Idaho Senator (R) Arrested in Airport

Can you prove he meant to have it in the public restroom? Has anybody heard of the privacy of airport hotels?

It smacks of entrapment. (Not that he isn't clearly a hypocrite, just I don't think it should be an arrestable offense to make a pass at somebody in a restroom.)
The fact that he pled guilty to the charges, puts the lie to you "Smacking" If he wasn't guilty, he wouldn't have pled. I remember Carter saying something about "Sinning in his heart"

Do you understand the difference between a flirty pass, and lewd behaviour?
I said "inept" did I not?

As soon as the idiot started peering in would you not have said, "What the hell?!" Where would that have gone then?

Propositioning somebody does not necessarily mean that it is to happen in that place. Was he reaching under to get a phone number? It doesn't say, it doesn't even say that it is a sign of anything that he was using his left hand palm up... blah, blah.

From that report I would not be able to convict him for soliticing to have sex in the bathroom. He may have been trying to get the guy to go with him elsewhere.

I think the guy pled guilty too quickly.
The fact that he pled guilty to the charges, puts the lie to you "Smacking" If he wasn't guilty, he wouldn't have pled. I remember Carter saying something about "Sinning in his heart"
If a cop works to get me to buy drugs, really works at it, and then I do. It is entrapment regardless of the fact that I am guilty of buying drugs. Your post here makes it clear that you have no idea what entrapment is.
Look, it is clear that he eschewed empty stalls to sit next to this guy and play footsie. It isn't my question. What is illegal? Could he have reasonably convinced a juror that he was peering in to see if it was occupied while he waited for his favorite stall that is "always clean" or some other retarded thing. But the guy wasn't leaving so I had to use the one next to it, I thought it was grody.. so forth.

All it takes is just one juror. I think the guy pled guilty way too quickly. But of course he was trying to hide it, he is a Senator.
Ok this post has EXPLODED since this morning and I have not read EVERY post through page 10. He was probably not arrested for just tapping the guys foot. There was probably some give and take back and forth until the cop was sure that he was SOLICITING a LEWD ACT. SOLICITING is a crime. Now as for the entrapment comments, you can ONLY be entrapped if you were not disposed to commit the act in the first place. This limits entrapment greatly. The ONLY example I have of this is if the cops know of someone that is really financially in trouble and then offer them money to commit a crime that would be entrapment. However, if the cops approach someone to commit a crime for any sort of gain or just the mere commission of a crime and they agree they were not entrapped. There is defense based on the fact that the cops approached you first, failed to tell you they were cops or continued in furtherence of the crime. IF you commit the proscribed act absent some sort of coersion or the cops taking advantage of your financial problems you are going to be charged with a crime and there will be NO entrapment defense.

Go here for a good explanation
This thread is starting to get very boring, and it is the only thread people are posting on, leaving RJS restless and bound to get into trouble, as the devils hands are idle as they say? And now with Doniston reporting for duty on this thread, it is not going to get any more interesting, that is an RJS money back guarantee? Just what we need Donny with the Weiner report, I would rather listen to the Weimer report, givin by Adolph Hitler at least it would have some historical significance? Thank you.
Placing his suitcase, such that it blocked people from outside the stall seeing under the door, and potentially seeing the act take place.

Look, I'm not an expert in gay bathroom sex. I don't think you are either. There is evidently a certain protocol and code that is used, and that the cops are aware of.

Well, thanks, at least for not making a childish ad hom.

Placement of the bag, like in front of the stall door? Where do you put your bag, back near the toilet, where it can get a nice covering of urine and fecal matter? I put mine directly in front of the stall door.

And Craig plead guilty. He's a smart man: if he was just making a flirty pass, he wouldn't have plead guilty. He's not a dummy.

Cops and DAs use the stigma assinged to such crimes to induce pleas. No one wants to go through that sort of embarassment, especially a public figure. I am not saying he is not guilty. My guess, is that he probably is. I am saying there is little proof and the whole thing stinks of entrapment targeted at homosexuals.
Ok this post has EXPLODED since this morning and I have not read EVERY post through page 10. He was probably not arrested for just tapping the guys foot. There was probably some give and take back and forth until the cop was sure that he was SOLICITING a LEWD ACT. SOLICITING is a crime. Now as for the entrapment comments, you can ONLY be entrapped if you were not disposed to commit the act in the first place. This limits entrapment greatly. The ONLY example I have of this is if the cops know of someone that is really financially in trouble and then offer them money to commit a crime that would be entrapment. However, if the cops approach someone to commit a crime for any sort of gain or just the mere commission of a crime and they agree they were not entrapped. There is defense based on the fact that the cops approached you first, failed to tell you they were cops or continued in furtherence of the crime. IF you commit the proscribed act absent some sort of coersion or the cops taking advantage of your financial problems you are going to be charged with a crime and there will be NO entrapment defense.

Go here for a good explanation

He was probably not arrested for just tapping the guys foot. There was probably some give and take back and forth until the cop was sure that he was SOLICITING a LEWD ACT. SOLICITING is a crime

Thank you.

And he plead guilty.

Can we please drop the nonsense about this being simply a clumsy, flirty pass?
Well, thanks, at least for not making a childish ad hom.

Placement of the bag, like in front of the stall door? Where do you put your bag, back near the toilet, where it can get a nice covering of urine and fecal matter? I put mine directly in front of the stall door.

Cops and DAs use the stigma assinged to such crimes to induce pleas. No one wants to go through that sort of embarassment, especially a public figure. I am not saying he is not guilty. My guess, is that he probably is. I am saying there is little proof and the whole thing stinks of entrapment targeted at homosexuals.
Of this I am certain. I am sure there are NO female police in the Female restroom to stop female on female hot lesbian sex. Probably hasn't even occured to the city or they would have a webcam in that restroom and be selling subscription for 20 bucks a month or more. It is absolutely aimed solely at homosexuals. BUT so long as the crime they are prosecuting aims only to curb PUBLIC SEX without reference to gender or homosexuality it will pass constitutional muster. Also see my post above as to why under current law in the US it is not entrapment.
I do believe that title...........

Folks, am I the only one who notices that the liberal pinheads, of which the BB brain is a prime example of, seem to come onto threads with much fanfair as if, they almost seem to believe everyone was waiting with baited breath for them to chime in?

belongs to the one and only mensa wannabee...non other than rjs!:rolleyes:
Folks, am I the only one who notices that the liberal pinheads, of which the BB brain is a prime example of, seem to come onto threads with much fanfair as if, they almost seem to believe everyone was waiting with baited breath for them to chime in?
I don't know where all this "liberal pinhead" talk comes from but I do know that it is the liberal pinheads that have been fighting for a more expansive views of entrapment and it has been conservatives, in the form of Scalia et all that have narrowly tailored the Entrapment standard. Mostly so drug dealers can be caught. Well now one of their own has been caught. As for those of us that work on behalf of the rights of criminal defendants everywhere, we would not be cheering this arrest or anyother garnered this way and this is a result of conservative justices and judges enforcing the constitution the way conservatives want it enforced. I mean really if Barney Frank got caught this way conservatives would be throwing a party.
Of this I am certain. I am sure there are NO female police in the Female restroom to stop female on female hot lesbian sex. Probably hasn't even occured to the city or they would have a webcam in that restroom and be selling subscription for 20 bucks a month or more. It is absolutely aimed solely at homosexuals. BUT so long as the crime they are prosecuting aims only to curb PUBLIC SEX without reference to gender or homosexuality it will pass constitutional muster. Also see my post above as to why under current law in the US it is not entrapment.
Application of the law can also prove to be a violation of civil rights regardless of how the law was written. I'm surprised that there hasn't been gay activists fighting this one.
Application of the law can also prove to be a violation of civil rights regardless of how the law was written. I'm surprised that there hasn't been gay activists fighting this one.

HaHa! Good one!

First, they're not going to defend a dude who made a career out of hating on gays.

Second, I'd bet the majority of gays don't have sex in bathrooms, and don't want to be in public bathrooms where two dudes are grunting in a stall. Most of us don't.
I'll tell you why I think this is bullshit. I'll embarrass myself by telling this story. I was at dinner one night on Polk Street in San Francisco. For those not familiar with Polk St. it's an ecelctic mix of nice restaurants, bars and then homeless, drug users, prostitutes and pimps all on the street. Very San Francisco.

Anyhow I'm walking out of the restuarant after dinner walking up Polk St looking for a cab. Some prostitute on the street looks at me and says 'hey baby wanna date'. My response was 'Yes, I would like for you to go fuck yourself'. I kept on walking and then five to ten seconds later this unmarked car comes tearing after me. I had no idea what was going on so I started running. This guy gets out of the car and takes off after me. The asshole caught me, tackled me to the sidewalk and rub my face in the ground.

The dick said he was a cop and I had propotitioned an undercover cop. While I'm sitting there with a bloated eye that is bleeding he then cuffs me. I told him exactly what I said to the chick and that I didn't proposition sh*t. He holds me there for over ten minutes on the ground and then calls for an ambulance, uncuffs me and takes off.

I went to the hospital to get my eye treated and ended up having to pay for the ambulance and the hospital stay. The guy's in the ambulance said the cop who beat me up was known as an *sshole.

I guess my take away is its probably not a good idea to tell people to do an inhumane act to themselves.
HaHa! Good one!

First, they're not going to defend a dude who made a career out of hating on gays.

Second, I'd bet the majority of gays don't have sex in bathrooms, and don't want to be in public bathrooms where two dudes are grunting in a stall. Most of us don't.
No, I'm not talking about this guy.

I'm talking about the unfair application of the law.
I'll tell you why I think this is bullshit. I'll embarrass myself by telling this story. I was at dinner one night on Polk Street in San Francisco. For those not familiar with Polk St. it's an ecelctic mix of nice restaurants, bars and then homeless, drug users, prostitutes and pimps all on the street. Very San Francisco.

Anyhow I'm walking out of the restuarant after dinner walking up Polk St looking for a cab. Some prostitute on the street looks at me and says 'hey baby wanna date'. My response was 'Yes, I would like for you to go fuck yourself'. I kept on walking and then five to ten seconds later this unmarked car comes tearing after me. I had no idea what was going on so I started running. This guy gets out of the car and takes off after me. The asshole caught me, tackled me to the sidewalk and rub my face in the ground.

The dick said he was a cop and I had propotitioned an undercover cop. While I'm sitting there with a bloated eye that is bleeding he then cuffs me. I told him exactly what I said to the chick and that I didn't proposition sh*t. He holds me there for over ten minutes on the ground and then calls for an ambulance, uncuffs me and takes off.

I went to the hospital to get my eye treated and ended up having to pay for the ambulance and the hospital stay. The guy's in the ambulance said the cop who beat me up was known as an *sshole.

I guess my take away is its probably not a good idea to tell people to do an inhumane act to themselves.
I would have sued to make them pay for it.