Identical twins, one gay, one ain't

Uncorrelated? The study about the hormones possibly causing homosexuality stands alone. The only reason the study about the twins was brought up at all is due to your insistence that one gay and one straight twin has some bearing on it.
Yes it stands alone and the second, no correlation. I'm glad that you see it my way finally.
No I'll leave experimentation with gay sex up to you.

Did I suggest experimentation with gay sex? More of your obsession here, isn't it?

I was suggesting you do a bit of research about whether being gay is all about sex or is it also about emotions. I was not suggesting you go have gay sex, that would not help you understand them at all.

And you call me perverted? lmao
Yes it stands alone and the second, no correlation. I'm glad that you see it my way finally.

The two studies stand together as evidence. Whether you want to stomp your feet and insist there is no evidence is up to you.
Did I suggest experimentation with gay sex? More of your obsession here, isn't it?

I was suggesting you do a bit of research about whether being gay is all about sex or is it also about emotions. I was not suggesting you go have gay sex, that would not help you understand them at all.

And you call me perverted? lmao
You're the one who stated gay sex was all about emotions. I assumed that you were speaking from experience. You should do your own research- It's not up to me to defend your weak position.
The two studies stand together as evidence. Whether you want to stomp your feet and insist there is no evidence is up to you.
Again, the two studies are unrelated- zero correlation between them.

Perhaps you should do your own research instead of relying on someone else to come up with these studies for you.
Again, the two studies are unrelated- zero correlation between them.

Perhaps you should do your own research instead of relying on someone else to come up with these studies for you.

Zero correlation? Both studies addressed development within the womb. And that is at the heart of our discussion.
You're the one who stated gay sex was all about emotions. I assumed that you were speaking from experience. You should do your own research- It's not up to me to defend your weak position.

Lets not even get started with assumptions, ok? Care to show me anyplace I have given you any reason to believe I am gay? Thought not.

Now, as for research, I have had many conversations with numerous gays about what their lives are like. I have marched with them, talked with them, and helped letter/email campaigns for them.

My sister is a lesbian. My ex-wife is a lesbian. One of the godfathers of my oldest son is gay. My research has been done by spending years with the people you claim made a choice.
Lets not even get started with assumptions, ok? Care to show me anyplace I have given you any reason to believe I am gay? Thought not.

Now, as for research, I have had many conversations with numerous gays about what their lives are like. I have marched with them, talked with them, and helped letter/email campaigns for them.

My sister is a lesbian. My ex-wife is a lesbian. One of the godfathers of my oldest son is gay. My research has been done by spending years with the people you claim made a choice.
So you turned your ex-wife gay. No wonder you're so hot on trying to prove gays were born that way, as it takes the guilt off of you. Maybe she didn't like giving blow jobs like your current wife does. *shrug*
Did I suggest experimentation with gay sex? More of your obsession here, isn't it?

I was suggesting you do a bit of research about whether being gay is all about sex or is it also about emotions. I was not suggesting you go have gay sex, that would not help you understand them at all.

And you call me perverted? lmao chicken was involved. This is not perverted! LOL
So you turned your ex-wife gay. No wonder you're so hot on trying to prove gays were born that way, as it takes the guilt off of you. Maybe she didn't like giving blow jobs like your current wife does. *shrug*

That remindes me of a funny story. A buddy and I went to a local watering hole where we saw a third friend, who was having marital problems, face down at the bar dead drunk. He was a mess. His wife had left him and filed for divorce and he was doing what most men do. Getting plastered and crying into his cups.

So my buddy and I approached him and asked him what was wrong and in a drunk crying jag he told us his wife and left him for another man. My buddy said to him. "Dude, it could be worse, my first wife left me for another woman.".

I said "Yea dude, my ex left me for no one, she prefered being single to being with me."

Our friend just looked at us, shook his head and said "Man, what losers!" and passed out face down at the bar "Thump".

We took him home and the next day he called us both up and thanked us for making him feel better....the prick. ;)
So you turned your ex-wife gay. No wonder you're so hot on trying to prove gays were born that way, as it takes the guilt off of you. Maybe she didn't like giving blow jobs like your current wife does. *shrug*

LMAO! Oh, you think thats it? But then, since she and her partner still have oral sex, she is still a sodomite.

No SM, she says she has always been about 80/20 gay to straight (according to her), but she didn't want to acknowledge that because of the crap she would catch.

Its the same reason my sister didn't act on her feelings until later, she was afraid of the reaction from society.

Sort of like what you preach.

And there are things that I feel guilty about, but my ex-wife's sexuality is certainly not one of them. She and I are still good friends.
That remindes me of a funny story. A buddy and I went to a local watering hole where we saw a third friend, who was having marital problems, face down at the bar dead drunk. He was a mess. His wife had left him and filed for divorce and he was doing what most men do. Getting plastered and crying into his cups.

So my buddy and I approached him and asked him what was wrong and in a drunk crying jag he told us his wife and left him for another man. My buddy said to him. "Dude, it could be worse, my first wife left me for another woman.".

I said "Yea dude, my ex left me for no one, she prefered being single to being with me."

Our friend just looked at us, shook his head and said "Man, what losers!" and passed out face down at the bar "Thump".

We took him home and the next day he called us both up and thanked us for making him feel better....the prick. ;)

That remindes me of a funny story. A buddy and I went to a local watering hole where we saw a third friend, who was having marital problems, face down at the bar dead drunk. He was a mess. His wife had left him and filed for divorce and he was doing what most men do. Getting plastered and crying into his cups.

So my buddy and I approached him and asked him what was wrong and in a drunk crying jag he told us his wife and left him for another man. My buddy said to him. "Dude, it could be worse, my first wife left me for another woman.".

I said "Yea dude, my ex left me for no one, she prefered being single to being with me."

Our friend just looked at us, shook his head and said "Man, what losers!" and passed out face down at the bar "Thump".

We took him home and the next day he called us both up and thanked us for making him feel better....the prick. ;)
Good story- looking on the bright side.
LMAO! Oh, you think thats it? But then, since she and her partner still have oral sex, she is still a sodomite.

No SM, she says she has always been about 80/20 gay to straight (according to her), but she didn't want to acknowledge that because of the crap she would catch.

Its the same reason my sister didn't act on her feelings until later, she was afraid of the reaction from society.

Sort of like what you preach.

And there are things that I feel guilty about, but my ex-wife's sexuality is certainly not one of them. She and I are still good friends.

Well she chose to stop sucking your dick to lick clams.