How do you determine who is illegal?

Simple. Start by enforcing the 'real ID' laws and expand these to all cases where ID is required. No real ID, no whatever. That means if an illegal with a driver's license but not a real ID is stopped for a traffic violation, they end up arrested for illegal entry.

If someone refuses to answer any questions from a law enforcement officer, etc., which is their right, the officer does have the option to arrest them and take them to a police station for identification without their consent as they have been arrested. It simply prolongs the process and makes it more painful in the end.

You will show us your papers, please.
Many states allow illegals to get Drivers Licenses.

You said IF they are found to be here illegally... that is my question, how are they "found to be here illegally?"
They can't get a Real ID driver's license however. That's the point of making that the standard for initiating a check on citizenship.
They can't get a Real ID driver's license however. That's the point of making that the standard for initiating a check on citizenship.
And you think Congress is going to pass a law with such a requirement?

You would be okay with that kind of big government?

Not the way you see it "playing out".... You think officials are going to wing it out on the street...That's hilarious....
Where do they get the "paperwork"?

So tell me, how do you see it happening? I do not see a reasonable and legal way of doing it.
That's the base law. The exception that criminalizes it is other actions done in conjunction with the act or based on previous driving history.
Ok, but my example was a simple running of a stop sign, most of the time its not a crime.
Ok, but my example was a simple running of a stop sign, most of the time its not a crime.
True. But if you don't have the Real ID and refuse to cooperate with the officer, you are likely going to jail and being charged criminally.

This is a sovereign citizen stop. No driver's license, refuses to cooperate, etc. He's going to jail.

True. But if you don't have the Real ID and refuse to cooperate with the officer, you are likely going to jail and being charged criminally.

This is a sovereign citizen stop. No driver's license, refuses to cooperate, etc. He's going to jail.

If you do not have a Real ID and refuse to cooperate with the officer, what are you going to jail for, or being charged with criminally?

Are you OK with this law?
Where do they get the "paperwork"?

So tell me, how do you see it happening? I do not see a reasonable and legal way of doing it.
You seem to have plenty of time....Sit back, watch, listen, and learn... it's going to be a long, successful process... If you're super concerned, look around your hood and offer your services pro bono....