Greta Thunberg


I wonder if our schools will use the death metal version of the speech to start off the morning announcements?;)
Poor little Greta, exploited by those mean, hateful, heartless Democrats who throw Grandma off the cliff in a wheelchair.

She will be “disturbed” for her entire lifetime.
I've just discovered that Greta's second name is Tintin. Very kewl;

The Adventures of Tintin (French: Les Aventures de Tintin [lez‿avɑ̃tyʁ də tɛ̃tɛ̃]) is a series of 24 comic albums created by Belgian cartoonist Georges Remi, who wrote under the pen name Hergé. The series was one of the most popular European comics of the 20th century. By 2007, a century after Hergé's birth in 1907,[1] Tintin had been published in more than 70 languages with sales of more than 200 million copies,[2] and had been adapted for radio, television, theatre, and film.

The trolls here only have a number. Haw, haw..................................haw.
Absorption of surface IR by CO2 does not warm the Earth. It is also not a force. There is no forcing. The surface is COOLED by emitting IR light. It's just another way for the surface to cool by heating the atmosphere.

There is no 'forcing'. CO2 is not a force.

Climate 'scientists' deny science and mathematics. Science does not use consensus. Science is never 'settled'. There are no proofs in science. It is an open functional system. No theory is ever proven. No theory is possible to exist at all based on a void argument fallacy. Define 'climate change'.

Then why is there so much controversy?

Lie. I accept that definition of temperature. Always have. Irrelevance fallacy.

It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth. It is not possible to measure the global concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. You don't have enough instrumentation.
Math error: Failure to provide raw unbiased dataset. Failure to select by randN. Failure to normalize by paired randR. Failure to declare variance. Failure to calculate margin of error.
Argument from randU fallacy.

Like I said. Climate 'scientists' deny math, just as you do.

From The Manual:

Feedback: noun
A feedback is a specific type of forcing employed by Climate that overcomes the physical limitations of the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics by creating additional usable energy. Feedbacks come in various subcategories, e.g. thermal, climate, hydrostatic, radiative, etc.. This falls under Settled Science.

By 'models', you mean computer programs. Models don't predict anything.

Computer programs only spit out the numbers they are told to spit out. A model in a computer program is the 'noun' the program works on 'the verb'. Models themselves are randU. They simply come out of someones head. The programs that run on them also simply come out of someone's head. Neither are capable of prediction. They are random numbers of type randU.

A randU is the 'predictable' random number. They all come out of someones head. When that someone tries to use them as data or as a predicate, that is a fallacy, known as an argument from randU fallacy.

Models are not a proof. They are worth nothing more than Holy Entrails.

Wow, now I am getting bullshitters coming at me from both directions.
Poor little Greta, exploited by those mean, hateful, heartless Democrats who throw Grandma off the cliff in a wheelchair.

She will be “disturbed” for her entire lifetime.
Poor little Greta, exploited by those mean, hateful, heartless Democrats who throw Grandma off the cliff in a wheelchair.

She will be “disturbed” for her entire lifetime.

How old is she, 16??? The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgement and an awareness of long-term consequences. Teens process information with the amygdala, this is the emotional part. Her parents need a a good slap.
How old is she, 16??? The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so. In fact, recent research has found that adult and teen brains work differently. Adults think with the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s rational part. This is the part of the brain that responds to situations with good judgement and an awareness of long-term consequences. Teens process information with the amygdala, this is the emotional part. Her parents need a a good slap.

A classic example of the consequences of using the sphincter to keep your head warm.
So do the radical Democrat Socialists who exploited this disturbed 16 year old, more a punch than a slap for these mean, hateful, heartless Democrats.

Her parents should lose custody of this disturbed child for allowing the exploitation of poor Greta.
Now they'll start calling her Rin-Tin-Tin, wait for it.

So figuring it's just going to be propaganda tooled to make all that Islam oil, Christian corporations pollution producing & other CO2 emissions producing goods for that "serve the Pope or die" megalomaniacal rule the earth & destroy the world crusade too dang lily brilliant white with a well trained TV dog to boot.
So do the radical Democrat Socialists who exploited this disturbed 16 year old, more a punch than a slap for these mean, hateful, heartless Democrats.

Her parents should lose custody of this disturbed child for allowing the exploitation of poor Greta.
Now they'll start calling her Rin-Tin-Tin, wait for it.

It's amazing how a 16 year old autistic girl can get the radicalized right wing extremists to wet their pink panties. I mean, she's just an innocent teenager and the radicalized right wing extremists have called her every derogatory word in the book. Just goes to show what low-life, retarded scum they really are.



So do the radical Democrat Socialists who exploited this disturbed 16 year old, more a punch than a slap for these mean, hateful, heartless Democrats.

Her parents should lose custody of this disturbed child for allowing the exploitation of poor Greta.