No. Neither did South Carolina, nor any other State of the Confederacy.
U.S. citizens.
No, it's done. It's long dead history. The United States prevailed. Slavery legally ended. It's done.
The Confederacy is part of America. Yes, I know there are people that want slavery to return. They are called Democrats. They are racist. They are trying to overthrow the country.
Europe has had enough of them. Remember Hitler and Mussolini? Why inflict that upon them again?
Socialists are already in every corner of the world. They are evil. They are thieves. They are thugs. They are racists. They are bigots. They are they that would enslave. In the U.S. they are the Democrat Party. You can't just make them go away on a wish.
Lies don't fuck. I'm not lying. You just can't seem to understand what 'America' is. You must've failed geography. You can't seem to understand what history is. You seem to have failed that too (or your instructor did).