If JPP were to conduct a Poll today.

Who would you Vote for:

  • Trump

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • Biden

    Votes: 11 33.3%
  • Undecided/Third Party

    Votes: 5 15.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We have a few more days. Even now we can see a definite trend. I'm a little surprised at the 'Undecided'. You'd think on a Political Site most would have a viewpoint. (?)

The way I figure it there are about 130-140 people who are here at least a couple of times a week,,,the response of 32 is too small of a slice to read much from, though I applaud the effort.

Undecided/3rd Party.....maybe they support Unity2020.
Hmmmm ....
Have you ever gotten a Blow Job? (Now, I could probably list a number of other things, but I'll stop right there and let you think about that)

You're a simple minded Boomer if you think that is something meaningful.
The ONLY purpose of the Poll is to get a sense of what the JPP Membership thinks heading into the Election.
Making the Poll 'public' would just add another element into the Poll. (some may not want to be exposed as to their true feelings)

Yeh so you leave yourself wide open to trolls voting!!
You're a simple minded Boomer if you think that is something meaningful.

'Simple minded'?
You do understand the Law of Survival, right? (Reproduce ... or Die)

Every Organism is dependent on the 'Survival' instinct. Lack that, and your species dies out.

Billie. Let me ask you a Question: Have you ever ate any Pussy?
See. There you are, she gradually begins to release her grip on your hair, she looks down with a satisfied smile, slowly regaining her sense of composure, catching her breath, she murmurs "You have potential".
Billie, these are the things that give 'meaning' to life.
'Simple minded'?
You do understand the Law of Survival, right? (Reproduce ... or Die)

Every Organism is dependent on the 'Survival' instinct. Lack that, and your species dies out.

Billie. Let me ask you a Question: Have you ever ate any Pussy?
See. There you are, she gradually begins to release her grip on your hair, she looks down with a satisfied smile, slowly regaining her sense of composure, catching her breath, she murmurs "You have potential".
Billie, these are the things that give 'meaning' to life.

You need to do fewer drugs.
Wow, two ex-marines battling it out, such a sight to see.

I don't expect foreign monarchists to understand the difference but a Marine is always a Marine except in the following two cases:
1) Former Marine = deceased Marine.
2) Ex-Marine = a Marine who has been awarded with either a Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD) or a Dishonorable Discharge (DD).

Neither of us is #1 and I'm still a Marine albeit it retired Navy. I have no idea what MSG's status may be. My suspicions are Terminal Lance pissed off that he's a loser.

FWIW, Marine is a formal noun and always capitalized. Example: soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.
Sure, go with that since it's apparently the best your puny lead coated Boomer brain can do.

You are obviously playing coy and don't want to discuss your beliefs. That's fine. Good luck with your life, kid. You seem to have a lot of growing up to do, but if you do it, I think you will eventually find happiness and success.
I don't expect foreign monarchists to understand the difference but a Marine is always a Marine except in the following two cases:
1) Former Marine = deceased Marine.
2) Ex-Marine = a Marine who has been awarded with either a Bad Conduct Discharge (BCD) or a Dishonorable Discharge (DD).

Neither of us is #1 and I'm still a Marine albeit it retired Navy. I have no idea what MSG's status may be. My suspicions are Terminal Lance pissed off that he's a loser.

FWIW, Marine is a formal noun and always capitalized. Example: soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines.

You can suspect whatever you like, because you are a retarded Boomer and have more lead than actual brain cells.
You need to do fewer drugs.

We can both agree USF911 is honorable and trustworthy. Let him conduct the Debate.

USF: MSG and Jack will both present their Arguments to public scrutiny. Jack, please, go first with your thesis on 'Meaning of Life'.

Jack: Way up here (holding hand high up in air) would be 'How many times can you fuck your girlfriend in 24 hours and ejaculate'. (it was 5 for me in 3 hours ... and after that, we completely forgot about sex)
MSG: Moderation of JPP. I don't think you can find a Higher Calling than Rule Enforcement at JPP. Let's face it, without it, Civilization as we know it comes to a Complete Stop.

USF: Well Folks, we have two compelling Arguments. At this time, I would like to open up the Debate to any others that may have a Counter Argument.
The vote just shows that it's just as we suspected here -- the forum is top-heavy with Trumpanzees and other lower lifeforms.
After the Poll closes, we may have to have a Discussion on the lop-sided vote. (?)

When making polls it's always an important decision to decide whether to make voting public or not. Due to this forum's unique allowance of multiple accounts, that means all polls that hide voter's usernames will likely be skewed by sock puppets. I suspect that's the reason here hence the lopsided vote versus national statistics from reputable pollsters.
When making polls it's always an important decision to decide whether to make voting public or not. Due to this forum's unique allowance of multiple accounts, that means all polls that hide voter's usernames will likely be skewed by sock puppets. I suspect that's the reason here hence the lopsided vote versus national statistics from reputable pollsters.

Possible. I'm not sure that many people invest much time in 'socks' here ... other than Mason and his 'thousand man sock army'.