Greta Thunberg

And don't forget the evil Michelle and her evil plot to force America's kids to exercise and eat better diets. Thank the gods that the Cheeseburger-in-Chief came along to restore our freedom to be obese and diabetic!

So the schools should be able to force kids to exercise? That seems excessive, but giving them an F in gym class if they don't participate seems reasonable. SAY NO TO PARTICIPATION TROPHIES!!!
Any kid who feels their dreams and childhood have been lost or stolen for any reason is depressed, plain and simple.
Kids who grow up in a healthy environment would never say such a thing.
The U.N. should be kicked off U.S. soil for using a depressed child to further their Agenda (21). It's child abuse.
I hope she inspired them to seek psychiatric treatment for her depression.

She is an ideal poster child for climate alarmism, a clinically depressed scientifically illiterate adolescent. I can easily see her topping herself, no doubt the alarmists will ecstatic to have a martyr to the cause!
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She is an ideal poster child for climate alarmism, a clinically depressed scientifically illiterate adolescent. I can easily see her topping herself, no doubt the alarmists will ecstatic to have a martyr to the cause!

How are your Big Oil shares doin' , maggot ? Haw, haw.................................haw.
Deflection,no one said a word about gender

Liberals are teaching this to young children, it was an example of how leftists abuse children. No deflection, on point. It is YOU who is deflecting. So I'll ask you again, do you think it's normal to teach young children that it's possible to change your gender through genital mutilation and drug abuse? Yes, or no.
Greta inspired her parents as well, it wasn’t them indoctrinating her, she quite amazing.

Amazingly idiotic. How do you suppose this rich little brat lives when she's not shitting in a bucket aboard a multi-million dollar "green" yacht? What do you suppose her carbon footprint is? Shouldn't she be in school? More leftist child abuse.
Amazingly idiotic. How do you suppose this rich little brat lives when she's not shitting in a bucket aboard a multi-million dollar "green" yacht? What do you suppose her carbon footprint is? Shouldn't she be in school? More leftist child abuse.

Fess up- you've been beat by a small girl. Haw, haw.................................haw.

She's addressing the UN and applauded by millions.
You're addressing JPP and being applauded by maggot.

Haw, haw..................................................................................................haw.
Well my son, daughter, and grand daughter are driving hybrids, and like a said before, they recycle everything in their garbage, and I helped my daughter xeriscape her house and installed all solar landscape lighting, helped my son install an inline tankless water heater at his house, and we all 3 have completely replaced all the lighting to LED at all our houses and businesses.

My son has a part-time business where he purchases pallets of company computers, and scraps all the parts. So he don't just do it for fun, he makes good money doing it. He just sold a small handful of gold to a diamond/gold buyer for $4500 just last month.

So, we are into it. Looking for even more ways to save and make money.

When you get into it, it gets in your blood. It's fun!
That's great...We have a new neighborhood food waste composting program...we ride our bikes almost everywhere...unless it's a load that just won't fit:)...Not every light bulb yet, but.....;) Etc.etc...
The point is...None of you sound as though you are living in don't incite panic in others or skip work or school to do so... You don't chain yourselves to anything until they cut you loose and arrest you? We don't... and we don't certainly encourage anyone to go to those extremes...
(It is fun when everyone works together...until it's taken to a level of insanity...and I believe she even mentioned that in one of her sad rants....)
She should be in school...(she even said so and her parents and teachers agree)....followed by therapy...intense therapy...after school....
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Hello Controlled Opposition,

Has it ever occurred to you that you might be wrong?

But of course. I am constantly reassessing my views on all subjects, including Climate Change. I take in new information and I listen to the reasoning of opposing views. I want to know why people believe the things they do - to see if it makes sense to me. So far on this topic, the needle has moved a bit but I am sorry to say that it has moved towards being more and more certain the scientists are absolutely correct. Nothing any conservative has said has caused me to doubt my beliefs. Actually, what you guys say sounds so false to me that it is convincing me to believe conservatives have approached this with severe prejudice, and have made it highly political, when it shouldn't have anything to do with politics.

Adults use children to promote their causes because criticizing them make one appear to be a monster.

This sounds like a total assumption. I have not heard any information about the views or activism of Greta's parents. Do you have anything to back this (seemingly wild claim) up?

There are already solutions. There are scrubbers which remove CO2 directly from the air. As they become cheaper and smaller, we will probably have to be careful about removing too much CO2.

I understand we use scrubber technology and I'm glad for that. Removing too much CO2? That's fantasy in today's world. We WISH we had such problems.

I recently planted another tree in my front yard. If we have to, the world can plant any number of them.

Thanks for planting that tree. I've planted many. Once I rented a house for a few years. If faced west. The afternoon sun would just roast that place. I mused that a huge oak tree in the front yard would be ideal. Squirrels buried acorns in the neighbor's back yard and little trees would pop up regularly. Neighbor was fine with me getting one. I didn't live in that house long enough to enjoy the shade, but I occasionally drive by there to check it out. It is now just as I envisioned. Giant oak tree almost completely shades the house in the afternoon. One time I saw a tenant outside. I stopped and chatted him up. Told him how hot the house was before the tree. He thanked me up one side and down the other, said they love it.

I've been thinking of this: If I had a young child and experts told me that he had 12 years before he would die, or become extremely ill, and then die, should I tell him, or let him enjoy his remaining time?

That would be a difficult decision. I would be inclined to tell him because I would want to know if it was me and I was 12 and I had some kind of health issue that was unexplained. However, I don't know why you brought this up. I am starting to see right through this increasingly common conservative myth, construing that the 12 year deadline to take action is '12 years till the end of the world.' Getting facts straight seems to be a real problem for conservatives, which is one reason I am liberal. The right has one main motivation from the most powerful and rich leaders of the right. That motivation is to spin everything so as to soften any blaming of rich power for screwing up our society. Liberals see right through that; conservatives fall for it every time.

Btw. Your mask of civility is slipping.

If I have inadvertently been rude on some occasion I assure you it was not intentional. It is my goal to always deliver my view with as much respect as possible. Point out the slip and I will gladly apologize if appropriate. I have no problem admitting it when I am wrong. That's how I learn - from my mistakes. Too bad our president can't do that, eh?
The anger of some towards a girl who is a climate change spokesperson for her age group reminds me of the similar hate directed towards the Parkland shooting survivors.

Here's some food for thought. Who better to address the issues facing the world that they will inherit from us? When we were their age, some of us worried about nuclear war, being drafted to die in the jungles of Vietnam, and/or the appalling environmental destruction going on all around us. Some of us protested, marched, wrote letters to our elected officials and to the opinion editors of our newspapers. We had loud, passionate voices like Greta's and David's. Those voices were heard, weren't they? No more draft, the VN war ended, nuclear proliferation was largely stopped, and the EPA was formed. Our planet is more peaceful and cleaner than it was back then, in part because we said something with millions of voices.

Is that what angers and scares you, that Greta's voice -- and the voices of millions of her fellow young people -- will be heard?

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Fess up- you've been beat by a small girl. Haw, haw.................................haw.

She's addressing the UN and applauded by millions.
You're addressing JPP and being applauded by maggot.

Haw, haw..................................................................................................haw.

good point......solid evidence that Tom and cb are smarter than the UN......
Good morning Moose,

But it will happen if we don't stop [farting cows, air travel, etc.] within 12 yrs. if we fail to do this in 12 yrs. can we finally focus on other excuses to promote global socialism?

Open your eyes. It is already happening.

It is my opinion as a health care provider. I'm no psychologist but I've taken classes to recognize signs of depression and child abuse, so it is my professional opinion based on her saying ""You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words".

BS. She is correct. Adults HAVE stolen her childhood. Listen to her. She says she should be in school and not having to deal with this. She is displaying more maturity than all American Climate Change Deniers put together. SHE is facing reality with courage. Deniers are the ones with psychological issues. They are in denial because of prejudice about wealth and money. They falsely believe dealing with climate change will cost them money and 'destroy the economy.' The reality is it presents great new opportunities for capitalism, and deniers have been co-opted by the currently super-rich who are addicted to wealth and fear losing their income stream.

Not directly. The child abusers used "climate change" as a tool to brainwash her leading to her depression.

That is total BS. There is no 'child abuse' in telling children the truth. I'd like to see anybody bring such a claim to any court. It would be summarily laughed out and dismissed, with a lot of head shaking.

From what?

From the one thing you are trying (with great creativity I might add,) to avoid admitting. Climate Change is real and it is associated human industrial activity. Deny this: There has been a 1 degree C rise since the industrial age began. The last 5 years were the hottest on record. The coral reefs are dying due to carbon absorbed by the seas. There are more and stronger hurricanes and wild fires. There has been species loss and the ecosystem has already been impacted. Glaciers and sea ice are vanishing. CO2 levels are rising measurably.

Geez, how many times do I have to say the issue is this child's obvious depression?

As many times as it takes to convince yourself, which appears to have already occurred. Your odds of convincing me or any other believers are non-existent.

I know. I've never seen anybody convince anybody of changing their mind on these forums.

My mind has been changed on several points. For one, I used to engage in flaming and name-calling during online chat. A very mature conservative PM'd me and told me I would come across far better if I just dropped all the animosity and spoke sincerely. I thought about it and realized he was right. I used to call Bush 43 all kinds of horrible things. I realized it was offensive and detracted from my points. I stopped doing that. I changed my whole online personna. On another occasion I was convinced by another conservative that nuclear power should be given another chance. I now favor that. I believe we can and should build new nuclear power plants which will be safe, and also use the old spent fuel from the previous dangerous technology.

When you approach these discussions with a truly open mind, yet with strong convictions and utmost civility, all things are possible and always on the table.

Logic tells me this child is depressed. she believes her dreams and childhood have been stolen from her because of somebody's (whose?) empty words.

The reason you have reached this conclusion is because you have incorrectly rejected that what she has said might actually be true.
I listened to this poor girl on NPR this. a.m.
Sad what the climate hoaxers have done in brainwashing these kids.
They should be taken away from their parents for child abuse.
And the U.N. gives her a podium and actually listens to this crap pretending to take her seriously for the advancement of Agenda 21.

Kids in S.F. think we have only 12 yrs. left before the End of Days Apocalypse.

So glad I raised well adjusted kids.

the republican party is the only major party IN THE WORLD that denies the reality of the GW problem

ONLY you fox viewers

The entire world knows you are lying about GW

Hello anonymoose,

I recognized him as passive aggressive a while back.

Point out specifics. If I have acted inappropriately I want to know about it. If you're simply engaging in third person personal attacks that could be seen as a sign of disrespect. Put up or shut up.
Hello Moose,

What's really sickening is the U.N. using a clinically depressed child for the purpose of promoting their Agenda.

You happen to be a citizen of one the nations which is a part of the UN.

There is no 'they' about it.

The UN is the organized body of world leaders.

This is a world that you happen to live in.

YOU are the 'they.'

It's about time you became one of us, the people of the world, united for the common good.