"I am going to surround myself with only the best and most serious people".

What democrats that she worked with are campaigning for her? Not Joe...not Jill... Not any of her staff... They did crown her as you know .. When they got rid of Joe...not Nancy...bor Hakeem...not AOC or the squad...No one...But the crown wasn't real and now they're seeing an end to their error...
Why aren't Melania and Ivanka out campaigning for trump? I think we all know the answer.
In my experience, U.S. military officers are typically highly educated and articulate. West Point, Annapolis, and Colorado Springs tend to churn out educated people. pEarl is barely articulate, with limited vocabulary, and mostly reduced to parroting talking points. Even the officers who get into the club through ROTC are college educated.
That would exclude you then. ;)

You say nothing that has substance

Just fucking idiot spew
Agreed, but I feel a little sorry for him and a few other geezers on JPP; they are trapped in a room all day with nothing to do but spread their pain and hate to other Americans.

They exemplify why we need assisted suicide across the US.
VP Pence - ran against him, does not support him. trump called him a "pussy".
Ambassador to the UN Haley - ran against him. trump called her a "bird brain"
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo - not supporting him
National Security Advisor John Bolton - not supporting him.
Attorney General Bill Barr - says he is a troubled man, trump called him a gutless pig.
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly - trump says "born with a very small brain."
White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney - trump called him "A born loser."
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson - trump called him "dumb as a rock"
Defense Secretary James Mattis - "The worlds most overrated General."
Transportation Secretary Elaine Cho - "Mitch McConnel's China loving wife"

Why did he hire them?

He hired them because they were desperate enough to want a place on the public stage that they ultimately recanted their complaints about Trump and kissed his ring.

It's a story as old as time. People who don't actually believe in anything other than self-aggrandizement doing what that kind of person does.

And it's why they all turned on Trump in order to make buck on their book sales AFTER they left. If they actually believed in anything they would have taken action from within the administration, NOT when it was a payday for them.
I am quite certain we didn't elect a Democrat in 2016. ;)

Says a whiny, low IQ, lying leftist douchebag who is voting for a empty headed clown like Kamala. You just cannot make this up people.

And I am sure we did, Now what office are you talking about moron?
There are local representatives , State , Federal and more.
Not every office in this country has a Republican in it.
I dont agree with assisted suicide for mental illness

These are not people

They are Russian programs

They will merely be shut off soon
Disagreed on assisted suicide for the mentally ill, but agreed procedures for all suicides should be strictly monitored. Terminal cases are the easiest. Incurable, deteriorating mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's are another.

Which is better: a clean, monitored process or a rope tied to the garage rafters? A handgun to the head?

Disagreed they are bots, just mentally deficient. The Turing Test is one way to tell. AI is good, but not that good....yet. LOL

If you are curious to know more, I'll PM you my thoughts about differentiating between humans and AI online.

Turing Test Example Questions
While there is no official list of Turing Test questions, a judge would likely ask questions that relate to human experiences like emotions and maturation, or linguistic riddles that could be difficult for a machine to parse. Here are some questions to ask if you find yourself judging a Turing Test:

  • What is your most memorable childhood event and how has that impacted you today?
  • Describe yourself using only colors and shapes.
  • Describe why time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana?
  • How do you feel when you think about your upbringing and what makes you feel that way?
  • What historical event changed you the most and where were you when it happened?
  • Which of the previous questions was the most difficult to answer and why?

Disagreed on assisted suicide for the mentally ill, but agreed procedures for all suicides should be strictly monitored. Terminal cases are the easiest. Incurable, deteriorating mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's are another.

Which is better: a clean, monitored process or a rope tied to the garage rafters? A handgun to the head?

Disagreed they are bots, just mentally deficient. The Turing Test is one way to tell. AI is good, but not that good....yet. LOL

If you are curious to know more, I'll PM you my thoughts about differentiating between humans and AI online.

Turing Test Example Questions
While there is no official list of Turing Test questions, a judge would likely ask questions that relate to human experiences like emotions and maturation, or linguistic riddles that could be difficult for a machine to parse. Here are some questions to ask if you find yourself judging a Turing Test:

  • What is your most memorable childhood event and how has that impacted you today?
  • Describe yourself using only colors and shapes.
  • Describe why time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana?
  • How do you feel when you think about your upbringing and what makes you feel that way?
  • What historical event changed you the most and where were you when it happened?
  • Which of the previous questions was the most difficult to answer and why?
They are foreign influence programs

They do not respond like actual humans

They are merely propaganda tools