Harris ad using Vance's debate performance.

Hillary Clinton Maintains 2016 Election ‘Was Not On the Level’: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’

Others in the Democratic Party made that claim. Hillary's was worse. She called Trump illegitimate which became a Democrat chant.

They even tried to overturn the electoral count. Fascinating how short your memory can be when acting like a dishonest hypocrite.

Hillary Clinton calls Trump 'illegitimate president'
Know what didn't happen? A riot.
Trump's chicanery isn't the past, TOP.
It's the present.
He's facing criminal charges right now.
Plus he has sentencing coming up on convictions already.

Trump is running for president to stay out of prison.
He might conceivably kill himself if he loses,
and I honestly wouldn't blame him.
It would be the most courageous thing that he's ever done.

As for what people care about,
fiercely divided people don't all care about the same things.
You know that.
Grinding the MAGA movement to dust is what I care about most.
I suspect that your priorities are different.

What a tiresome fool. :palm:
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Kim :loveu::loveu::loveu: trump... ;)

June 10, 2019 Letter from Kim Jong Un to trump:

Your Excellency Mr. President,

I am writing this letter to you as we are nearing the first anniversary of our meeting in Singapore on June 12 – the historic moment of great significance that captured the attention of the world and left an imprint still indelible in my memory – as well as to congratulate you on your birthday, which is just days away. I take it as a great honor to be able to send such a letter to Your Excellency...

Like the brief time we had together a year ago in Singapore, every minute we shared 103 days ago in Hanoi was also a moment of glory that remains a precious memory. Such a precious memory that I have in my unwavering respect for you will provide impetus for me to take my steps when we walk toward each other again someday in the future.

I also believe that the deep and special friendship between us will work as a magical force that leads the progress of the DPRK-US relations, clearing all the hurdles we face in the process of bringing about the developments we seek to achieve..."

You really are one hateful piece of work, snarking about a woman's health crisis. Let's see your proof that she lied.
Ironic that you ignore the hateful pieces of shit on your side of the aisle. A liar and hypocrite. Kamala voter no doubt.

The process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another.
Ahhh...so he is going to build that tall, beautiful wall across the entire southern border...and, presumably, still get Mexico to pay for it.

No one ever went broke betting on the stupidity of the MAGA morons. (My thanks to Mencken.)
Absurdity; the last desperate refuge for the ignorant, the dishonest and the stupid.
Disagreed that sanity doesn't matter but agreed in Teamp Trump's strategy.

What is sane about the Democrats strategy? What is insane about Team Trumps?

Yes, the stupid ones. The die-hard MAGAts. I think Trump is losing the middle.

November is going to be harsh on low information fools wallowing in delusion.

So what are you for? Other than acting like a 13 year old Junior High School goofball?
No thanks, Trump Dummy. I'm both straight and married.

So you have nothing of substance and prefer to act like a 13 year old Junior High goofball. Got it. :palm:

Go find yourself a nice MAGAt who would be your lover. You can sext each other and swap dick pics. :thup:

So asking you what you are for triggers you. Got it. Apparently you're here just to look like a boorish dumbass. Got it. :thumbsup:
You have got your head so far up Trump's ass you cannot even see the sunlight.

Irony from someone who appears to have his shoved up Kamala's ass.

The wall never got built...mostly because Trump never meant to build it. That was a campaign slogan for the morons who make up his base.

Leftists have very short memomories or are just really dumb liars. If you remember, Democrats controlled the house and the Senate and refused to provide any funds for the wall.

Why do you feel compelled to lie all the time? Are you just severely uninformed, or that dishonest?

Mexico told us to go fuck ourselves if we thought they were going to pay for any wall.

Do you have a link to this lie. Or is it just "because you say so?"

So...be careful. If Trump sits down, you are going to get a severe neck injury.

More puerile bloviating. If your not lying, you're acting childish.
I understood the point. Everyone contested the election results.
You comprehend little. While Democrats spend every waking moment whining about Trump being an election denier, they ignore their own efforts to destroy elections and were the original election deniers.

The fascinating thing about Democrats these days is how they are convinced that challenging election results is somehow violating laws.

It's equally fascinating that the same Democrats who declared the violent riots that cost billons and burned down city blocks were mostly peaceful but a protest where the only people who were killed were unarmed protestors was somehow a violent insurrection.

Democrats are constantly painting themselves into a corner with their dishonest rhetoric and only continue thanks to an enabling media that no longer appears concerned with journalism and the truth.
You comprehend little. While Democrats spend every waking moment whining about Trump being an election denier, they ignore their own efforts to destroy elections and were the original election deniers.

The fascinating thing about Democrats these days is how they are convinced that challenging election results is somehow violating laws.

It's equally fascinating that the same Democrats who declared the violent riots that cost billons and burned down city blocks were mostly peaceful but a protest where the only people who were killed were unarmed protestors was somehow a violent insurrection.

Democrats are constantly painting themselves into a corner with their dishonest rhetoric and only continue thanks to an enabling media that no longer appears concerned with journalism and the truth.
You are retarded for thinking they thought those riots were peaceful.