LOL You can't open it...no reason to beg....love that it's secret and always will have to be...that was such an easy win...:)

But it's not always secret,it's pretty obvious when you sleep,that's when we mine members from down under,not to be confused with EE on the "down low" :-)
Mostly I come here to talk politics, engage with like-minded and opposite-minded ppl of intelligence and who are informed about the world. And then there are the rare evenings like this where poking at the mentally-disabled and sick is amusing as well.

Hey, Toxic, thanks for playing! Have a lovely evening, and be sure to check the views tomorrow. Ciao, weirdo!
Here, have another swig of

and try to type something that makes sense.

Here, may I be of service? (As if anyone gives a shit about your obsessions with Goodreads, banning, secret shit, JPP, me, Mason, everyone else)

A few weeks ago, you were once again obsessing over our Goodreads group, which Mason created after the Amazon politics forum went down. When Amazon went down, we politics addicts did a Diaspora; some of us landed here, some elsewhere. A couple of groups were formed on Goodreads. We posted the link here on JPP and in other places too. You, Toxic, joined Mason's GR group with a fake name. That was fine. Until you started copying other people's posts and posting them here. "Mary" got banned. So did "Robynne" and so did your other socks. You never posted anything political; you were just there to mine posts and take them somewhere else to be mocked. It's hard for you to understand why that is cowardly, stupid, and ugly -- but then, those words describe you perfectly.

A few weeks ago, you were once again obsessing over the GR group and chortling that either I or Mason got banned from JPP for posting a link to it. Christiefan used the search function to find a post that I made here that had a link to it. You posted in return about how some person got banned for posting a link here on JPP, to the GR group (Magat, which you claim is either me or Mason depending on your MoodSwingOfTheDay). I took the step of making the GR group secret so that you couldn't get CF banned for re-posting it. It's gonna stay that way for now, for as long as you continue to obsess and post about a place where you're not welcome. Tough shit, buttercup. Make up whatever stories you like, but there's the truth.
just for the record...documentation is the key.:)
Just for her
Documentation for something nobody gives a fuck about!
Your entire forum is still secret....guess that answers that question...all documented and saved when you fail to identify the spy..of course...what a dummies you are...
Here, have another swig of

and try to type something that makes sense.

Here, may I be of service? (As if anyone gives a shit about your obsessions with Goodreads, banning, secret shit, JPP, me, Mason, everyone else)

A few weeks ago, you were once again obsessing over our Goodreads group, which Mason created after the Amazon politics forum went down. When Amazon went down, we politics addicts did a Diaspora; some of us landed here, some elsewhere. A couple of groups were formed on Goodreads. We posted the link here on JPP and in other places too. You, Toxic, joined Mason's GR group with a fake name. That was fine. Until you started copying other people's posts and posting them here. "Mary" got banned. So did "Robynne" and so did your other socks. You never posted anything political; you were just there to mine posts and take them somewhere else to be mocked. It's hard for you to understand why that is cowardly, stupid, and ugly -- but then, those words describe you perfectly.

A few weeks ago, you were once again obsessing over the GR group and chortling that either I or Mason got banned from JPP for posting a link to it. Christiefan used the search function to find a post that I made here that had a link to it. You posted in return about how some person got banned for posting a link here on JPP, to the GR group (Magat, which you claim is either me or Mason depending on your MoodSwingOfTheDay). I took the step of making the GR group secret so that you couldn't get CF banned for re-posting it. It's gonna stay that way for now, for as long as you continue to obsess and post about a place where you're not welcome. Tough shit, buttercup. Make up whatever stories you like, but there's the truth.

I cannot figure out that woman. She keeps saying that I posted a link to the GR forum, like I was a secret agent, or trying to recruit members for it, or something. She is so dishonest.

What happened with me is, Yurt posted a thread calling you out about the GR forum. He basically called you a liar about the whole thing. So I found the original THREAD you posted (which is still there btw), and linked it up for Yurt. Here is Yurt's ignorant comment on the thread calling you out: "Thanks for doing what the chicken gossip queen herself couldn't do. I think she lies about what happens there and just Whines about it here. I thought if she had to give a link she would STFU about that forum." https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?90971-Owlwoman

And here is my comment to Yurt along with the link.

"You owe her an apology, yurtsie." https://www.justplainpolitics.com/sh...ight=Goodreads

Toxic completely drops context in her comments. Only in the broadest sense did I post a link to the GR Forum. My link went to a JPP thread. Neither your original post nor my comment was scrubbed by the mods. She's really trying to make this into the next big thing, but it's a fail.
You linked to her thread...which linked to her forum...which links to the doxxing...the info that Rana discovered...that perma-banned their account... I did not report it...Rana did...that was easy... The private info is still posted there... Which is why Fowl made the forum secret...she had to and admitted to doing so for that very reason. Fowl made it private...which is why the doxxing can't be linked to anymore...if it was public...your link would take you out....I thought you and Rana were so against doxxing..So, what's your stand on this?
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You linked to her thread...which linked to her forum...which links to the doxxing...that was easy... It is still there, as far as I know. Which is why Fowl made the forum secret...she had to and admitted to doing so for that very reason.

You're still ignoring the fact that I linked to that thread to shut up Yurt. It had zero to do with doxxing.

What OW did with a forum she created, i.e. made it private, is none of my business as I'm not a member. All you're doing is trying to cross-pollinate GR issues with JPP posters. I wish the mods would tell you to cut it out already.
You're still ignoring the fact that I linked to that thread to shut up Yurt. It had zero to do with doxxing.

What OW did with a forum she created, i.e. made it private, is none of my business as I'm not a member. All you're doing is trying to cross-pollinate GR issues with JPP posters. I wish the mods would tell you to cut it out already.
You linked to a thread where Fowl was doxxing...but by the time you did, she made it private, and now secret. It has everything to do with doxxing...or it wouldn't be secret now...think about that..Fowl made it JPP business when she linked to it here...you bought into it.....so you made it your business ...Yurt has nothing to do with this...
It is what it is...if you want the mods to tell me to cut it out, find a real reason to complain. You don't have one...but you can try... PS...If she opens that forum/thread, you have linked to her thread that was doxxing... I don't hold you responsible if you had no knowledge...but the link is the link...talk to her about why she would link to it in JPP..
Or Mason...or their socks...lol it's their forum and their violations...
They already admitted that they can't make it public..gee..why? The mods have banned their accounts before and removed pictures from their multiple accounts...at least twice... why don't they just tell them to cut it out?
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