Is crime way down in Venezuela?

No. Trump, as usual, is lying his ass off.

Do not travel to Venezuela due to crime, civil unrest, kidnapping, and the arbitrary enforcement of local laws. Reconsider travel due to wrongful detentions, terrorism, and poor health infrastructure.

Also, as usual, the MAGAts are lapping it up like dogs eating a drunk's puke.

Is there a link to the source of this claim?
Most of us have lives.

Your receptionist job allows you to remain on this forum all day.

Damocles owns the server and probably tires of your incessant, uninformed posts..trolling.

Allow me to inform you that the weather in Georgia has moderated, temps in the 70’s instead of the 90’s and low humidity.

Golf and fishing are now feasible.

You may have noted that lots of us conservatives are rarely on this forum in the afternoon.

Damocles probably is going to play golf or go fishing…as am I.
Why do you think spreading your bigotry, divisive rhetoric and lies about Americans is having a life, ex-Captain Earl?
That Americans tend to be as ignorant as they are, in a universe where stupid hurts, is something to notice.
Close to it:

"Crime is down in Venezuela by 67% because they're taking their gangs and their criminals and depositing them very nicely into the United States.”
You might want to read shit before you post it and look like a fucking moron. :laugh:

It’s difficult to track crime statistics in Venezuela because its government doesn’t publish reliable data, said Mike LaSusa, deputy director of content at InSight Crime, a think tank focused on crime and security in the Americas.

EFE, a Spanish-language news agency, reported that Venezuela’s government hasn’t published the numbers of murders or robberies in 10 years.

So, what this is, is a triggered response to Trumps statement which may very well be true. We are getting a LOT of the undesirables coming from these corrupt failed state nations.

Why do you think Kamala and Biden want all these uneducated and undesirables in our country.
Semiliterate MAGAts think they are literate. LOL

Gee, Knuck, didn't your mommy read to you as a kid or was she always earning "lunch money"?

The fact you are unable to read it in context is both unsurprising and more proof you're a poorly educated idiot.
What a sad caricature of ignorance and stupidity. My guess is your mom is sorry she didn't get an abortion.
I hope the receptionist will get someone to explain this to him...but I doubt it.
Maybe between doing his nails.
Yes, we all know about the FBI missing data conspiracy theory that you idiots float. It is bullshit. Once again, the only sources of information that you ever use are the most highly partisan. Debunking every one of those idiotic claims is a waste of my time, especially with someone like you. You will believe anything you are told to believe. Facts do not matter to you. You've lied about the Haitian immigrants. You lied about posting that picture. You lied about things I've said. You appear to be a compulsive liar.

I must be the most brilliant and well paid Uber Eats driver in history. Maybe I can become a celebrity. I must have paid for my million dollar home with tips from delivering burgers. I must have paid for my European vacation with my prolific delivery of Italian food.

The insult is so lame and so played it that it just makes you and your buddy, Earl look like adolescent school children. But please feel free to continue. For an Uber Eats driver, I did land a pretty hot chick. Maybe you should try it.

Your 20 year old Honda Civic isn't a million dollar home and your trip to Little Italy to pick up food for Uber Eats isn't a European vacation and Hot Chicken isn't a hot chick. So stop your internet bragging . :rofl2:
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While Trump is not above telling baldfaced lies, he usually mixes in a little fact with his lies. Until lately, he also spoke in dog whistles and other "code" to his fans without committing himself. His 1/6 speech was littered with such "code" so that he could throw the terrorists under the bus and claim he wasn't responsible.
Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.”
