How do you deal with your idiot Trump hating relatives over the holidays?

Translation:Turn a blind eye that Trump is a immoral buffoon.

No Mason but constantly whining about the man accomplishes nothing but boring people. Discussing policies can result in change if enough people agree and get congress to change the policy.
Sorry my dear but Obama was out of office when I started posting here. So your whining at me doesn't mean anything. Basically what you are trying to say is your shit about Obama stinks but my shit about Trump doesn't stink. You are just a whiny liberal who hates Trump but can't understand your bit ching means nothing to other people!!! If you want to discuss Trump''s policies without attacking the man, I will be delighted to do so.

What "trump policies"? I don't consider trump rolling back all of Obama's decisions to be anything more than spite, and throwing red meat to his Obama-hating supporters.

Where are all the bilateral deals trump was supposed to be making after pulling out of the TPP? How has the US benefited by trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement? Where is the mideast peace trump promised? What changed after trump used the words "radical Islamic terrorism"? How is the middle class going to benefit from trump's tax cuts for the rich? How is trump's tax reform bill, which will increase the deficit by $1+ trillion beneficial to the country?
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No Mason but constantly whining about the man accomplishes nothing but boring people. Discussing policies can result in change if enough people agree and get congress to change the policy.
Still don't know why Mason feels the "need" to use LilyWaq. What's up with that?
In other words you don't get to criticize people for doing the same thing you did, while shrugging off your actions with a trite saying.

Give me one good reason why we shouldn't criticize the liar-in-chief.

You really have a comprehension problem! You are free to criticize anyone you want but what does it accomplish? I know it makes you feel good, sorry but all you are doing is pissing into a head wind. As I said criticize his policies you might get support, because right now all you look like is a spoiled little liberal crying in her beer. Trump won live with it!
You really have a comprehension problem! You are free to criticize anyone you want but what does it accomplish? I know it makes you feel good, sorry but all you are doing is pissing into a head wind. As I said criticize his policies you might get support right now all you look like is a spoiled little liberal crying in their beer. Trump won live with it!

Russia won asshole, and you are glad they did.
No Mason but constantly whining about the man accomplishes nothing but boring people. Discussing policies can result in change if enough people agree and get congress to change the policy.

So when do you plan to begin discussing politics, rather than other people?
What "trump policies"? I don't consider trump rolling back all of Obama's decisions to be anything more than spite, and throwing red meat to his Obama-hating supporters.

Where are all the bilateral deals trump was supposed to be making after pulling out of the TPP? How has the US benefited by trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement? Where is the mideast peace trump promised? What changed after trump used the words "radical Islamic terrorism"? How is the middle class going to benefit from trump's tax cuts for the rich? How is trump's tax reform bill, which will increase the deficit by $1+ trillion beneficial to the country?

Oh dear. Now you're asking for far too much. Toxic and her LeashBoy Eagle don't come here to discuss policy and politics. They come here to shit on other people, and troll troll troll.
So when do you plan to begin discussing politics, rather than other people?

When do you plan to come out of your cowardly hiding behind the ignore feature and address someone instead of talking about them? Practice what you preach, bitch.
Funny how she attacked me for no reason then had the balls to call us attackers and trolls. She is truly screwed in the head.

She talks about attacking other people yet she has me on ignore while still talking about me. I guess when she can't defend what she supports and doesn't have the guts to say it directly to the person, she hides like a coward.
So when do you plan to begin discussing politics, rather than other people?

What do you think the post you are responding to is? I discuss issues with many people while you love to tell your little tales of woe and how hard your life has been to anyone you think will give you a shoulder to cry on. On the flip side you then feed your hatred of people whom you dislike/disagree with by the constant lies and attacks.