Idaho Senator (R) Arrested in Airport

As I understand it, these are airport cops. That's their job. In the realm of the cop world, these guys basically are glorified security guards. The airport is their job. They're not out in the city working the crime detective beat, or the street beat.

I don't see how that has relevance to my comment. Why the need for the questionable police practices?
In law enforcement...based on your telling your side of the story...was the female prostitute a undercover cop?...If so when you made your funny comment then started running when you saw the police did a stupid thing and suffered a laceration for it...probably she was undercover and the officer interpreted your running as guilt...then received info from the undercover female officer of your response and let you go...just my impression since it was a story without facts!

In law enforcement...based on your telling your side of the story...was the female prostitute a undercover cop?...If so when you made your funny comment then started running when you saw the police did a stupid thing and suffered a laceration for it...probably she was undercover and the officer interpreted your running as guilt...then received info from the undercover female officer of your response and let you go...just my impression since it was a story without facts!

A story without facts? I told you what happened. Yes, the prostitute was an undercover cop according to the guy who tackled me. I ran because some unmarked car comes tearing at me. If its a police car I wouldn't run. But on a shady street with drug dealers and a bunch of other low lifes I wasn't going to stand and wait to see who was in this car. I was f*cking scared.

I also didn't stop and have a conversation with the undercover cop prostitute. I made my comment as I continued walking up the street.
No they aren't..........

Airport cops are Homeland Security employees. Wow, I'm glad we federalized our security.

Airport police are sworn officers in the city or county of the location of the airport...they are post certified withing the state they serve! And are employees of the local airport authority!
I don't see how that has relevance to my comment. Why the need for the questionable police practices?

There were reports of lewd activity in that bathroom.

The Airport Police's JOB is to patrol the airport and its facilities.

Most people don't want to use public restrooms where adults are engaging in, or soliciting lewd and obscene behaviour.

Its as simple as that.
Once I was on my way to work at the State Attorneys office on a Saturday, just to catch up on some work. The office was downtown and thus on weekends the area was full of vagrants and prostitutes.

As I drove down the street I pulled into a McDonalds across from the office. I saw a woman waive to me. I instintivly waived back, then realized she was a prostitute. I went and got a soda at McDonalds and pulled into a stree parking spot next to the office. When I came to a stop and began to get out of my car the "girl" hoped into my car and said, "Where are we going?" I said we are going nowhere, I am going to work as a prosecutor. She hoped out of the car and walked away very fast.

I got to thinking about that and realized that had a cop been watching and decided to arrest me when she hopped into my car I would have had a LOT of explaining to do!
Application of the law can also prove to be a violation of civil rights regardless of how the law was written. I'm surprised that there hasn't been gay activists fighting this one.
YOu are absolutely right. However, there have been attempts at attacking drug enforcement as racially aimed and the cops have made a showing that drug dealing goes on in specific neighborhoods with much more frequency that in others and they can't be in all places at all times and they get more arrests in those neighborhoods than in others. Same with mens restrooms. More Soliciation is done in mens restrooms ergo more police presence. I actually fought this one in Topeka Kansas back in 1997. Topeka police were arresting ONLY gay men for solicitation of sodomy in Gage park. We argued the law as applied was unconstitutional because they focused only on men. We got shot down all the way to the 10th circuit.
In law enforcement...based on your telling your side of the story...was the female prostitute a undercover cop?...If so when you made your funny comment then started running when you saw the police did a stupid thing and suffered a laceration for it...probably she was undercover and the officer interpreted your running as guilt...then received info from the undercover female officer of your response and let you go...just my impression since it was a story without facts!
And the unnecessary violence? How was he to know it wasn't her pimp out to get him for disrespecting her?
Sorry my interpretation...........

A story without facts? I told you what happened. Yes, the prostitute was an undercover cop according to the guy who tackled me. I ran because some unmarked car comes tearing at me. If its a police car I wouldn't run. But on a shady street with drug dealers and a bunch of other low lifes I wasn't going to stand and wait to see who was in this car. I was f*cking scared.

I also didn't stop and have a conversation with the undercover cop prostitute. I made my comment as I continued walking up the street.

was a sad yet funny is not a fact unless both sides of the story are presented with evidence...thats all I said...does not mean I don't believe you...but is still just a story!

Just curious did the unmarked car have it's emergency lights on? and did the officer order you to stop and was identifiable as a officer?
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You're thinking of the TSA screening guys/gals.

I'm pretty sure the Minneapolis Airport Police are local law enforcement.
No, I am not. I have a friend that does that, the cops are also TSA and they are HS employees. The "Airport Cops" you dismiss so easily are federal cops with full power and are HS employees.
Of course you would not be cheering this you put food on the table and your kids thru college 'defending'...Cops do the same prosecuting!
As for the definition of entrapment as it stands it is a fair law...very simple and understandable to the average person... Defense Attorneys love to make things complicated to confuse jurors...end of story!

and by the way rjs is soo wrong I am not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination I am a ultra conservative...albeit even I would not be cheering a arrest for 'Barney' on this one anymore than I would for this Senator...both are a embarrassment to their profession!
I don't need bullshit consentual sex cases clogging up my docket. Criminal defense attorneys will NEVER be out of work with the continous criminalization of private behavior that goes on in this country. If EVERY crime based on consentual sexual behavior was abolished I would still put plenty of food on my kids table, shoes on their feet and dollar bills in the g-strings of strippers. Oops...did I say that last part out loud? Shit I have got to get a better internal editor.
was a sad yet funny is not a fact unless both sides of the story are presented with evidence...thats all I said...does not mean I don't believe you...but is still just a story!

Just curious did the unmarked car have it's emergency lights on? and did the officer order you to stop and was identifiable as a officer?

Well no sh*t its a story I never presented it as anything such. Maybe you've had different experiences but I've not had to many cars driving from the street aiming at me on the sidewalk. The guy claims he got out of the car and yelled 'Stop, Policie officer here' but I had already started running, no way I heard it. I can't remember if emergency lights were on or not. I saw a car coming at me and my instincts told me to run for my life.
damo...c'mon already.........

And the unnecessary violence? How was he to know it wasn't her pimp out to get him for disrespecting her?

you are taking the side of the Libertarian...I took the side of Law Enforcement...neither of us were there...and while it was a story and it was interesting and is nothing more than a 'hypothetical'! Was 'unecessary Violence' as you called it Unnecessary Force...tackling a suspect is not considered unnecessary force in any court of for how did he know or not know who the person chasing him was...I already asked for clarification above!
you are taking the side of the Libertarian...I took the side of Law Enforcement...neither of us were there...and while it was a story and it was interesting and is nothing more than a 'hypothetical'! Was 'unecessary Violence' as you called it Unnecessary Force...tackling a suspect is not considered unnecessary force in any court of for how did he know or not know who the person chasing him was...I already asked for clarification above!
Rubbing his face in the sidewalk is unnecessary force regardless of why you have done it. By the quick way he got the guy an ambulance and disappeared it is clear he knew he had done wrong.
There were reports of lewd activity in that bathroom.

The Airport Police's JOB is to patrol the airport and its facilities.

Most people don't want to use public restrooms where adults are engaging in, or soliciting lewd and obscene behaviour.

Its as simple as that.

It's as simple as you apparently ignoring my point or else you are using another strawman. Again, if there is a problem why not just patrol the bathrooms? Why the need to engage in questionable police tactics?
Well no sh*t its a story I never presented it as anything such. Maybe you've had different experiences but I've not had to many cars driving from the street aiming at me on the sidewalk. The guy claims he got out of the car and yelled 'Stop, Policie officer here' but I had already started running, no way I heard it. I can't remember if emergency lights were on or not. I saw a car coming at me and my instincts told me to run for my life.

You're lucky you're white. If you were black they would have shot you to death in the back, and claimed you turned around and had a gun in your hand, which they would have planted on you later. They keep one on them for incidents like that you know. That's somethign the big expert BB won't tell you, though he'll tell you a million other things you never wanted to know. But I know it for a fact.
Hey relax defender.............

I don't need bullshit consentual sex cases clogging up my docket. Criminal defense attorneys will NEVER be out of work with the continous criminalization of private behavior that goes on in this country. If EVERY crime based on consentual sexual behavior was abolished I would still put plenty of food on my kids table, shoes on their feet and dollar bills in the g-strings of strippers. Oops...did I say that last part out loud? Shit I have got to get a better internal editor.

I never worked vice nor did I ever have a interest to do are correct alot of time and energy is waisted on consensual sex BS...I am not defending this case in particular just the law it involved(Entrapment)..thats all!;)