I had one of my Gentlemen pass away last night.

Why do people go out of their way to miss the point? Nobody is taking away his joy or grief, although I do question the need to bring it to a message board. But, that is a separate issue.

My point is that he had no business posting any information about that person in the way that he did. It was unethical and a travesty.

If people don't agree that is fine, but as I said, if I went to Steelplates employer tomorrow with a copy of what he posted I will guarentee at a minimum he would get reprimanded if not fired.

Would you want information about your sister posted on an anonymous message board by the people who cared for her?

You are the one missing it, for some weird personal reasons.

If you looked at my post, I wrote MB and have every right to do so. I was one of her legal guardians. I'll go a step further, ala Richard. Mary Beth, my sister. She was a special person, as are we all, with her own name.

Trust me, I get privacy. I understand you might wish to do a 'wide search' of Mary Beth, Downs, Annie, chicago, Police, teacher and claim to find out about my sister. I may have missed some key words for cloud, but go for it.

It will bring you?

No, SP wasn't being narcissitic, he was sharing a friendship and the sorrow, you chose to make is sour. That's on you.
You are the one missing it, for some weird personal reasons.

If you looked at my post, I wrote MB and have every right to do so. I was one of her legal guardians. I'll go a step further, ala Richard. Mary Beth, my sister. She was a special person, as are we all, with her own name.

Trust me, I get privacy. I understand you might wish to do a 'wide search' of Mary Beth, Downs, Annie, chicago, Police, teacher and claim to find out about my sister. I may have missed some key words for cloud, but go for it.

It will bring you?

No, SP wasn't being narcissitic, he was sharing a friendship and the sorrow, you chose to make is sour. That's on you.

Wrong. He is a healthcare professional. You are not. You are free to divulge personal information. It is not ethical for him to do so no matter how "discrete" he thinks he is being.

What everyone appears to be missing, I guess intentionally or because emotion has overwhelmed thinking, is that there was ZERO need for specifics. He could have shared his grief without any specifics.

If it were my family member, I would have his job.
Wrong. He is a healthcare professional. You are not. You are free to divulge personal information. It is not ethical for him to do so no matter how "discrete" he thinks he is being.

What everyone appears to be missing, I guess intentionally or because emotion has overwhelmed thinking, is that there was ZERO need for specifics. He could have shared his grief without any specifics.

If it were my family member, I would have his job.

I don't think you are reading the law correctly. If you perchance were, and had a loved one in this state, you would recognize just how outside of normal you are acting.

It's not partisanship, it's humane treatment of others.

You are clouding your judgment on politics, which really should always be left at the door step of the most vunerable: Children, mentally disabled, elderly.

You, not SP are choosing this argument and many from both his political side and mine are agreeing with us both. As it should be.
Wrong. He is a healthcare professional. You are not. You are free to divulge personal information. It is not ethical for him to do so no matter how "discrete" he thinks he is being.

What everyone appears to be missing, I guess intentionally or because emotion has overwhelmed thinking, is that there was ZERO need for specifics. He could have shared his grief without any specifics.

If it were my family member, I would have his job.
Then you would prove yourself to be a douche, a money grabbing one at that. To make hay off of someone that cared for your family member, in a relationship that family couldn't expressing their personal loss? Get a real life.

Our family loved Mary Beth, but times were different when she was born. If it had been later, likely she would have been at home. But they weren't and she wasn't. Perhaps truly for the best for her. She had a life in sheltered environment, a job, friends, and a love. When in the hospital for heart or oral health problems, both common emergencies in Down's patients, she had not only blood family, but her home partners and room mates. Her boyfriend.

To think of taking any of those people to court, for saying, "Mary Beth" or MBD would be a betrayal of those who cared for her. You are being a jerk.
Ya know if Steelplate actually leaves that will make him and Bijou. Not bad. I don't think he will go though

My bet is his fellow libtards are inundating him with PMs pleading and saying "if you leave, ILA will win"

So this is ultimately about your ego, it would seem. I was beginning to think you had changed for the better but this is not better behaviour. Nobody but you gives a shit, so can you just shut up about it.
So this is ultimately about your ego, it would seem. I was beginning to think you had changed for the better but this is not better behaviour. Nobody but you gives a shit, so can you just shut up about it.

Yes I can see that nobody cares about patient privacy except me.

Let me put it this way. Would it bother you if your physician posted about your medical condition on a message board but only used your initials?

People are letting sympathy cloud their judgement
[/B] Then you would prove yourself to be a douche, a money grabbing one at that. To make hay off of someone that cared for your family member, in a relationship that family couldn't expressing their personal loss? Get a real life.

Our family loved Mary Beth, but times were different when she was born. If it had been later, likely she would have been at home. But they weren't and she wasn't. Perhaps truly for the best for her. She had a life in sheltered environment, a job, friends, and a love. When in the hospital for heart or oral health problems, both common emergencies in Down's patients, she had not only blood family, but her home partners and room mates. Her boyfriend.

To think of taking any of those people to court, for saying, "Mary Beth" or MBD would be a betrayal of those who cared for her. You are being a jerk.

That is all truly lovely and special. But it is clear you and everyone else is missing the point.

I am sure Steelplate cared for this deeply. I am sure he took great care of him.

BUT as a healthcare professional you have a duty to protect the privacy of those you care for. Caring for them doesn't give you the right to blab about their health on any Internet message board. Steelplate violated this mans trust and privacy.

He didn't just say his name. He gave out details of his condition. That was wrong.
You are the one missing it, for some weird personal reasons.

If you looked at my post, I wrote MB and have every right to do so. I was one of her legal guardians. I'll go a step further, ala Richard. Mary Beth, my sister. She was a special person, as are we all, with her own name.

Trust me, I get privacy. I understand you might wish to do a 'wide search' of Mary Beth, Downs, Annie, chicago, Police, teacher and claim to find out about my sister. I may have missed some key words for cloud, but go for it.

It will bring you?

No, SP wasn't being narcissitic, he was sharing a friendship and the sorrow, you chose to make is sour. That's on you.

I really don't think you get privacy. Sorry.

Do you really think that if Steelplate went to work and showed them his post his supervisor would say "dude, that got me right here" and point to his heart? Or do you think it more like,y Steelplate would get a reprimand?
Howey, you broke the rules twice, very clearly and blatantly. And you want to know a little secret? It's BECAUSE of me you're allowed here. I argued for clemency for you.
Howey, you broke the rules twice, very clearly and blatantly. And you want to know a little secret? It's BECAUSE of me you're allowed here. I argued for clemency for you.

Dude, are you fugging nuts? Howey thinks he is Florida's answer to Truman Capote whereas he is more like Truman Burbank.
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[/B] Then you would prove yourself to be a douche, a money grabbing one at that. To make hay off of someone that cared for your family member, in a relationship that family couldn't expressing their personal loss? Get a real life.

Our family loved Mary Beth, but times were different when she was born. If it had been later, likely she would have been at home. But they weren't and she wasn't. Perhaps truly for the best for her. She had a life in sheltered environment, a job, friends, and a love. When in the hospital for heart or oral health problems, both common emergencies in Down's patients, she had not only blood family, but her home partners and room mates. Her boyfriend.

To think of taking any of those people to court, for saying, "Mary Beth" or MBD would be a betrayal of those who cared for her. You are being a jerk.

BTW where did you get the "money grabbing" thing from? Did I say I would sue them? No, I said I would have the persons job meaning, I would make sure they are fired. I would not seek to profit by it but to make sure they never got to do it again.
You know, I left state employment for three years to pursue a career in Information Technology and was deep into and well regarded at the company I worked for. I had gotten a promotion to Senior Technician. And had five recharge underneath me. But even though I was good at what I did....it wasn't as fullfilling as my job now. There are things more important than money...So I went back to working with the developmentally disabled. If I were to have hit the Powerball the other night...I'd do what I do now for free.

Last night, I put a bid in for a job that will take me away from the direct care arena. It's a vocational job. Where I think I could excel at. Teaching these people new skills that may help them out in the community. It's a slight pay cut, as it's a 371/2 hour week as opposed to a 40...and there's little.opportunity for overtime. But on the plus side, I'll have weekends and holidays off. As opposed to every third weekend and holidays randomly assigned.

EDIT: thank you, btw....I'm a little loopy from my "go to sleep" medicine".
Being reassigned huh?
Leaned too hard on the pillow perhaps?
Don't you liberals believe that allowing people with downs to live is cruelty.
Or is that only when sarah palin doesn't murder her baby?