Greta Thunberg

"This new focus on making environmentalism an angrier protest movement threatens to make the effort to protect the planet just another wedge issue that politicians often use to motivate their base of voters. Similar wedge issues like abortion and gun control have long shifted become tribal controversies with little chance of progress and compromise.

Greta Thunberg is angry. Lots of people are angry. But anger without doing something other than protesting and making speeches won’t protect the environment or do much else other than produce more anger."
Kind of following in the footsteps of the "Women's marches/Movement".....
So, a disturbed 16 year old child is leading the climate change scam.

Yes, those Democrats who exploited this poor 16 year old disturbed child should be ashamed...very ashamed.

Those mean, heartless, cruel Democrats who exploited a disturbed 16 year old girl would probably push grandma off the a wheelchair.
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This gets bumped too.

So, a disturbed 16 year old child is leading the climate change scam.

Yes, those Democrats who exploited this poor 16 year old disturbed child should be ashamed...very ashamed.

Those mean, heartless, cruel Democrats who exploited a disturbed 16 year old girl would probably push grandma off the a wheelchair.
Heheheh. Ever notice how claiming you're "angry" in a discussion with a Reichtard is their way of saying "Stop making me so mad with your logic and facts?" :laugh:

Yeppers. Oompa-loompas posing as kewl and analytical are ripe for satire.

You've hit the nail. maggot has emerged, Haw, haw....................................haw.
maggot- as is widely known- plays his Deaf Metal on a Yamaha Pacifica. Haw, haw.......................haw.
Yeppers. Oompa-loompas posing as kewl and analytical are ripe for satire.

You've hit the nail. maggot has emerged, Hee Haw, Hee haw.................................... Hee haw.
When you're angry and you want to throw hot coals at others, you're aren't supposed to hold're supposed to throw them...
You're welcome;)
When you're angry and you want to throw hot coals at others, you're aren't supposed to hold're supposed to throw them...
You're welcome;)

Thank you for the home-spun philosophy- painfully contrived as it is. Now fuck off.
Yeppers. Oompa-loompas posing as kewl and analytical are ripe for satire.
You've hit the nail. maggot has emerged, Haw, haw....................................haw.

More than one.



So, a disturbed 16 year old child is leading the climate change scam.

Yes, those Democrats who exploited this poor 16 year old disturbed child should be ashamed...very ashamed.

Those mean, heartless, cruel Democrats who exploited a disturbed 16 year old girl would probably push grandma off the a wheelchair.