Ah, a valuable public service, reposting RedneckBubba's invisible lies! Thanks! Let's set the record straight (again) on his ficitional story about me allegedly dissing his late father. Didn't happen.

My original post:
"----- says:

EC: "Displaying a national flag is vital for letting others know of your allegiance to."

My spidey-senses detect irony. Hopefully they're not as defective as they were last week when a FB friend announced her joy at her upcoming divorce but it wasn't really joy because I suck at human.

That being whined about, I laugh all the time at those who feel that they need to have a giant flag flying on a giant stripper pole in their front yard, or stuck on a stick on the back of their pickup or on the rear end of their jeans.... when it isn't a national celebration of our joint excellence, of course. Seriously.... you don't get that everyone here is an American too and that we're cool with that and we haven't accidentally wandered into Zimbabwe?

Sometimes, the stupid burns, eh?"

(Notice that here I was mocking what I see as pseudo-patriots.)

RB's reply, where he makes this personal:

" RB 60 says:

"I laugh all the time at those who feel that they need to have a giant flag flying on a giant stripper pole in their front yard,"
Why is that? My father was one of those "who feel (felt) that they need to have a giant flag flying on a giant stripper pole in their front yard" because he was a proud WWII Navy veteran, proud of his service and of our country.
Are you laughing at him for that?"

Darn, that sure didn't turn out like you'd hoped for. But then nothing ever does. lol

Why do you have to lie? Can't take the truth?
You know damn well what you posted, and so do I.
I really wish you could all comprehend just how fucking lame it is to come to a place to talk to all kinds and then ban all kinds from your own view

I top peoples bans lists and have never banned one fucking person from anything

I have never even neg repped one person on the internets anywhere I have ever been

I use words to discredit those who need discrediting

ignoring stupid allows it to fester

and you end up without the full spectrum of what is happening and your positions will be weak

if people didn't ignore the Russian trolls they would have been outed sooner

if people had not ignored the tea party doinks we could have kicked their asses

ignoring means you become ignorant

notice the similarity in those words?

bad or INCOMEPLETE information in means

bad decisions out

don't ignore

just pummel the liars with FACTS


that is how people like Annatta got tagged

I could have ignored that poster

I didn't

I pummeled that poster from the moment I realized what it was

because I didn't ignore posters I didn't agree with I was able to SPOT just what wome internets posters were doing and that they were NOT AMERICANS even though they claimed to be.

there are certain things an America would never say

I began to see people broach those nevers at an increasing rate and realized the internets are international and that it would be a cheap tool for a nation to USE the political sites to change America opinion in their favor

cheaper than ANY other option ever created.

don't ignore you make your self ignorant

you become used to nit having to face their debate point no matter how lame ass they are

this site is not about even the people you speak to on here

Its about every eye that falls on these pages we create daily

its like at the town hall people would sit or stand near the discussions being had but not interact in the debates.

there are people who read these pages.

it is a platform of ideas

my job is to not let the evil stupid go unchallenged

if I ignore it I have failed

so instead I bury them in facts and insults to show every eye the failure if their ideas and claims

its a public service
Why do you have to lie? Can't take the truth?
You know damn well what you posted, and so do I.......
Cowards always lie...they have to....or they hide...
You linked to a thread where Fowl was doxxing...but by the time you did, she made it private, and now secret. It has everything to do with doxxing...or it wouldn't be secret now...think about that..Fowl made it JPP business when she linked to it here...you bought into it.....so you made it your business ...Yurt has nothing to do with this...
It is what it is...if you want the mods to tell me to cut it out, find a real reason to complain. You don't have one...but you can try... PS...If she opens that forum/thread, you have linked to her thread that was doxxing... I don't hold you responsible if you had no knowledge...but the link is the link...talk to her about why she would link to it in JPP..
Or Mason...or their socks...lol it's their forum and their violations...
They already admitted that they can't make it public..gee..why? The mods have banned their accounts before and removed pictures from their multiple accounts...at least twice... why don't they just tell them to cut it out?

Are you again trying to tell me what was in my mind when I wrote that post? Typical condescension from you.

I've written very, very few posts about the GR battles. You are the one who keeps linking me to the doxxing and you need to stop now. It is people like Yurt who keep fanning the flames and you refuse to acknowledge it. Why haven't you called out Yurt for asking for a link to that forum. </rhetorical ?> Let me guess, it's because he's taken your side and written a lot of anti-OW posts.

The GR forum, private or public, has nothing to do with this one. You've continued to bring that drama here and we're all sick of it. If someone posted pics and info about you on GR, take it up with them, it has nothing to do with JPP. I personally have never seen any private info about you on this forum. Anything I know about you came from you.

Why should I care if the GR forum is public or private? Riddle me that, Batgirl.
I'm mentally ill, but she's just nuts. She's controlled by an only child, kind of princess-esque jealousy. She has even boasted about bad exploits, and then tries to play innocent. It seems like the ones that buy into her are also attention whores. Yurt, Annieoakley, Eagle Eye. I think with RB 60, it's just that he really can't stand you, and Mason, and is into Top for her hater attitude towards you.

What's with her and the "Stone Ox" business?
Are you again trying to tell me what was in my mind when I wrote that post? Typical condescension from you.

I've written very, very few posts about the GR battles. You are the one who keeps linking me to the doxxing and you need to stop now. It is people like Yurt who keep fanning the flames and you refuse to acknowledge it. Why haven't you called out Yurt for asking for a link to that forum. </rhetorical ?> Let me guess, it's because he's taken your side and written a lot of anti-OW posts.

The GR forum, private or public, has nothing to do with this one. You've continued to bring that drama here and we're all sick of it. If someone posted pics and info about you on GR, take it up with them, it has nothing to do with JPP. I personally have never seen any private info about you on this forum. Anything I know about you came from you.

Why should I care if the GR forum is public or private? Riddle me that, Batgirl.
You linked to their forum. If it was public, you would be linking to their doxxing. That's why Rana perms-banned the account that she did. Someone linked to it when it was public...You might not realize that it's there, but it is. That's why they made it secret...
I don't know who Yurt is....a couple of people have asked for and reposted the link. But it's secret now...Fowl closed it for you. Didn't you see her post?
Of course it has to do with JPP...the personal info and pics and info they posted here have been deleted or removed....I'm not sure why the accounts weren't banned. They still remain, just no stolen pictures any more...they just talk around all the personal info now...that's all they can do...lo
If you're sick of the whole mess stop talking about it...I honestly don't know why you still are...
You linked to their forum. If it was public, you would be linking to their doxxing. That's why Rana perms-banned the account that she did. Someone linked to it when it was public...You might not realize that it's there, but it is. That's why they made it secret...
I don't know who Yurt is....a couple of people have asked for and reposted the link. But it's secret now...Fowl closed it for you. Didn't you see her post?
Of course it has to do with JPP...the personal info and pics and info they posted here have been deleted or removed....I'm not sure why the accounts weren't banned. They still remain, just no stolen pictures any more...they just talk around all the personal info now...that's all they can do...lo
If you're sick of the whole mess stop talking about it...I honestly don't know why you still are...

Jeebus. I'm still talking about it because Y O U keep bringing me into it, with your insinuations that I'm complicit in the doxxing.

I posted a link to Yurt's (Yaya is his current name) thread that he created to ask for a link to the GR forum. You posted on the thread. Stop trying to pretend it didn't start with Yurt's insults. Why aren't you criticizing him for asking for a link?

Originally Posted by christiefan915

You're FOS. She posted the link to that forum shortly after the Amazonians came to this one. I believe it was in Off-Topic.

Yaya: Link up. BTW, what makes you think I read all her posts? And I don't believe you.

Jeebus. I'm still talking about it because Y O U keep bringing me into it, with your insinuations that I'm complicit in the doxxing.

I posted a link to Yurt's (Yaya is his current name) thread that he created to ask for a link to the GR forum. You posted on the thread. Stop trying to pretend it didn't start with Yurt's insults. Why aren't you criticizing him for asking for a link?

No one said you were "complicit in the doxxing"...I was just warning you about linking to it. I did warn Yaya as well...
And you keep posting it...lol Now they'll never be able to make that forum public again. Thanks!
No one said you were "complicit in the doxxing"...I was just warning you about linking to it. I did warn Yaya as well...
And you keep posting it...lol Now they'll never be able to make that forum public again. Thanks!

I take warnings from the mods, not other posters. No mod ever called me out for my post. No mod deleted the link either. You know why? Because the original thread still exists in all its glory. If the mods thought it was an infraction, they would have deleted the link or the entire post.

You seem to have a hard time understanding how the system works here. This is how they do it.

Do you know what name E***** is using?

Last edited by Damocles; 04-03-2009 at 10:36 PM. Reason: RL name removal
I commend you for your robust and effective ignore list.
I do not have many on ignore, I just generally scroll right past the tedious dunces, resentful losers, bitter blowhards, belligerent bigots, and any other lower life form who is too frickin' boring or inarticulate to bother reading.

Do you ever feel guilty that there is a bevy of losers out there spending their precious time crafting posts to you, begging for your attention, but knowing you will never read a word they spent time writing?? I know that I sometimes feel trifling pangs of guilt!

Luke Skypestalker has picked up the scent of his next prey!
Well, well, well.
First off, there's no question you're mentally ill, not to mention a babbling hypocrite. You call responsible gun owners "maggots," yet not one of us is a threat to you or anyone else. You post your hatred of this country and want to move out of it, yet claim you live near/in where most would say is an admirable environment. You claim you're a "devout Christian," yet your vocabulary, vulgar thrash metal music prefrences and judgemental insults say otherwise.
As for Fowl, you are correct, I really can't stand her. The witch, denying as she always does, did insult my deceased father, saying he flew his flag on a stripper pole merely seeking attention. There's no question I was offended, to say the least, considering I have, and always will have, more respect for my father than anyone else. She calls the NRA "murder inc." when not one of us has committed a crime with our firearms, calls us "gun-humpers," yet claims her husband shot silhouette competitions (is he a "reformed" gun-humper?). She has often mentioned her hatred of Christians and our beliefs, yet hasn't once criticized you for claiming to be a "devout Christian." Could it be because you kiss her ass and share her political views?
As for Mason, I wouldn't say I can't stand him, he just likes to "stir the pot," so to speak. I do, however, have an empathy for his aforementioned physical ailments, I'm sure they have taken a toll.
Lastly, if you haven't noticed, I haven't taken sides on the continued "flame war" from the old Amazon forum. I will reply to Top with respect, simply because she replies to me with respect, not because of "her hater attitude towards" Fowl, again, that's between them. Maybe you might consider doing the same?

He is most certainly a few sandwiches short of a picnic, a real weirdo. No wonder Bowel Woman loves him.
I take warnings from the mods, not other posters. No mod ever called me out for my post. No mod deleted the link either. You know why? Because the original thread still exists in all its glory. If the mods thought it was an infraction, they would have deleted the link or the entire post.

You seem to have a hard time understanding how the system works here. This is how they do it.


Last edited by Damocles; 04-03-2009 at 10:36 PM. Reason: RL name removal

the link was to a thread that no one could view when you posted it. That's why it wasn't removed. When Rana saw it, it was not private, so the account that linked to it got banned. When you linked, only members could see it. Now it's completely secret.
When she posted it in the original plea for members, the doxxing wasn't there yet.
Why are you still arguing about this?
It's secret because they're doxxing there...they can't open it because then the link you all keep posting would link to the doxxing. And that is against the rules here. You're the one having difficulty understanding...
the link was to a thread that no one could view when you posted it. That's why it wasn't removed. When Rana saw it, it was not private, so the account that linked to it got banned. When you linked, only members could see it. Now it's completely secret.
When she posted it in the original plea for members, the doxxing wasn't there yet.
Why are you still arguing about this?
It's secret because they're doxxing there...they can't open it because then the link you all keep posting would link to the doxxing. And that is against the rules here. You're the one having difficulty understanding...

Poor Top,still can't loosen her sphincter,because of a secret forum :-(
What's with her and the "Stone Ox" business?

Stone Ox was a poster back on Amazon, that they think I am. I rather can't stand the name since I deal enough with kidney stones. I joined in the Amazon politics forum, and was drawn to one Of Owls discussions. It was nicer, than the usual whining dreck. After a few posts around that discussion, some Brunette weirdo, and Top start in with me being this poster. You notice the Toxic trio has the same problem here, and accuse away.