the link was to a thread that no one could view when you posted it. That's why it wasn't removed. When Rana saw it, it was not private, so the account that linked to it got banned. When you linked, only members could see it. Now it's completely secret.
When she posted it in the original plea for members, the doxxing wasn't there yet.
Why are you still arguing about this?
It's secret because they're doxxing there...they can't open it because then the link you all keep posting would link to the doxxing. And that is against the rules here. You're the one having difficulty understanding...

Stop bringing me into it and I'll stop talking about it. You annoy me every time you write something about "christiefan posted a link to a link to a link" ad nauseam. What happened is not my problem so stop mentioning me. Deal?
Stone Ox was a poster back on Amazon, that they think I am. I rather can't stand the name since I deal enough with kidney stones. I joined in the Amazon politics forum, and was drawn to one Of Owls discussions. It was nicer, than the usual whining dreck. After a few posts around that discussion, some Brunette weirdo, and Top start in with me being this poster. You notice the Toxic trio has the same problem here, and accuse away.

I notice they use the name in a sarcastic way so I figured it was something like that. We get lots of sock accusations around here, too.
Stop bringing me into it and I'll stop talking about it. You annoy me every time you write something about "christiefan posted a link to a link to a link" ad nauseam. What happened is not my problem so stop mentioning me. Deal?
I'm just replying to your posts. Don't post, and I won't reply...
I never said it was your problem....I was just warning you.
So, don't post about it and I won't reply....That was easy...
If you have to make something secret to avoid it being seen, or lie to cover up what you're doing, then you probably shouldn't be doing it...right?
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Yes poor Top,can't sleep cause of a secret forum :-( ~
I just wonder how it can be secret,when Top claims to have a spy?

It's been open off and on many times since she threatened Christiefan about The LINK. Her obsessive checking just didn't happen to coincide with those times. Then there's the whole miff about she can't see the new ppl who have joined, nor any of the posts. I haven't noticed that GR removed any posts or members, have you? All that time wasted reporting. Tsk.
Christiefart is such a silly liar. Accuses me of keeping up the feud while she, Jaded and Scowl are the ones still bringing it up.

She literally is keeping it going but somehow, despite I'm not even talking about it, it is my fault.

They just can't move on...they wouldn't have anything to do...lol
And the CP remains secret. Forever and ever. Amen;)
And another thing Christiecrite.... The few threads about the GR feud was about getting them to stop.

Where as you are right I'm the middle of it and keeping it going.

Pound sand kitty kat... :)
If you have make something secret to avoid it being seen, or lie to cover up what you're doing, then you probably shouldn't be doing it...right?
For any of you posters who don't know what assuming means,this wonderful post of Top's is one long mind numbing assumption!
It's been open off and on many times since she threatened Christiefan about The LINK. Her obsessive checking just didn't happen to coincide with those times. Then there's the whole miff about she can't see the new ppl who have joined, nor any of the posts. I haven't noticed that GR removed any posts or members, have you? All that time wasted reporting. Tsk.

I know the new moderator "Lily" had it open at 3:04 am this morning!:)
It's been open off and on many times since she threatened Christiefan about The LINK. Her obsessive checking just didn't happen to coincide with those times. Then there's the whole miff about she can't see the new ppl who have joined, nor any of the posts. I haven't noticed that GR removed any posts or members, have you? All that time wasted reporting. Tsk.

GR probably caught on to Top and told her to STFU:-) ~
Sad really, there seems some double meaning post,that a paranoid like Top would assume they were about her:-( ~
You silly liar, hardly any of those threads are about the GR feud.

Further, those are in the PAST while you are CURRENTLY keeping it going.

Talk about self deception....

In the past, smh. The end of February was days ago, yurtsie. So where are all the threads I started about GR and its members?
Aw, that's adorable! My little lickspittal Angry Bird, wanting my attention *again*! So desperate, so needy, so whorish! Here, little fella, have a bone. The gods know it's been a long time since you've seen one of those. lol


I've followed socks, and trolls too closely, and have a record setting ignore list now.
In the past, smh. The end of February was days ago, yurtsie. So where are all the threads I started about GR and its members?

Who cares about threads. And again only a couple were about the feud and I was trying to get it to stop you blithering idiot. While you're still actively keeping it going.

Some of those threads were in direct response to Jades threads, funny how you're not bitching about all the threads she created about me.

Two face.