

You say really violent things to the ladies here as well as the men

You are a violent personality

He used to tease me with his promises of making me his sex slave, come his revolution. I shyly invited him to come find me, and bring his army. Oh, and #Oathkeeper#Threeper#Jan6Revolution. ;)

He's a paper lion. He's a tin soldier. He's a straw man.
He used to tease me with his promises of making me his sex slave, come his revolution. I shyly invited him to come find me, and bring his army. Oh, and #Oathkeeper#Threeper#Jan6Revolution. ;)

He's a paper lion. He's a tin soldier. He's a straw man.

...and he's a weasel. There seems to be several of them on the Alt Right/White Supremacist side of the room.

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He used to tease me with his promises of making me his sex slave, come his revolution. I shyly invited him to come find me, and bring his army. Oh, and #Oathkeeper#Threeper#Jan6Revolution. ;)

He's a paper lion. He's a tin soldier. He's a straw man.

I still think he’s a Russian bot hole

Many here are

The FBI has warned us about them for years Now

It’s dirt cheap to run that type of disinformation

Even a bankrupt nation like Russia can afford it
He’s just not as cute as that little guy

I didn't want the infamous "two rules" to nail me for animal porn by showing his ass. :)

Feldwebel is German for Sergeant. I know many JPP WSE's are computer challenged.

Smaller version:
I still think he’s a Russian bot hole

Many here are

The FBI has warned us about them for years Now

It’s dirt cheap to run that type of disinformation

Even a bankrupt nation like Russia can afford it

Nah. Bots are supposed to try to fit in, seem average and boring and normal, and slyly spread disinformation while appearing to be credible.

The WannabeRevolutionaryImpotentIncels like these guys are just failed studs who hate everyone, especially females, and *especially* females smarter and tougher than them. The info that they spread is bogus crap.

The article in the thread is all about them, and they hate that.
The 1960s US had the option of Nevada or Mexico for a "quickie divorce".

I remember the public discussion in the 1970s about both the length of marriages and rising divorce rates. Freedom has consequences. LOL

Women's right to divorce just wasn't available to them through most of human history, though men frequently had legal recourse to ditch a wife they weren't happy with.

The first time I remember hearing about women being given equality in divorce was during the French Revolution. Which is pretty remarkable given that it was a Catholic country
Nah. Bots are supposed to try to fit in, seem average and boring and normal, and slyly spread disinformation while appearing to be credible.

The WannabeRevolutionaryImpotentIncels like these guys are just failed studs who hate everyone, especially females, and *especially* females smarter and tougher than them. The info that they spread is bogus crap.

The article in the thread is all about them, and they hate that.

There are all kinds

Some pretend to be black

Some pretend to be left and trash the candidates running for not being liberal enough

Some just spew the racists point of view to make the racists feel like their numbers are huge
It seems like only a demented Incel would even think of typing those words on keyboard. It wouldn't even occur to me to type those words to an anonymous female I have never met.

Bullies and losers feel bigger if they can scare someone, or at least *think* they've scared someone.
Bullies and losers feel bigger if they can scare someone, or at least *think* they've scared someone.

It's because they are insecure. Severe self-esteem issues. Most fold like a house of cards when punched or having a rock put through their window.
Bullies and losers feel bigger if they can scare someone, or at least *think* they've scared someone.

Doesn't seem scary at all.

Strutting around a message board hollering at random females about making them a sex slave is genuinely pathetic and has all the hallmarks of a porn-addicted dateless loser.