I had one of my Gentlemen pass away last night.

Actually you can be in violation oh HIPAA without using a patients name


...you don't have to give out their full name to be in violation of the law.

If SP can be in violation of HIPAA laws without posting the patient's name, why didn't you say as much then?

Why did you need to post any name?answer that

No mention of violating HIPAA laws despite not posting the patient's name here either...why not?

Way to move those goalposts when cornered!!
We all know Steelplate's post did not violate HIPPA laws.

I personally would be ok with everyone just ignoring ILA from here on out, at least on this thread. But that's just my opinion.
So...I post anonymous information on an anonymous message board....and you're pretending this has to do with violating HIPAA and not your personal beef with me?

I am done in this thread.....and I might be done here period....I don't know, but I at least need a break....Mods, remove me from the debate championship.

You fucked up not me. You are supposed to protect the privacy of your patient. You didn't do that. You were wrong.

I sense by this post it is dawning on you that you royally fucked up.

If I were you, I would ask to have this thread deleted. Although since you haves pissed me off I have saved it for future reference ;)
I empathize with your grief. It has always been a shock to me how affected I am by the death of another, and amazed that it really does get better with time.
We all know Steelplate's post did not violate HIPPA laws.

I personally would be ok with everyone just ignoring ILA from here on out, at least on this thread. But that's just my opinion.

True...it's clear SP did nothing wrong and "someone" is just trying to stir more shit.
Let's make this simple. All I need to do is take a copy of what Steelplate posted on this message board and email it to ALL of the mental health facilities in central/western PA and see if they have a problem with it?

My guess is that there would be a staff meeting in every single one within 5 minutes of receiving said email talking about protecting patient privacy.

Let's review what Steelplate has divulged

The patients initials and his first name (although now he says he made up the first name)

That he is 66 years old

That he died yesterday

That he had Downs Syndrome

That he had Alopecia

That he had COPD

That he had Heart Failure

That he had Alzheimers

Now Steelplate says he provided all of that information for "context". Bullshit. He could have just said, I lost one my patients last night and I was very close to him. Do you think the outpouring of sympathy from the board would have been any different? No it would not.

Here are the regs.


What Information is Protected

Protected Health Information. The Privacy Rule protects all "individually identifiable health information" held or transmitted by a covered entity or its business associate, in any form or media, whether electronic, paper, or oral. The Privacy Rule calls this information "protected health information (PHI)."12

“Individually identifiable health information” is information, including demographic data, that relates to:

the individual’s past, present or future physical or mental health or condition,
the provision of health care to the individual, or
the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to the individual,
and that identifies the individual or for which there is a reasonable basis to believe it can be used to identify the individual.13 Individually identifiable health information includes many common identifiers (e.g., name, address, birth date, Social Security Number).

For a second all of you nimrods put your personal feelings about me aside for a second and think about this logically.Do you think there is any health care organization that would not frown on an employee sharing ANY patient information on a message board? Ask yourself, would you want any healthcare provider sharing your medical history on a message board whether they used your real name or not? It is a violation of trust.

The simple fact is that you left wing moonbats can't get past your hatred of me to see that Steelplate fucked up. Apparently we are supposed to just feel sympathy for him and not point out that he in fact fucked up.
So...I post anonymous information on an anonymous message board....and you're pretending this has to do with violating HIPAA and not your personal beef with me?

I am done in this thread.....and I might be done here period....I don't know, but I at least need a break....Mods, remove me from the debate championship.

I hope you're not done here for good, SP. This has happened numerous times before when one or more a$$holes flames someone to the breaking point. It's sick and twisted and you don't deserve that. Please don't let that pos win. Few would care if he quit but you would be missed by many.
I hope you're not done here for good, SP. This has happened numerous times before when one or more a$$holes flames someone to the breaking point. It's sick and twisted and you don't deserve that. Please don't let that pos win. Few would care if he quit but you would be missed by many.

And I'm very, very sorry for your loss. It really is like losing a member of the family.
I hope you're not done here for good, SP. This has happened numerous times before when one or more a$$holes flames someone to the breaking point. It's sick and twisted and you don't deserve that. Please don't let that pos win. Few would care if he quit but you would be missed by many.

The mods won't get rid of him. He makes them laugh.

But yeah, as someone who spent a lot of time in a state regulatory position, I Love America is so full of shit it's seeping out of his ears. But we've always known that...he has no credibility whatsoever and is only here to troll.


Here's the thing. We'd have hundreds and hundreds of nurses, techs, lab workers - even TV newsmen covering a story - fined massive amounts of money if they disclosed a patient's full name.

Why do you think the nurse only calls you by your first name?

Why do you think Nancy Snyderman only refers to the subject of her story as "Mary"?

If every ILA proved himself to be an ignorant troll, it's in this thread.
This is really sad, there are some people with Down's Syndrome who deserve a chance in the world but the problem with that is people not being accepting of others; which will never change. RIP
So...I post anonymous information on an anonymous message board....and you're pretending this has to do with violating HIPAA and not your personal beef with me?

I am done in this thread.....and I might be done here period....I don't know, but I at least need a break....Mods, remove me from the debate championship.

SP, I don't think I've agreed with much you've posted, quite sure. On this though, I've repeatedly 'up'd' and for good cause. I had a sister, RIP with Down's. While she was 11 years older, always under care, she was my sister. She and our family were blessed with special caretakers like yourself.

We knew them well and they wept with us when she passed. They, not us, were the ones to call us when the end was near. We had OUR MB, when it was weekends, vacation time or holidays, other than those times, it was the caring staff like SP that made her life full. They were the ones that talked with my parents, later my uncle the priest with my parents, regarding birth control. Yeah, they all agreed after meeting 'her love.' 15 years later, he was still with her, when she died. He called my mom and dad, 'mom and dad.'

SP, don't let anyone take away your joy. They are the ignorant ones.
SP, I don't think I've agreed with much you've posted, quite sure. On this though, I've repeatedly 'up'd' and for good cause. I had a sister, RIP with Down's. While she was 11 years older, always under care, she was my sister. She and our family were blessed with special caretakers like yourself.

We knew them well and they wept with us when she passed. They, not us, were the ones to call us when the end was near. We had OUR MB, when it was weekends, vacation time or holidays, other than those times, it was the caring staff like SP that made her life full. They were the ones that talked with my parents, later my uncle the priest with my parents, regarding birth control. Yeah, they all agreed after meeting 'her love.' 15 years later, he was still with her, when she died. He called my mom and dad, 'mom and dad.'

SP, don't let anyone take away your joy. They are the ignorant ones.

Why do people go out of their way to miss the point? Nobody is taking away his joy or grief, although I do question the need to bring it to a message board. But, that is a separate issue.

My point is that he had no business posting any information about that person in the way that he did. It was unethical and a travesty.

If people don't agree that is fine, but as I said, if I went to Steelplates employer tomorrow with a copy of what he posted I will guarentee at a minimum he would get reprimanded if not fired.

Would you want information about your sister posted on an anonymous message board by the people who cared for her?
So...I post anonymous information on an anonymous message board....and you're pretending this has to do with violating HIPAA and not your personal beef with me?

I am done in this thread.....and I might be done here period....I don't know, but I at least need a break....Mods, remove me from the debate championship.

good riddance
Ya know if Steelplate actually leaves that will make him and Bijou. Not bad. I don't think he will go though

My bet is his fellow libtards are inundating him with PMs pleading and saying "if you leave, ILA will win"