I am a professional ghost hunter

If it's an electric car and he says I need new piston rings, yes.

Ghosts don't exist. You know it and I know it yet you take money from people to tell them their house is "clean", "exorcized" or what ever supernatural line you sell them. Again, a fool and their money are soon parted. You are taking advantage of fools.

I don’t know they exist which is why I became a ghost hunter.

I am looking for proof of their existence and helping people along the way
I don’t know they exist which is why I became a ghost hunter.

I am looking for proof of their existence and helping people along the way

People disbelieve modern medical science but believe Facebook remedies for COVID. ExpressLane on JPP even hawked HCQ for money. Rumor says his bad medical advice got his brother-in-law killed from COVID.

There is ZERO evidence of any supernatural events inside the Universe. People point at events thousands of years ago, but nothing post-Dark Ages. You're free to look, but the best minds for centuries have been looking and found NOTHING. The fact you believe you can is interesting.
It is a needle in an haystack.

So? The needle is there and, according to the laws of physics, will go where it goes.

The only variable, AFAIK, are living creatures which cause changes in areas under their influence. Newton's Laws of Motion are one example.
People disbelieve modern medical science but believe Facebook remedies for COVID. ExpressLane on JPP even hawked HCQ for money. Rumor says his bad medical advice got his brother-in-law killed from COVID.

There is ZERO evidence of any supernatural events inside the Universe. People point at events thousands of years ago, but nothing post-Dark Ages. You're free to look, but the best minds for centuries have been looking and found NOTHING. The fact you believe you can is interesting.

The Catholic Church supposedly has tons of videos of demon possession from their exorcists but they do not make it public.
I don’t know they exist which is why I became a ghost hunter.

I am looking for proof of their existence and helping people along the way

So you're a snake oil salesman who looks for "ghosts" and charges ppl, but doesn't believe in evolution. Got it. lol
If it's an electric car and he says I need new piston rings, yes.

Ghosts don't exist. You know it and I know it yet you take money from people to tell them their house is "clean", "exorcized" or what ever supernatural line you sell them. Again, a fool and their money are soon parted. You are taking advantage of fools.

Think of it as providing therapy for someone with a fear or obsession. :thinking:
I’ve tried to get access but can’t even get through the first step. Whatever they have is locked down tighter than Fort Knox.

You probably have to be at least a bishop to see what they have.

We know from witness accounts though that the exorcism teams have recorded many of them though.
I’ve tried to get access but can’t even get through the first step. Whatever they have is locked down tighter than Fort Knox.

You probably have to be at least a bishop to see what they have.

We know from witness accounts though that the exorcism teams have recorded many of them though.

I bet you also believe that the JOOOOS in Israel conspired with our government to commit the tragedies on 9/11, don't you? And how about that Santa and that Easter Bunny! Sneaking into houses where little kids are sleeping.... obviously they are up to something no good. Quick! Notify your contacts at QAnon! :rofl2:
I’ve tried to get access but can’t even get through the first step. Whatever they have is locked down tighter than Fort Knox.

You probably have to be at least a bishop to see what they have.

We know from witness accounts though that the exorcism teams have recorded many of them though.

Why? Because it's all bullshit. Understanding would undermine their faith.

I was a behavioral psych major in the late 70s. One popular area of study was Fourth Force psychology, which got into the wacky shit like telekinesis. Even the CIA and KGB were studying this stuff, which was the basis of several popular movies in the era.

There's no such thing as ghosts, telekinesis, telepathy or the like. The only good, and factual, thing to come out of Fourth Force Psychology was biofeedback machines.
Why? No Because it's all bullshit. Understanding would undermine their faith.

I was a behavioral psych major in the late 70s. One popular area of study was Fourth Force psychology, which got into the wacky shit like telekinesis. Even the CIA and KGB were studying this stuff, which was the basis of several popular movies in the era.

There's no such thing as ghosts, telekinesis, telepathy or the like. The only good, and factual, thing to come out of Fourth Force Psychology was biofeedback machines.

As a Christian I believe in the supernatural which includes demons or the fallen angels.

Since that realm exists other things like ghosts could also manifest.

Now if you are not a believer then there is nothing that will ever convince you of their existence other than experiencing it yourself but I doubt you put yourself in positions where you may experience something.
People need help so I come in and solve the problem for them.

Need help getting smaller bank accounts?

LOL, you're a con artist.

It should be noted that in ten years I have found no evidence of a haunting, although some strange things have occurred, but almost always I can find the reason for the mysterious event and it puts them at ease.

Then you would be more of a myth buster.
As a Christian I believe in the supernatural which includes demons or the fallen angels.

Since that realm exists other things like ghosts could also manifest.

Now if you are not a believer then there is nothing that will ever convince you of their existence other than experiencing it yourself but I doubt you put yourself in positions where you may experience something.
I'm a believer in a Watchmaker God. You seem to believe God gave mankind Free Will then spent the rest of the time fucking with people by denying them that Free Will. You believe Satan is equal to God, meaning God is not all powerful or all-knowledgeable since God created Lucifer in the first place.