Idaho Senator (R) Arrested in Airport

LOL, they hate the guy, you forget his affilations.
Like I said, I'm not talking about the guy. Closet folks need some too...

I'm surprised that gay activist groups are not fighting the application of enforcement based on that it is only aimed at gay men.
Laws are almost never totally fair in all applications. just a fact of life.
Not all unfair applications have civil rights as an argument. In this case it is a protected class specifically targeted by the application of enforcement.
Not all unfair applications have civil rights as an argument. In this case it is a protected class specifically targeted by the application of enforcement.

Virtually all anti gay laws and child molestation laws are aimed at males...
Many sexist laws out there.
Maybe the cop should be arrested for soliciting as well. The differences between it and entrapment are slight.

If there is a problem with sex in the br, why not just have security patrol there? What is the need to use these questionable police practices? While it is disgusting and inappropriate, it is not some heinous or horrible crime.
I don't know where all this "liberal pinhead" talk comes from but I do know that it is the liberal pinheads that have been fighting for a more expansive views of entrapment and it has been conservatives, in the form of Scalia et all that have narrowly tailored the Entrapment standard. Mostly so drug dealers can be caught. Well now one of their own has been caught. As for those of us that work on behalf of the rights of criminal defendants everywhere, we would not be cheering this arrest or anyother garnered this way and this is a result of conservative justices and judges enforcing the constitution the way conservatives want it enforced. I mean really if Barney Frank got caught this way conservatives would be throwing a party.

Of course you would not be cheering this you put food on the table and your kids thru college 'defending'...Cops do the same prosecuting!
As for the definition of entrapment as it stands it is a fair law...very simple and understandable to the average person... Defense Attorneys love to make things complicated to confuse jurors...end of story!

and by the way rjs is soo wrong I am not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination I am a ultra conservative...albeit even I would not be cheering a arrest for 'Barney' on this one anymore than I would for this Senator...both are a embarrassment to their profession!
I wish I had or at least reported it so this cop had something on his record if he did it to other people.
Definitely. This is specifically why I would have sued to get them to pay for my medical bill. Only that. Not any more than just the medical bill, it would have at least got him on paper as way too violent.
It has been totally futile to fight any laws of civil rights nature under the republican right and the new supremes....
It has not. In most cases the SCOTUS does not overturn or even look at such cases once decided at the Court of Appeals level. In fact, most of these cases could be decided much below there as the Court of Appeals is not required to take on every case if they don't believe there is some relevance.
Just pass a law where a person is allowed to beat up anyone who makes a pass at em in the restroom. Problem solved.
Maybe the cop should be arrested for soliciting as well. The differences between it and entrapment are slight.

If there is a problem with sex in the br, why not just have security patrol there? What is the need to use these questionable police practices? While it is disgusting and inappropriate, it is not some heinous or horrible crime.

As I understand it, these are airport cops. That's their job. In the realm of the cop world, these guys basically are glorified security guards. The airport is their job. They're not out in the city working the crime detective beat, or the street beat.
As I understand it, these are airport cops. That's their job. In the realm of the cop world, these guys basically are glorified security guards. The airport is their job. They're not out in the city working the crime detective beat, or the street beat.
Airport cops are Homeland Security employees. Wow, I'm glad we federalized our security.
Yes there are 'assholes'...........

I'll tell you why I think this is bullshit. I'll embarrass myself by telling this story. I was at dinner one night on Polk Street in San Francisco. For those not familiar with Polk St. it's an ecelctic mix of nice restaurants, bars and then homeless, drug users, prostitutes and pimps all on the street. Very San Francisco.

Anyhow I'm walking out of the restuarant after dinner walking up Polk St looking for a cab. Some prostitute on the street looks at me and says 'hey baby wanna date'. My response was 'Yes, I would like for you to go fuck yourself'. I kept on walking and then five to ten seconds later this unmarked car comes tearing after me. I had no idea what was going on so I started running. This guy gets out of the car and takes off after me. The asshole caught me, tackled me to the sidewalk and rub my face in the ground.

The dick said he was a cop and I had propotitioned an undercover cop. While I'm sitting there with a bloated eye that is bleeding he then cuffs me. I told him exactly what I said to the chick and that I didn't proposition sh*t. He holds me there for over ten minutes on the ground and then calls for an ambulance, uncuffs me and takes off.

I went to the hospital to get my eye treated and ended up having to pay for the ambulance and the hospital stay. The guy's in the ambulance said the cop who beat me up was known as an *sshole.

I guess my take away is its probably not a good idea to tell people to do an inhumane act to themselves.

In law enforcement...based on your telling your side of the story...was the female prostitute a undercover cop?...If so when you made your funny comment then started running when you saw the police did a stupid thing and suffered a laceration for it...probably she was undercover and the officer interpreted your running as guilt...then received info from the undercover female officer of your response and let you go...just my impression since it was a story without facts!
I read the Police Report... Not a case I would have prosecuted...

While its clear to me what the guy was up to, it does not appear to me to rise to the level of a crime.