Identical twins, one gay, one ain't

There was a study quoted that hormonal and other influences on the fetus while still in the womb may have an effect on sexuality.

There was a link to information about identical twins showing that they do not necessarily receive the same nutrients.

That you claim there is no evidence shows, as Damo said, " have the ability to ignore inconvenient evidence when you want in order to maintain your preconceived notions".

The two studies shown are more evidence than you have offered. Your "usually the simplest explanation is the right one" is not any sort of evidence.

So far you have maintained that both studies offered as evidence are wrong, and that environmental influences beyond their control are nonexistent.

In other words, you want to be right so you claim you are right.

It is just as likely that the straight sister is a latent lesbian, but has been scared by the social conservatives into pretending that she is straight. Given the amount of bias against homosexuals, that would be the simplest answer.

But wouldn't either behavior be learned?
By the way gentlemen, this has been one of the more interesting threads I've participated in. There's been to many "Man Bites Dog" threads lately.
There was a study quoted that hormonal and other influences on the fetus while still in the womb may have an effect on sexuality.

There was a link to information about identical twins showing that they do not necessarily receive the same nutrients......
Yet there was no correlation between the two studies. *shrug*
Yet there was no correlation between the two studies. *shrug*

Both were valid studies that included research of what happens to a fetus in the womb.

No corrolation? Are you that dense or are you just absolutely refusing to see what you don't want to see?
I know your just being sarcastic but it's not that simple. My ex had post traumatic stress disorder as a result of having been a rape viction. One traumatic incident in a persons life, particularly when they are young and developing can have profound consequences. Many of the ladies whom she had counseling with for rape related PTSD became lesbians. They didn't choose to become lesbians per se so much as due to the PTSD they were extremely uncomfortable with men. One of the ladies she was in counseling with was a close friends and colleagues wife. One day while we were both at work an intruder broke into his apartment and violently raped and sodomized his wife in front of their 2 year old daughter. She developed PTSD as a result of this visceous attack and became intensly uncomfortable around men. They tried counseling for years but she never fully recovered. She eventually divorced my friend and subsequently became involved in a lesbian relationship. To say she chose to become a lesbian under these cirumstances is a real stretch but it's obvious that biological factors had little to do with her entering into a lesbian relationship.

I know from my own family how complicated this is. My older brother is the stereotype of limp wristed gayman. He even makes his living as an interior decorator and fashion consultant. He was that way from the dawn of memory. When we were little kids playing house he'd want to play the Mommy character.

My sister on the other hand came out of the closet after being in a lesbian relationship for a dozen years and astounded us all. She had always been the girly girl type. Cheer leader and all that. She's as far from a stereotype of a lesbian as you can get. I mean with 20:20 hindsight I can see the clues. She sure didn't go out with many guys but I sure didn't see it at the time.

I can see why a female rape victim would turn gay. It makes perfect sense.
Both were valid studies that included research of what happens to a fetus in the womb.

No corrolation? Are you that dense or are you just absolutely refusing to see what you don't want to see?

The studies didn't correlate with each other.

I can sense your frustration and hope you don't start attacking my relatives again with disgusting sexual references.
I have to ask you to clarify your own position here. Are you equating learned behavior with choosing?
Everyone makes a choice with regards to important life issues: religion, ethics, sexual orientation. Some kids are immersed in an environment that condones one type of behavior, good or bad, and some chose to accept that behavior as their own or rebel against it.
The studies didn't correlate with each other.

I can sense your frustration and hope you don't start attacking my relatives again with disgusting sexual references.

They correlated perfectly well. One concerned possible causes of homosexuality being the effects of hormones in the womb, and the other was a rebuttal of your "they are twins so they get the exact same blood".

Frustrated? lol No, more like amazed that even you could pretend there is no connection and that no evidence has been presented.
I can see why a female rape victim would turn gay. It makes perfect sense.

It might explain a dislike for sex with men, and possibly even a preference for women. But it does not explain the capacity for romantic love with a woman and not with a man.

Being gay is as much aboout emotion as about sex.
Everyone makes a choice with regards to important life issues: religion, ethics, sexual orientation. Some kids are immersed in an environment that condones one type of behavior, good or bad, and some chose to accept that behavior as their own or rebel against it.

Do they choose or are they conditioned by that environment to behave in a particular fashion?
I can see why a female rape victim would turn gay. It makes perfect sense.

Yes but the question here is, since we've ruled out biological factors, is it a choice or was it learned behavior due to these external conditions?

I don't know if there really is an answer to this question.
They correlated perfectly well. One concerned possible causes of homosexuality being the effects of hormones in the womb, and the other was a rebuttal of your "they are twins so they get the exact same blood".

Can you provide a link to where researcher A acknowledged the correlation of study B or vice-versa? Or am I supposed to take your unscientific opinion of some odd-ball correlation as fact?
Can you provide a link to where researcher A acknowledged the correlation of study B or vice-versa? Or am I supposed to take your unscientific opinion of some odd-ball correlation as fact?

Uncorrelated? The study about the hormones possibly causing homosexuality stands alone. The only reason the study about the twins was brought up at all is due to your insistence that one gay and one straight twin has some bearing on it.
1. I'll accept your opinion as the one with actual experience.
2. Really a rather tired twist, isn't it? Obviously I was born straight, a I am the issue of straight parents. :rolleyes:

Don't take my word for it, go do some research.

So you are born straight, and anyone who isn't like you made a choice to be that way? lmao!!