He hates Taylor but loves P. Diddy.

Montel Williams is an ex. There is no evidence P Diddy ever met Harris. You do understand that different Blacks are different people?

Montel Willians is an ex-sugar daddy,

One of the rungs on the ladder of success as Kam-Kam fucked her way to the top.
How does Trump love Bo Diddy? Did he say so?

Leftists loved Bo Diddy. Why do you think that is?
I know Detester has trouble telling Black people apart, but Bo Diddy is a completely different person than P Diddy. Bo Diddy helped invent Rock&Roll, and P Diddy is a rapper. They are from different eras of music.

I know of no connection between any modern politician and Bo Diddy.
did you miss the photo?
We established the photo was fake. The real photo was of Montel Williams and Harris. Those two really did know one another.

Maybe Harris and Diddy were in the same place, at the same time. Famous important people go to the same type of events, and may well meet. There just is no record or photo so far found of them being in the same place.

Meanwhile, there is another human trafficker with strong ties to trump, and his fake modeling agency.