Health Care Reform

what would have been the result in the failing economy Obama was handed by the republicans if they had dismantled an entire industry?

full blown great depression II
Life doesn't always go as you WISH it to.

sometimes you have to detour to live long enough to actually make It to the other side
I live in the real world.

the one in which the heath care bill will help people who have needed some help getting healthcare.

its not a perfect world but reality is never perfect
the one in which the heath care bill will help people who have needed some help getting healthcare.

Which world is it that you're living in?

The world I'm living in, the people who need some help getting healthcare are now being forced to buy health insurance whether they can afford it or not.
Employers who can't afford to provide it are being forced to cut hours or lay people off.

If you're talking about pre-existing conditions, I agree. But perhaps that small piece of the puzzle could have been addressed on its own rather than creating this enormous burden on everyone else?

But then, how else are socialists going to be able to flex their flabby muscles?
They have to PAY to get the coverage not just suck off the payments others make huh?

You see they cost ALL OF US money if they don't.

your such a pack of wandering moral code idiots
You know how this is going to end?

with young republicans having no health care because idiots like you told them to not join.

The rest of everyone else will have to PAY for young republicans car crashes ( which party is the party of nascar) and HIV diagnoses (lying about being sexually active).

YOU will NOT gain voters with this idiot idea
That's not true. The ACA provides quite a few health care reforms. Particularly in standardizing the reporting of outcomes, which is critical in analyzing what works and therefor should be paid for and what doesn't work, and therefor should not be paid for as well as the universal mandate, permitting parents to carry adult children on their policies, ending exceptions for pre-existing conditions, creating insurance exchanges, etc. These are very real reforms. So to say that the ACA is not health care reform is grossly inaccurate. Does the ACA reform all that will required to be reformed? Of course it doesn't.

You have to be careful to not throw the baby out with the bathwater cause you didn't get all that you wanted in this legislation the first go around. The most important aspect of the ACA is that it creates a legal precedent from which other health care reforms will be legislated in the future.

Most Americans realize this and that is why most Americans oppose the repeal of the ACA.

Well said.
dear fucking idiot,

I thought you WANTED people to pay for themselves

Dear Fuckin' Vagina of Death,

Compelling everyone to pay into a coverage pool is not paying "for themselves." That's just a new tax with redistribution of revenues. Don't believe me? Read the Supreme Court decision.
Well said.

Which reminded me of something said in that post ..

"Most Americans realize this and that is why most Americans oppose the repeal of the ACA."

To that, I say this ..

CBS News poll finds more Americans than ever want Obamacare repealed
July 24. 2013

(CBS News) A new CBS News poll finds more Americans than ever want the Affordable Care Act repealed.

According to the poll, 36 percent of Americans want Congress to expand or keep the health care law while 39 percent want Congress to repeal it - the highest percentage seen in CBS News polls. The poll also found a majority of Americans - 54 percent - disapprove of the health care law, 36 percent of Americans approve of it and 10 percent said they don't know about it.


Support for Obamacare has come down to not how many Americans support it, but how many don't want it repealed.
Well no fucking shit Mr. Invincible. How the hell do you think insurance works? Who do you thinks been subsidizing your insurance for years when one of you insuranceless Invincibles gets sick or hurt? Who do you thinks been footing the bill all these years?

hmm I don't know I thought insurance worked on risk assessment, not everyone just being forced to buy something.