"I hate Taylor Swift"

It's not flip flopping if you mean it .. She doesn't mean anything she says... You understand that don't you? She just repeats what They give her to memorize. That's why she can't do an ..Actual interview.. Or answer questions....
ok, thanks
Thats what makes it interesting but still not the same at all.

First a baby isnt a woman's body.

Putting that aside people usually don't voluntarily enter into slavery. Once you do though Im not really interested that you don't like the food or the living arrangements of slavery .
Again, Yak, a zygote isn't a baby.
Thats what makes it interesting but still not the same at all.

First a baby isnt a woman's body.

Putting that aside people usually don't voluntarily enter into slavery. Once you do though Im not really interested that you don't like the food or the living arrangements of slavery .
The Federal Constitution limits our government from making the most personal of private decisions for us.
And while we're being honest, I will certainly never understand how people
can openly admit to endorsing Trump's policies of
racism, xenophobia, nationalist chauvinism, misogyny, anti-intellectualism,
and above all, vulgarity.

He is the epitome of classlessness.
Beyond his blatantly immoral political views,
the man is totally without even the minimum of social graces.

My children had more dignity, decorum, probity, rectitude,
and even better fucking grammar
when they were toddlers
than Trump has now this deep into his dotage.
That would apply to my Welsh Terrier as well.
She may have chewed up my expensive Italian shoes when she had her milk teeth,
but she didn't say incredibly stupid things.

People out in the boonies actually have the shamelessness
to place Trump lawn signs out in front of their homes.
[Hard to find one in Boston, obviously.]
How did people that spectacularly stupid ever manage to avoid homelessness?
It could never have happened under Trump's policies.
That's irony.
Callinectes is Latin for beautiful swimmer. I used to swim competitively in high school and all the girls said I was beautiful. It stuck, because I'm still beautiful and I still swim. Callinectes is also the scientific name for a genus of crabs including Callinectes Sapidus (aka the Atlantic Blue Crab) which means Savory Beautiful Swimmer. Now, your scientific name is Naultinus grayii, which probably means little green insurance lizard.
Thanks for all that!

Have you been a Republican all of your adult life? And have you always voted the Party Line?
Your studying is flawed. Trump is very stupid. He is pushing tariffs. The vast majority of economists are against them and for free trade. They are a tax on consumers because the manufacturers pass that added costs to the consumer. Trump has shown zero math, history, or science knowledge. Warrant? Make sense they have nothing to do with the terribly flawed "attempts".
Why did harris keep the Trump tariffs on china? If she steals the "election", will she keep them in place AND tax the shit out of the evil rich (which is also a tax on consumers)?
Why did harris keep the Trump tariffs on china? If she steals the "election", will she keep them in place AND tax the shit out of the evil rich (which is also a tax on consumers)?
Did you notice how Harris's guard dogs didn't press that question at the debate. They moved past it very quickly
And while we're being honest, I will certainly never understand how people
can openly admit to endorsing Trump's policies of
racism, xenophobia, nationalist chauvinism, misogyny, anti-intellectualism,
and above all, vulgarity.

He is the epitome of classlessness.
Beyond his blatantly immoral political views,
the man is totally without even the minimum of social graces.

My children had more dignity, decorum, probity, rectitude,
and even better fucking grammar
when they were toddlers
than Trump has now this deep into his dotage.
That would apply to my Welsh Terrier as well.
She may have chewed up my expensive Italian shoes when she had her milk teeth,
but she didn't say incredibly stupid things.

People out in the boonies actually have the shamelessness
to place Trump lawn signs out in front of their homes.
[Hard to find one in Boston, obviously.]
How did people that spectacularly stupid ever manage to avoid homelessness?
It could never have happened under Trump's policies.
That's irony.
Thanks for all that!

You're welcome!

Have you been a Republican all of your adult life? And have you always voted the Party Line?

I registered as a democrat in 1975 because my family have been democrats since they landed here in the early 1800s. Then, thinking with my little head, I voted for carter so a girl would sleep with me (wasn't paying much attention to the whole situation anyway). By 1980, being career-oriented military, and a little more mature, I was disgusted with what carter was doing with the military and the economy still sucked. So, I changed parties and really never looked back.

Have I always voted the party line? Yes, nobody's perfect but it's the most efficient method to see your vision for the country realized.
You are avoiding the point, Trump was pro life period, to the point of putting women in prison if they consented to an abortion, NOW he is supporting enshrining the right to abortion in the Florida Constitution.

he's always been a moderate Dem on the issue. first trimester. this used to be a settled issue.

he pandered a little to the right on this one. thats the sausage.

but really all that's happened is it's up to states.

hardly anything to get alarmed about.