Harris ad using Vance's debate performance.

I would love to know what was going through Vance's mind at that moment. I suspect the thoughts were closer to what he has said about Trump in the past than what he has been saying since chosen as the vice presidential candidate.

Oh well...sleep with dogs...and you get fleas.
Knucklehead's moment when he was caught on lying about Tiananmen Square was the moment of the night. He looked like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Where are they running it? I very rarely see political ads... Except for local politicians... I did see the one that Kam's team made where the lady lied about her ectopic pregnancy... That was during a football game... How much do they pay these people to lie? That was pretty awful...
I have seen one for Kamala where they LIE and say Trump will ban IVF. Trump wants to require insurance to pay for IVF.

I live in Pennsylvania, so when I watch Youtube, every fifth commercial is a Republican saying they will not vote for trump, because of January 6th. These commercials are out there, because they have a good chance of working.
You want to remember Jan 6th because of the riots by Democrats that took place.
The major type of undecided right now is Republicans undecided about whether they will even vote. That is a decision that is usually finally made on the day of the vote. They decide whether they can stomach voting for trump, or not.

trump desperately needed Vance to make him look sane. Vance did not do that. Maybe if trump can restrain his insanity over the next month... But we all know that is impossible.
Omniscience fallacy. Mantra 1d. Lame.
Cruz is a moron who really doesn't give a fuck about his constituents. Beto was just a little too goofy when push came to shove, but his message resonated.
Colin Allred's favorability has risen to neck and neck with Cancun Cruz.

IMO, while a lot of Texas males will praise Trump and Cruz, in the secrecy of the voting booth, I think they'll vote against them or not vote at all in those races.

Beto was running a national campaign in a local election. Unforced error.
It was that RACIST WalMart shooting in his hometown of El Paso that obssessed him to give up his House seat and run for Congress. The Republitarded HATEFILLED nut drove all the way from the East Coast to El Paso to shoot up a WalMart full of legal Mexican citizens- mostly women and children!

Republitards are going crazy!
Both sides are focusing solely on swing states. Pa. being one of the most important in the eyes of both parties.
I have never seen anything quite like it. Usually both sides have multiple possible paths to victory. This time around, both sides believe victory must include Pennsylvania. Both sides are spending out of control in one state, here.
There are no undecided voters at this point. Whether to vote or not perhaps.
There are amazingly few conventional undecided voters, so you are basically right.

There are Republicans who are ashamed of trump, and Democrats who are worried about Harris. These are movable votes. They can either be moved to the other party, or moved away from voting.