Idaho Senator (R) Arrested in Airport


Yeah, he's definitely a fag.

He should just admit it. He needs to defend his peoples, not cower in fear!

By Jove.

He's a dead ringer for, celebrity gay, George "you gotta have faith" Michaels isn't he?
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I expect that there is more to this, but if all he did was tap his foot.... come on that should not be a crime!

Now outside the legal system clearly this guy is a hypocritical ass who fits the Republican profile, deny reality.
I expect that there is more to this, but if all he did was tap his foot.... come on that should not be a crime!

Now outside the legal system clearly this guy is a hypocritical ass who fits the Republican profile, deny reality.

Umm it appears he repeatedly tapped they guys foot in the next stall....
Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) was arrested in June at a Minnesota airport by a plainclothes police officer investigating lewd conduct complaints in a men’s public restroom, according to an arrest report obtained by Roll Call Monday afternoon.

Jesus Christ, what is it with these republican freaks, and toilet stalls? What is wrong with these moral hypocrits?

Are there any heterosexual Republicans in elected office?
In a sense I agree with you. It seems to me that until a guy actually starts attempting to perform some act he hasn't done anything wrong. I talk to women in the airport and my saying "hi" really implies "hello I would love to sleep with you". I would be f*cking pissed if I got busted for that.

I'm sure there are laws against having sex in the bathroom stall. But it seems like if you have not actually done anything yet you haven't committed any crime.

I should add I guess this is the civil libretarian in me. If I saw two dudes getting it on in a bathroom stall at the airport though I would still be pissed.

I totally agree that they should leave these poor closet cases alone in men's rooms. This is the second national republican to get busted for this, so that gives us some idea of the money being wasted on this BS.

However, I will laugh my ass off at one republican queen after the other being outed as they got into office on the backs of "the evil gays". I will enjoy every second of it.

But if there was a proposition on a ballet to keep the cops out of this, I would vote yes on it. And you know, Republicans would still find a way to get themselves outed so I wouldn't even feel sad about voting yes.
I totally agree that they should leave these poor closet cases alone in men's rooms. This is the second national republican to get busted for this, so that gives us some idea of the money being wasted on this BS.

However, I will laugh my ass off at one republican queen after the other being outed as they got into office on the backs of "the evil gays". I will enjoy every second of it.

But if there was a proposition on a ballet to keep the cops out of this, I would vote yes on it. And you know, Republicans would still find a way to get themselves outed so I wouldn't even feel sad about voting yes.

People should not be doing this in public bathrooms, hetro's or homo's!
I used to prosecute people for this type of thing in Public restrooms and in the bushes at the beach.

Mostly because of the potential for kids walking in on this going on in a public place.
People should not be doing this in public bathrooms, hetro's or homo's!

Sure. But on the other hand, our cops have nothing better to do but troll airport bathrooms trying to get hit on, or, attempting to lure someone into hitting on them? I don't think that's cool, and I think it's a waste of resources.
I used to prosecute people for this type of thing in Public restrooms and in the bushes at the beach.

Mostly because of the potential for kids walking in on this going on in a public place.

or me walking in on them :eek:

Might have to go rambo on em.
Sure. But on the other hand, our cops have nothing better to do but troll airport bathrooms trying to get hit on, or, attempting to lure someone into hitting on them? I don't think that's cool, and I think it's a waste of resources.

Thats true, unless there have been complaints from people who saw something in a public restroom that they did not want to see.