so and her parents and teachers agree)....followed by therapy...intense therapy...after school....
She is in school.
"She still gets up at 6am to get ready for school. Interviews and writing speeches can leave her working 12- to 15-hour days. “Of course, it takes a lot of energy. I don’t have much spare time. But I just keep reminding myself why I am doing this, and then I just try to do as much as I can.” So far, this does not appear to have affected her academic performance. She keeps up with homework and is in the top five in her class, according to her father."
This is why you cannot reason with a prog. Their world is completely upside down from reality. Like Alice walking thru the looking glass.
They believe, e.g.:
It is good to raise a child to be depressed and delusional.
It is good to be skeptical about your gender and be gender confused.
Homelessness in cities is good because it's a sign of cultural diversity - it's not a problem.
Criminals are the true victims, victims are the criminals.
Law enforcement officers enforcing the law are bad for society.
Just to name a few, but you get my point. How do you reason with a sick mind ? You can't . Impossible.
You need to read...and try to understand... her background.....Her issues are Directly related to her "beliefs/passion"....
What exactly is climate denial anyway? Why is using a word like denial, normally with the Holocaust, considered acceptable? Being sceptical is the norm for the scientific method anything less is politics not science.
Sadly she doesn't seem to spend much time actually learning basic physics, chemistry and indeed logic. Although she does seem to have learnt history, particularly the art of propaganda perfected by the likes of Saul Alinsky and Goebbels. Sophistry appears to be her main area of expertise, combined with emotional histrionics and appealing tor the liwrrsto common denominator.
Nothing that a sturdy length of 2 X 4 wouldn't fix!
She is in school.
"She still gets up at 6am to get ready for school. Interviews and writing speeches can leave her working 12- to 15-hour days. “Of course, it takes a lot of energy. I don’t have much spare time. But I just keep reminding myself why I am doing this, and then I just try to do as much as I can.” So far, this does not appear to have affected her academic performance. She keeps up with homework and is in the top five in her class, according to her father."
Ridiculous. Her issues are biochemical and she'd still have them no matter what her beliefs or passions.
Ridiculous. Her issues are biochemical and she'd still have them no matter what her beliefs or passions.
I don't think any of us know what she's actually learning in school. I think the people criticizing her don't have much knowledge about those on autism spectrum. Fixation on a subject or a thing is common with them. I don't know how much success anybody would have in trying to change her.
Read up on Temple Grandin to see what people on the spectrum can contribute.
Can you believe Top is jealous of a young girl!
Of course. Same with those Parkland shooting kids, the Red Hen restaurant lady, and all the other "failures" who aren't failures at all. The bitterness and fear they've tried to hide behind their attacks on activist kids is pretty easy to see, isn't it?
Yet for months we've seen nothing but fear-mongering from trump where he tries to persuade both children and adults that brown people are invading the country and coming to get them.