If JPP were to conduct a Poll today.

Who would you Vote for:

  • Trump

    Votes: 17 51.5%
  • Biden

    Votes: 11 33.3%
  • Undecided/Third Party

    Votes: 5 15.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm more amazed that someone of your intellect hasn't yet figured out that voting is the ONLY thing that stands between us and them.

You're educated and experienced enough to know that intellect and sanity are not correlated. My favorite examples are the Teds: Kaczynski and Bundy. :)
I'm more amazed that someone of your intellect hasn't yet figured out that voting is the ONLY thing that stands between us and them.

Except it doesn't. It's been 240+ years and we're less free than ever despite more and more voting. More people voting, more people elected, more things to vote on and less freedom with every vote cast. Sure makes you fucking think.

Well, it makes me think anyways. You're a Boomer, so I know you aren't capable of human thought, or even sentience.
MSG: "I think future events are unknowable and uncontrollable ... "
Jack: I'm guessing you don't play the game of Chess. You can consciously arrange things that favor a particular outcome.

MSG: "anyone arguing otherwise is desperately trying to cope with the utter lack of personal agency they actually have".
Jack: No offense. But it sounds like you are trying to give yourself an excuse to sit on the couch and wait for somebody to come along and hand you something.

Try setting a Goal. Think about what you need to accomplish the Goal. Take one step at a time. (Remove the word 'can't' from your vocabulary)

I don't want anything from anybody except the end of the world. But that's not going to happen either.
Except it doesn't. It's been 240+ years and we're less free than ever despite more and more voting. More people voting, more people elected, more things to vote on and less freedom with every vote cast. Sure makes you fucking think.

Well, it makes me think anyways. You're a Boomer, so I know you aren't capable of human thought, or even sentience.

All righty then. You should retreat to the mountains or desert, whichever is closer. Dig yourself a bunker. Figure out some way to get food, water, medicine, clothes, leisure time entertainment when you're not scraping to stay alive -- then get back to us and let us know how all that is working out for you.
Yes. We have many Freedom Fighters here like you, Archives, Centerleft, CharacterAssasin, Cinnabar, Domer76, Gonzomin, Micawber, Reagansghost, Katzgar, Trumpet, Floridafan, just to name a few. It will be interesting to see who can take the time to retreat from the Front Lines and actually 'Vote' for a change in the Direction of America.

All fucking braindead cunts like you!
:) :dunno:

The Internal JPP Poll will give us a good insight into the leanings of the Membership. Who knows, it might be an accurate reflection of the American People. (?)

JPP is far more accurate than any "scientific" poll. In fact I'd use it in place of actual polling booths , virtual polling or mail in voting. Even with the socks.:(
You're such an idiot, why didn't you make the poll public?

The ONLY purpose of the Poll is to get a sense of what the JPP Membership thinks heading into the Election.
Making the Poll 'public' would just add another element into the Poll. (some may not want to be exposed as to their true feelings)
The ONLY purpose of the Poll is to get a sense of what the JPP Membership thinks heading into the Election.
Making the Poll 'public' would just add another element into the Poll. (some may not want to be exposed as to their true feelings)

You are absolutely right. Even now we dont have enough participation to make the poll very useful, had it been public the response would have been even worse.
You are absolutely right. Even now we dont have enough participation to make the poll very useful, had it been public the response would have been even worse.

We have a few more days. Even now we can see a definite trend. I'm a little surprised at the 'Undecided'. You'd think on a Political Site most would have a viewpoint. (?)