In celebration of our glorious congressional victory

i usually just ban trolls and people that will just spam my threads with useless garbage. signalmankennth is an instant ban from any of my threads about guns, because all he knows how to do is repost web comics.
i usually just ban trolls and people that will just spam my threads with useless garbage. signalmankennth is an instant ban from any of my threads about guns, because all he knows how to do is repost web comics.

That's all he does about anything.
If the intruder has a gun I still have an advantage in that I know my house and I am prepared. Stashed knives and baseball bats will not help you.

Funny that you call his posts "petty cheap shots" while yours were equally petty and just as cheap.

I just learned a new way to do it, ring your door bell and shoot you when you answer. It seems this is most effective way and all the guns in your house have seved absolutely no purpose.
I just learned a new way to do it, ring your door bell and shoot you when you answer. It seems this is most effective way and all the guns in your house have seved absolutely no purpose.

Don't be so sure. I've greeted unmarked pizza guys with guns before, as well as Jehovah Witnesses.
Is it the time of day or your mood, number of beers or seeing guys in the shadows? When do you decide to arm yourself as to not?

When someone I don't know and their intentions aren't clear, I make it known that I am home and armed. If I'm not the only person home, I have my wife/dad/friend cover me from a window. It's not like I threaten them or anything, and I'm always polite (unless it's past 11pm, then fuck you).
I just learned a new way to do it, ring your door bell and shoot you when you answer. It seems this is most effective way and all the guns in your house have seved absolutely no purpose.

I live in a very rural setting. By the time you are on my front porch I have decided if I know you or not.
Whether it is the only way or not is debateable. It is certainly the best way. The intruder dies and your family is safe.

Or you both die or only you die or you and you family die, or just your family dies. It doesn't kways pay out that the bad guy dies, sorry.
When someone I don't know and their intentions aren't clear, I make it known that I am home and armed. If I'm not the only person home, I have my wife/dad/friend cover me from a window. It's not like I threaten them or anything, and I'm always polite (unless it's past 11pm, then fuck you).

I have Never had anyone watch over me from the window! I can't imagine living a life in such fear. You must have pissed a bunch off in your lifetime.
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So? If you come to the door, I shoot you right through the door, my gun will be that big, ;)

First you have to get out of your vehicle with that very big gun. That will be seen. Shot the door all you want. But you need to worry about which window you will be shot from.
If the intruder has a gun I still have an advantage in that I know my house and I am prepared.

Not if you don't hear him coming...

Stashed knives and baseball bats will not help you.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. I happen to feel differently.

Funny that you call his posts "petty cheap shots" while yours were equally petty and just as cheap.

SF set the bar low with his petty attacks on liberals...he's got no one but himself to blame for the tone of my response.
I have ever had anyone over me from the window! I can't imagine living a knife in such fear. You must have oissed a bunch off in your lifetime.

Not really, but you never know. I mean, there are people that hold grudges for being cut off in traffic for over a decade. Taking a simple precaution is, in my mindset, well worth the time and energy expended (minimal).
you know how those assholes in the media published gun owners addresses as if they were sex offenders or something? I think we need a website that clearifys all the homes that are unarmed and easy to rob.

That would be friggin awesome...

'Dear crooks: these locations are easier targets, but beware of Zappa, he is going to come at you with a frying pan or something.
Not if you don't hear him coming...

I'm a light sleeper and I have a dog. I'll hear him.

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. I happen to feel differently.

If you want to take a baseball bat or a knife to a gunfight, I wish you luck. You're going to need it.

But its funny, you give reasons why my gun won't help and think your knives and bats will. I got a good chuckle out of that.