Idaho Senator (R) Arrested in Airport

He was detained for the incident in June. He plead guilty in August.

He had over a month to consult his attorney.

The cops must have had him dead to rights. He still plead guilty.

Read the police report, had him for what???
Should someone get arrested because he tapped his foot and rubbed the bottom of a bathroom stall with his hand?

Gross but hardly a crime!
Sure the guy pled guilty, it was that and hope noone noticed or push for a trial where the medial would be all over the place.

Its clear what the guy was trying to do, but that does not make what he did a crime!
I have no question what the dude intended. Maybe they can try to make a case for attempted solicitation of a lewd act.

What did this guy do that constitutes a crime?

Are there any other circumstances, other than conspiracy (which this case doesn't satisfy at all), where "intent" is in and of itself a crime?

He did plead guilty to disorderly conduct, but what exactly did that entail, legally? Was it the peering through the cracks or what?

It's clear that he probably understood that the person who had occupied the stall next to the one he chose, for a significant period of time both before and after he entered the stall, wasn't there simply to relieve himself. But we can make conjecture all day as to what that "must have meant", etc., and still I can't see, regardless of what we think we know, or deduce, what part of any of his actions constituted actual criminal behavior. There wasn't any contact, apparently, nor was there any verbal exchange.

I'm not condoning his intent, and have to admit some amusement at the hypocrisy of the situation, but really don't see anything criminal here.
Are there any other circumstances, other than conspiracy (which this case doesn't satisfy at all), where "intent" is in and of itself a crime?

He did plead guilty to disorderly conduct, but what exactly did that entail, legally? Was it the peering through the cracks or what?

It's clear that he probably understood that the person who had occupied the stall next to the one he chose, for a significant period of time both before and after he entered the stall, wasn't there simply to relieve himself. But we can make conjecture all day as to what that "must have meant", etc., and still I can't see, regardless of what we think we know, or deduce, what part of any of his actions constituted actual criminal behavior. There wasn't any contact, apparently, nor was there any verbal exchange.

I'm not condoning his intent, and have to admit some amusement at the hypocrisy of the situation, but really don't see anything criminal here.

I agree and when I was a prosecutor I would not have prosecuted such a case. I had a simular case once, but with important differences the dude in the stall was masterbating, making sexual noises and asked the undercover cop to help.
Should someone get arrested because he tapped his foot and rubbed the bottom of a bathroom stall with his hand?

Gross but hardly a crime!

you read the arrest report, how about peeking thru the crack in the door at the officer not just a quick peek either. That combined with the rest. and he is not just an average dumb joe either he is a senator.
you read the arrest report, how about peeking thru the crack in the door at the officer not just a quick peek either. That combined with the rest. and he is not just an average dumb joe either he is a senator.

So they arrested him for peeking throug a crack in a bathroom stall? How kindergarden can you get. That is just silly!
Laws are silly sometimes. you get arrested for peeking in windows as well.
read the arrest report on not a blog
Well ya...........

Ive been an attorney for 8 years!

and therefore you have lost your entire sense of humor..carry on though! I know it comes with the proverbial turf and all...I will from now on be serious with you...or not...I have not lost my sense of humor..then again only with some people!:cof1:
So they arrested him for peeking throug a crack in a bathroom stall? How kindergarden can you get. That is just silly!

I've got a major problem with toilet peeking. This was no momentary glance. He stood there for two minutes peeping through the crack. Imagine if that were your kid in the stall.
and therefore you have lost your entire sense of humor..carry on though! I know it comes with the proverbial turf and all...I will from now on be serious with you...or not...I have not lost my sense of humor..then again only with some people!:cof1:

Sad but true, I often dont get the joke.
Laws are silly sometimes. you get arrested for peeking in windows as well.
read the arrest report on not a blog

:eek: you peak in windows for a cheap thrill...just because Momma dumped ya? damn life in the sexual speed zone sucks for a begining senior citizen..never mind donny has ya beat by a long shot he gets off attacking damo...:cof1:
In the original story the dude admits he never consulted counsel. He pled guilty because he hoped nobody would even know he got arrested.

HE plead guilty because he knew he was guilty and he also knew what a sensation his trial would cause. Like you said, he hoped this would all go unnoticed!
I agree and when I was a prosecutor I would not have prosecuted such a case. I had a simular case once, but with important differences the dude in the stall was masterbating, making sexual noises and asked the undercover cop to help.

That happened to me in a movie theatre once.