Idaho Senator (R) Arrested in Airport

My friend worked for Alaska Airlines and the handy man would come in at night when she was working reservation and masturbate in the cubicle nest to her. She almost died when she found out what he was doing. She never reported him.
I would have stood up and asked him "is that all you've got"
She wanted me to come to work with her, but the guy was finally reported by another employee.
Oh Oh.............

That happened to me in a movie theatre once.

and all this time I believed ya were a foxy ya are PeeWee Herman....?

Never mind ya are probably 'Alvira' his best girl....friend...albeit she was a fraud in the good sense....she played a black hair'd bimbo Vampire when in fact she was a foxy Irish Red Head...:cof1:
'I am not gay': US Senator in airport bathroom sting

47 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Republican Senator Larry Craig Tuesday vehemently denied he was gay, despite pleading guilty after being arrested by police probing lewd incidents in an airport bathroom.

Craig, a staunch conservative, launched a battle for his political future, making a televised statement in his home state of Idaho, and vowed to explore whether he could reverse a court judgement against him.

"Let me be clear, I am not gay, I never have been gay," Craig said in his combative remarks.

Craig said he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct this month in a Minnesota court in the hope of covering up fallout from the incident, and did not even consult a lawyer.

"I did nothing wrong at the Minneapolis airport. I did nothing wrong," he said.

"I chose to plead guilty to a lesser charge in the hopes of making it go away," he said, and accused a local newspaper of hounding him and his family.

"I am asking counsel to review this matter and advise me how to proceed."

Craig, 62, was arrested in the midwestern city of Minneapolis-St Paul in June by a plain clothes police officer.

He paid more than 500 dollars in fines and fees, and had a 10-day jail sentence stayed.

Police documents quoted a plain clothes officer as saying Craig was seated in a stall in the bathroom, and had made gestures consistent with someone "wishing to engage in lewd contact."
Craig allegedly tapped his foot, brushed his shoe against the officer's shoe and repeatedly waved his hand under the stall divider.
His political problems mounted on Tuesday, as the Republican Senate leadership asked the Senate ethics committee to consider whether Craig's conduct had broken any of the chamber's rules.

The senator, first elected in 1980, on Monday withdrew from his post as co-liaison to the Senate for the 2008 presidential campaign of leading Republican hopeful Mitt Romney.

Craig's record includes a series of votes against gay rights, and his support of a 2006 amendment to the Idaho Constitution that bars gay marriage and civil unions.;_ylt=AmQZKRPQ1V.tA45lnYSL7WCMwfIE
47 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US Republican Senator Larry Craig Tuesday vehemently denied he was gay, despite pleading guilty after being arrested by police probing lewd incidents in an airport bathroom.

Craig, a staunch conservative, launched a battle for his political future, making a televised statement in his home state of Idaho, and vowed to explore whether he could reverse a court judgement against him.

"Let me be clear, I am not gay, I never have been gay," Craig said in his combative remarks.

Craig said he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct this month in a Minnesota court in the hope of covering up fallout from the incident, and did not even consult a lawyer.

"I did nothing wrong at the Minneapolis airport. I did nothing wrong," he said.

"I chose to plead guilty to a lesser charge in the hopes of making it go away," he said, and accused a local newspaper of hounding him and his family.

"I am asking counsel to review this matter and advise me how to proceed."

Craig, 62, was arrested in the midwestern city of Minneapolis-St Paul in June by a plain clothes police officer.

He paid more than 500 dollars in fines and fees, and had a 10-day jail sentence stayed.

Police documents quoted a plain clothes officer as saying Craig was seated in a stall in the bathroom, and had made gestures consistent with someone "wishing to engage in lewd contact."
Craig allegedly tapped his foot, brushed his shoe against the officer's shoe and repeatedly waved his hand under the stall divider.
His political problems mounted on Tuesday, as the Republican Senate leadership asked the Senate ethics committee to consider whether Craig's conduct had broken any of the chamber's rules.

The senator, first elected in 1980, on Monday withdrew from his post as co-liaison to the Senate for the 2008 presidential campaign of leading Republican hopeful Mitt Romney.

Craig's record includes a series of votes against gay rights, and his support of a 2006 amendment to the Idaho Constitution that bars gay marriage and civil unions.;_ylt=AmQZKRPQ1V.tA45lnYSL7WCMwfIE

Sorry, Craig, it just doesn't wash! He knew the signals! His behavior is very suspicious, and he plead guilty, very stupid thing to do if you are not gay!
Romney throws Craig under bus

In his first public comments since word of Larry Craig's arrest broke yesterday, Mitt Romney unloaded on his former backer, calling reports that the Idaho senator allegedly solicited an undercover cop in an airport bathroom "disgusting."

"Once again, we've found people in Washington have not lived up to the level of respect and dignity that we would expect for somebody that gets elected to a position of high influence," Romney told CNBC's Larry Kudlow in a broadcast to be aired later. "Very disappointing. He's no longer associated with my campaign, as you can imagine. ... I'm sorry to see that he has fallen short."

Craig was one of Romney's top two backers in the Senate and had worked to round up support there for the former governor. After Craig's bathroom encounter was reported, the Romney campaign moved to distance itself from the Idahoan, issuing a terse statement last night that it was no longer associated with Craig and that it didn't want the senator to be a distraction.

Hmm romney must be a gol durned liebural
Romney throws Craig under bus

In his first public comments since word of Larry Craig's arrest broke yesterday, Mitt Romney unloaded on his former backer, calling reports that the Idaho senator allegedly solicited an undercover cop in an airport bathroom "disgusting."

"Once again, we've found people in Washington have not lived up to the level of respect and dignity that we would expect for somebody that gets elected to a position of high influence," Romney told CNBC's Larry Kudlow in a broadcast to be aired later. "Very disappointing. He's no longer associated with my campaign, as you can imagine. ... I'm sorry to see that he has fallen short."

Craig was one of Romney's top two backers in the Senate and had worked to round up support there for the former governor. After Craig's bathroom encounter was reported, the Romney campaign moved to distance itself from the Idahoan, issuing a terse statement last night that it was no longer associated with Craig and that it didn't want the senator to be a distraction.

Hmm romney must be a gol durned liebural

I guess he did! Did he talk to Craig, personally or did he just believe the police report? Or the fact that Craig pleaded guilty?
According to what I read there have been rumors about the guy for some time.

Just funny that the cons on here sort of defend him and Mitt throws him under the wheels in a heartbeat.
According to what I read there have been rumors about the guy for some time.

Just funny that the cons on here sort of defend him and Mitt throws him under the wheels in a heartbeat.
I don't defend him. I think he was stupid. People in such places should be smart enough to understand that keeping it in the pants is sometimes important.

I did however read the cops report on this and think that he plead guilty as a matter of expediency, even the lawyer on the board agrees, I don't think they had much of a case and he should have taken it to court, and would have if he wasn't a Senator.
Sorry, Craig, it just doesn't wash! He knew the signals! His behavior is very suspicious, and he plead guilty, very stupid thing to do if you are not gay!

Of course Craig knew the signals and protocol to solicit gay bathroom sex.

I have ZERO fear that I'll ever be arrested in the bathroom by a cop, for a misunderstanding of this nature. Its never going to happen to me. Craig must have been very aware of the gay sex protocol in bathrooms.

There's no way this was a simple misunderstanding.
I've got a major problem with toilet peeking. This was no momentary glance. He stood there for two minutes peeping through the crack. Imagine if that were your kid in the stall.

But it was not a kid, it was an undercover cop who persumably had all of his cloathing on!
Of course Craig knew the signals and protocol to solicit gay bathroom sex.

I have ZERO fear that I'll ever be arrested in the bathroom by a cop, for a misunderstanding of this nature. Its never going to happen to me. Craig must have been very aware of the gay sex protocol in bathrooms.

There's no way this was a simple misunderstanding.

I agree, but still his conduct did not rise to the level of a crime!
And Jarod is qualified to practice law in Atlanta ?
It was Minneapolis. Okay, Mike Jones of Ted Haggard fame was on the radio today. I learned the following.

1. Wide stance and tapping the foot is (of course) a sign.
2. The left hand under the stall indicates that he is a catcher, not the Pitcher.
3. Three times under the stall indicates he wanted him to move over to his stall for a bit of mutual action.

(This is why the police report mentioned those specific things.)

Therefore the signals presented basically tell the cop that he is asking for him to move over to his stall for, most probably, oral sex.
It was Minneapolis. Okay, Mike Jones of Ted Haggard fame was on the radio today. I learned the following.

1. Wide stance and tapping the foot is (of course) a sign.
2. The left hand under the stall indicates that he is a catcher, not the Pitcher.
3. Three times under the stall indicates he wanted him to move over to his stall for a bit of mutual action.

(This is why the police report mentioned those specific things.)

Therefore the signals presented basically tell the cop that he is asking for him to move over to his stall for, most probably, oral sex.

How is any of this "solicitation" if no money is asked for, or offered?