Idaho Senator (R) Arrested in Airport

I mean, is there anything that you people won't post on this board?
What? There is nothing bad about that. When it appears for a second you are going to get in an accident on a motorcycle you get that adreneline rush...

:cig: <-- Looking innocent.
You know, I had a "tryst" with a girlfriend in a stall in a women's bathroom once.

And if we had been caught by a cop, we would have been detained and fined (and rightly so) contrary to Rstringfield's fevered imagination of "liberal hypocrisy"


We are not discussing having sex in a public restroom. We are talking about making a pass here.
Can you prove he meant to have it in the public restroom? Has anybody heard of the privacy of airport hotels?

It smacks of entrapment. (Not that he isn't clearly a hypocrite, just I don't think it should be an arrestable offense to make a pass at somebody in a restroom.)
What are you babbling about? Neither heterosexuals nor homosexuals should be having sex in public bathrooms.

Well, now that we are getting more info, it seems there may have been lewd conduct, .e.g., the peering into the stall. We still are not talking about having sex.
So in your view the officer should have gone ahead and let the senator give him a BJ before arresting him ?

Hmm is this making you nervous ? :o
The officer at least should have ensured he meant for the activity to take place in the restroom. Making a pass in the restroom isn't the same thing as actually working to have sex in the same.
Well, now that we are getting more info, it seems there may have been lewd conduct, .e.g., the peering into the stall. We still are not talking about having sex.

It could be that the officer was being so quiet, as he lay his trap, that the Senator only peeked into the stall out of concern, the way a good samaritan would? How will you feel if you have a heart attack or an asthma attack on the toilet bowl in a public restroom, as I am becoming moore and moore convinced that the Senator must have thought this cop was having, and now thanks to the liberal pinhead laws, no one will save you for fear of being arrested as a sausage scoffer? Thank you, I do not know how I figure these mysteries out, it is a talent of mine, like skewering lefties?
The officer at least should have ensured he meant for the activity to take place in the restroom. Making a pass in the restroom isn't the same thing as actually working to have sex in the same.

You seem to consider yourself an expert on the ettiquite of bathroom sex Damocles, myself, I freely admit this is the one subject in the whole world RJS is ignorant of, and happily so?
Call me oldf ashioned but I do not think getting propositioned even by a person of the opposite sex while taking a crap is any ways proper.
You seem to consider yourself an expert on the ettiquite of bathroom sex Damocles, myself, I freely admit this is the one subject in the whole world RJS is ignorant of, and happily so?
Well, it is an unfortunate truth that Damocles has indeed never had sex in a public restroom.
Call me oldf ashioned but I do not think getting propositioned even by a person of the opposite sex while taking a crap is any ways proper.
Proper doesn't mean illegal though. One can be totally offensive and still not break a law. I can't believe that the law intends for idiots to be disallowed to make sloppy passes, it is meant to stop actual sexual behavior in the public restroom.

If some idiot made a pass at me in a restroom I'd tell him "Ewwww!" and move on.
Proper doesn't mean illegal though. One can be totally offensive and still not break a law. I can't believe that the law intends for idiots to be disallowed to make sloppy passes, it is meant to stop actual sexual behavior in the public restroom.

If some idiot made a pass at me in a restroom I'd tell him "Ewwww!" and move on.

It might well turn out to be an assault charge on me....

I would consider it an extremely serious violation of my space.

A bar or someplace now is another matter butt in a secure airport restroom...
If there is nothing more to this story then the charges should be dropped. Honestly it's creepy but all he did was tap his foot and make some hand motion. I would bet this cop uses the word faggot a lot in his private time.
It might well turn out to be an assault charge on me....

I would consider it an extremely serious violation of my space.

A bar or someplace now is another matter butt in a secure airport restroom...
Secure? It is a public restroom. As I said, it isn't the place you'd expect, but what harm would come of it?