Idaho Senator (R) Arrested in Airport

It's as simple as you apparently ignoring my point or else you are using another strawman. Again, if there is a problem why not just patrol the bathrooms? Why the need to engage in questionable police tactics?

I don't pretend to know the most effective way for an Airport Police department to do its job. Neither do you.

How do you know they weren't patrolling? In addition to this stake out? I've got no problem with a stake out, if there have been numerous legitimate complaints to the cops, about lewd activity in an airport bathroom. I consider that part of their freakin' job.
You're lucky you're white. If you were black they would have shot you to death in the back, and claimed you turned around and had a gun in your hand, which they would have planted on you later. They keep one on them for incidents like that you know. That's somethign the big expert BB won't tell you, though he'll tell you a million other things you never wanted to know. But I know it for a fact.

Give it a rest darla...sure this has happened in the past with corupt Officers of the law...when found out they are prosecuted as severly as any other criminal...your accusation was directed at every officer of the law and quite frankly I find this rant to be obnoxious class discrimination...!
Give it a rest darla...sure this has happened in the past with corupt Officers of the law...when found out they are prosecuted as severly as any other criminal...your accusation was directed at every officer of the law and quite frankly I find this rant to be obnoxious class discrimination...!

Can somebody call the Waahhbulance?
One of the realities of life is that the police profession unfortunately attracts some of the wrong elements of our society....

Plenty of the officers are in there for the right reason, but some....
One of the realities of life is that the police profession unfortunately attracts some of the wrong elements of our society....

Plenty of the officers are in there for the right reason, but some....

The vast majority of them are there to get free sex from prostitutes.

The rest are there to skim money from the drug dealers they don't bust.
I don't pretend to know the most effective way for an Airport Police department to do its job. Neither do you.

How do you know they weren't patrolling? In addition to this stake out? I've got no problem with a stake out, if there have been numerous legitimate complaints to the cops, about lewd activity in an airport bathroom. I consider that part of their freakin' job.

So you are okay with police actions that are or border on entrapment. Okay.
Whatever...............or whichever...

One of the realities of life is that the police profession unfortunately attracts some of the wrong elements of our society....

Plenty of the officers are in there for the right reason, but some....

This applies to every walk of life...there 'are' bad apples in Law Enforcement...however the percentage is grossly exaggerated by those who dislike law enforcement or had a arrest or bad experience and are bitter...thats also a fact! Another fact is that alot of people also commend law enforcement...but that is rarely reported or discussed!

This also applies to the miltary profession..and mostly those of the far left liberal base lead the charge in dishing them as well!
So you are okay with police actions that are or border on entrapment. Okay.

I know as a libertarians, you're desparately trying to find a way to paint this as some egregious violation of civil rights. However, I believe even your fellow libertarians Socretease, who is a lawyer, said this wasn't entrapment.

Did the cops patrol the bathrooms, and maybe even went on a stake out occassionally? Sounds like it. I don't do their job, and I don't know how they operate.

I do know that public nuisances and lewd behavior in airport bathrooms, is most certainly a responsibility of the Airport Police Department. Several people tried to spin this like these cops should have been out in the city tracking the mob, and rapists. These are Airport Cops - the airport is their job. No one was pulled off a case against the mob, to stake out this bathroom.
I know as a libertarians, you're desparately trying to find a way to paint this as some egregious violation of civil rights. However, I believe even your fellow libertarians Socretease, who is a lawyer, said this wasn't entrapment.

Did the cops patrol the bathrooms, and maybe even went on a stake out occassionally? Sounds like it. I don't do their job, and I don't know how they operate.

I do know that public nuisances and lewd behavior in airport bathrooms, is most certainly a responsibility of the Airport Police Department. Several people tried to spin this like these cops should have been out in the city tracking the mob, and rapists. These are Airport Cops - the airport is their job. No one was pulled off a case against the mob, to stake out this bathroom.
The mob doesn't use airplanes? ;)

Could be..........

They used to just steal my weed. I'm pretty sure they smoked it.

If those officers just seized your funny green weeds and let you walk they probably did take it home and smoke it...file a report on them asses damo...:rolleyes: Would you rather they had placed it in evidence and booked you?