Here I am.

Yep, just as I predicted. Watch, you sad fucks just keep coming back.

You never mentioned it? Yet, here you are, stalker. Back again and again and again

I own every one of you obsessive cocksuckers.

Sad thing is, you stalkers still will come back again and again.

Rent free, cunt. :rofl2:

What a bunch of losers.

Says the pussy that posted a photo claiming it was me and where I lived only to run into hiding when expected to show up.

I've owned you since then and will continue to do so. Guess you really aren't man enough to take what you said you would take.
Another Dumber76 meltdown...

Poor Dumber. He read Hardy Boys and thinks that makes him an FBI agent, lol.

But don't you understand??

He went on a FIELD TRIP and it gave him "skills".

Another Dumber76 meltdown...

Poor Dumber. He read Hardy Boys and thinks that makes him an FBI agent, lol.


Just as I predicted. You obsessive stalkers are still shitting all over yourselves about a simple photo.

How fucking pathetic is that.

It is amusing, though, to watch such pitiful behavior from such a bunch of losers.

Keep coming back, cunt. It makes my day!

Rent free, bitch!

Domer may be confusing the FBI academy with the 80s cult movie series Police Academy. (He was Sweet Chuck, or possibly Zed).

Right there in the photo that you are cumming in your shorts about.

I'll give you a break, shitsalot. I won't hold this against you on your 10 attempts.

Still at 7 attempts to prove you're not a rapist. You told me once it was "consensual". All you need to do is provide the details. Easy, huh?

Right there in the photo that you are cumming in your shorts about.

I'll give you a break, shitsalot. I won't hold this against you on your 10 attempts.

Still at 7 attempts to prove you're not a rapist. You told me once it was "consensual". All you need to do is provide the details. Easy, huh?


I already told you how to prove it was consensual. Ask your fat, bearded, cum dumpster wife if she's ever been raped. When she says no, you'll see that she consented with me for the low price of 25 cents. Proof positive! I'll understand if you're too chickenshit to ask. :rofl2:
I already told you how to prove it was consensual. Ask your fat, bearded, cum dumpster wife if she's ever been raped. When she says no, you'll see that she consented with me for the low price of 25 cents. Proof positive! I'll understand if you're too chickenshit to ask. :rofl2:

You're wasting you attempts, rapist coward. Now down to five.

All you have to do, cumstain, is relate the consensual part of the story. Surely, you must remember it. Was it Bill Cosby type consensual? :rofl2:

Lying fucking coward
You posted the picture...

And? Do you recall the date of every fucking photo in your life? In the 80s, maybe even up to the early 90s, I attended several classes there. I don't have to come up with a fucking year just for you, shithead.
And? Do you recall the date of every fucking photo in your life? In the 80s, maybe even up to the early 90s, I attended several classes there. I don't have to come up with a fucking year just for you, shithead.
I know/label every picture I have....I understand if you don't....
Now, you aren't even sure it was the 80's? were just too busy;)
I know/label every picture I have....I understand if you don't....
Now, you aren't even sure it was the 80's? were just too busy;)

Well, lah-tee-fukin-dah. I didn't take the photo, nor did I label it. I stumbled across it recently.

Sorry, bitch. I can't fulfill your every desire.